A/N: This is the companion piece to "Meu Anxo." I'm wondering if I should continue these song!fics and do other pairings, not just Mergana. If you would like me to, please vote in the poll on my profile. I have a lot of ideas right now and I can't accomplish them all in the two and a half months of summer I have, so please, do vote! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! And remember, reviews make my world go round!
The song used is "Monster" by Paramore. It's an incredible song, one of my new favorites. As with "Angels", I immediately thought of Mergana when I heard it.
You were my conscience
So silent, now you're like water
And we started drowning, not like we'd sink any farther
Merlin didn't think Morgana noticed. Well, he hoped she didn't. But he watched her, sometimes. No, not in a creepy way. He didn't sneak into her room at night and watch her sleep… well, maybe one time he did that, but he was just concerned about her magic… after all, she'd almost blown herself up once!
But he watched her. He saw the way she swayed into the ballroom during feasts with such grace that no other noblewoman, no matter how high-class, could even hope to come close to. Then, in the corridors of the castle, it was always a different story. Unless someone was watching – that someone not being Merlin – she never walked the way she did in front of company. Her shoulders hunched forward, her head was bent, and her hands hung limply at her sides. She only looked up when necessary.
That had all been before Morgause.
But I let my heart go
It's somewhere down at the bottom
But I'll get a new one
Come back for the hope that you've stolen
Morgana walked differently when she had returned to Camelot a year after her "disappearance". She always walked very briskly and looked as though she had a chip on her shoulder. No one stopped her in the hallway to chat anymore; they just let her go on by. She excused herself early whenever she could.
Merlin stopped watching her. He didn't think he could bear seeing her anymore.
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster
And eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we survive?
Well, now that you're gone
The world is ours
It wasn't like anyone – albeit Arthur, but Arthur was a prat, anyway – had ever noticed "Morgana and Merlin". No one saw the looks. The glances. No one heard the words. The whispers. And for a while, neither the witch nor the warlock saw them.
Until one day, they did. And they both remembered that day quite clearly.
I'm only human
I've got a skeleton in me
But I'm not the villain
Despite what you're always preaching
Morgana had no home, as far as she was concerned. She would go where her sister went. Her home may have been in Camelot once, but really, was it really home? Home was somewhere you were always accepted, no matter what. No one judged you because of whom or what you were.
So, no, Morgana decided, Camelot was definitely not ever her home.
Perhaps it had been this lack of home that had driven her to… what she had become. Morgause had been her savior, however. She would be lost without her sister. Morgause had shown her what she truly was, and what she could become. With the right teachings, Morgana knew she could become powerful, and she would never be the scared young woman that she had been in Camelot. The dreams had scared her when they'd first come, but now she knew there was nothing to fear.
And Merlin had never helped her like that.
Call me a traitor
I'm just collecting your victims
They're getting stronger
I hear them calling… they're calling
Beautiful, though she was, Morgana knew she could not masquerade as the good daughter forever. There was one memory of Camelot, however, that she did not seem to be able to get rid of, at least not completely. It was that one night with Merlin, when she had gone looking for Gaius and she'd found his blue-eyed charge instead. Merlin had always fascinated her a bit, to be honest. It always seemed like he knew something you didn't, but he'd never hint towards it. If he did know something secret, he would most definitely be keeping it to himself, that was for sure.
That must have been the reason Morgana had taken a leap of faith and told him about her nightmares. Told him how they frightened her. But what had she been looking for, really? Sympathy? Comfort? Clearly neither was ever going to come from Merlin. He'd betrayed her in the end.
He had no right to say she was the bad guy.
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster
And eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we survive?
Well, now that you're gone
The world is ours
The young warlock Merlin had a lot to think about as of late. Camelot was in the process of coming back to life, so to speak, and Arthur was just as confused as ever. Merlin didn't think of himself as a hero, he was just a young man trying to do what was right in life. Which meant that, sometimes, he would have to make hard choices.
Life over love.
Destiny over emotion.
Duty over desire.
All were hard choices, but in the end Merlin knew which one he would always end up choosing. And with Morgana… sometimes a person was just too far gone – past their breaking point – and they couldn't be brought back. Morgana was a shell of the woman he'd once known, but she almost seemed happier that way.
For loving her, did that make him just as crazy as she seemed?
Will you find your strength in sinner's shames?
But I like the tension
And not always knowing the answers
You're gonna lose it
You're gonna lose it
One day, Merlin was going on a routine patrol with Arthur. It was nothing exciting, until the largest, fiercest wolf any of the knights and Merlin had ever seen turned up. A few of the knights had been wounded, and the wolf had slashed Merlin right across the chest with its gargantuan claws.
Right over his heart.
Arthur almost made himself sick with worry over his manservant – who was an idiot, he tried to tell himself, and was no means for such fretting – but there was one sight Merlin didn't think he could forget. As two knights carried him (one being Gwaine, who tried to hide the concern in his voice by joking with Merlin in an attempt to keep his friend awake) they had passed Morgana's chambers. Hearing the news of what had happened; Morgana chose that exact moment to open the door. At the sight of Merlin, with all the blood soaked right through his tunic, her eyes had widened and her hand flew to cover her gaping mouth.
Had she really been so worried about him? Merlin could only wonder. Or had it all been part of her act?
If it was the latter, she was probably the very best actor Merlin had ever seen.
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster
And eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we survive?
Well, now that you're gone
The world…
Morgana had a row with Uther one day (not that this was an uncommon occurrence), and she was in the process of storming off to her room when she'd run into Merlin. She'd politely excused herself, but looked straight up at him, and into those blue crystal eyes.
Biggest mistake of her life.
Morgana nearly lost it right then and there. Everything about Merlin was in his eyes. Every fear, every hope, every dream. Morgana wondered if her eyes were like that; she certainly hoped that they weren't. If they were, she was definitely in trouble.
Still, that moment had stuck with her. And every time she looked into his eyes, she remembered. What could have been.
What would be.
Both were very different from the other.
It's for the best, Morgana decided. She decided that a long time ago.
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster
And eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we survive?
Now that you're gone
The world is ours