
Our story begins in the suburbs of Pointcrest in the middle of springtime. A blonde middle-aged Caucasian walked through the doors and into a bright green building with white fencing that had the sign "Animal Sitters 4 U" with a fine print reading "because we love to take care of your little ones". The lady wore a straw hat and had a pink blouse and a knee-length denim skirt. To top off her outfit, she had on a pair of black sunglasses. She made her way through the quiet room and to the front desk. There, was a young man in his early 20s who seemed to be deep into his studying. He had on the Animal-Sitters uniform: white denims and a light green short sleeve collared shirt with a name tag on his right chest. Beside his name was a picture of a cartoon dog. Beside him was another

"Winston, honey, I'm here to pick up my Smoogers!" she said in a jolly voice.

Winston looked up at the customer and smiled.

"Oh Mrs. Johnson you're here, I'll get Smoogers for you right away," said Winston as he got up from his chair and went into the backroom.

"Thank you dear," said Mrs. Johnson as she lowered her sunglasses with a single finger and looked around the room.

The front door opened again and a young woman walked in with a Labrador Retriever and a leash connected to it's next to her hand. She wore the same uniform as Winston except for the denims, in which she wore white ¾ lengthed pants. Most of her jet black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her bangs ran down the side of her head

"Winston? Winston I'm back!" she called out.

"Coming Margaret!" Winston called out as he returned holding a small white haired dachshund in his arms.

"Ooh my baby!" smiled Mrs. Johnson as she welcomed her dog with open arms.

After giving back her dog, Winston made his way to the cash register where he rang Mrs. Johnson's payment through.

"Mick and Jen are here now so we can leave. Not unless you wanna catch a bite together?"

"Dr. Ava why did you bring it on board the ship? I told you it's not ready!" yelled Captain Lemur, the lead officer in the venture to the Other World. He wore a very dark navy blue outfit with golden trims and buttons and a matching hat to go with his outfit. He was a man in his 40s with short fading black hair and a grey beard.

"You never know when we might need it? I've learned from the best!" yelled his subordinate, an Asian woman in her late 20s. She wore a white labcoat that ran down to her knees, revealing her toned legs and her feet, covered by silver heels. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her brown eyes hid behind a pair of glasses. In her arms was a silver suitcase with the phrase "Brave Project" labelled on top.

The two were at the woman's lab discussing the secretive Brave Project. The room was filled with blueprints and sketches of the Brave Project. There were detailed essays and discs all over the place with labels that had different aspects of the project.

"You worked with Doctor K for a very short period of time after Venjix was destroyed. Two months is nothing!"

"Fine! But when something goes wrong, you better not call for me. I'll be out," she said as she left the building with the suitcase in her hands.

Down in the depths of Deep Ocean was a brick palace and inside laid a male creature. From the waist above was a topless man with a long white beard that a child would may have mistaken for Santa Claus. On his head was a golden crown with various jewels and in his right hand was a long silver trident. From the waist below, he was a golden scaled fish. The creature sat on a gold chair with two henchmen on each side. Each worth the metallic armor of a knight while their fish heads stuck out from the mask. Each had two hands on a sword which rested with the blade on the ground. In front of him was a red carpet with a gold trim all the way to the entrance of the throne.

"King Neptunous,- I mean, your Highness!" called a voice as another teal green creature entered the throne room.

He looked similar to the fish knights except he had a tinted visor that covered his eyes. He had padded gauntlets and a sword resting by his side.

"What is it Dimitrius?"

"It seems Corinth has finally sailed it's first venture into Deep Ocean. They're hoping to reach the other world and restart civilization there."

"Yes, I am aware of that. We must prevent anyone from getting into the other world. We must keep their civilization quarantined within the area of Corinth,"

"Of course. So what shall we do first?"

"Well of course for our first attack we're not going to go all out, but we're definitely gonna let them know we exist,"

"Excellent as always, your Highness!"

"That stupid captain, who does he think he his?" shrugged Dr. Ava as she buried her head in her arms. She rested herself on the table beside a cup of ice cream.

Two tables away, Margaret and Winston snacked away.

"So what do you think it'll be like?" asked Margaret.

"The other world? I don't know, it's been a couple years. This is the first time Corinth has ever bothered venturing back across the ocean to try and bring civilization to the other side of the earth." replied Winston. The two were having lunch at an outdoor cafeteria. The place was located near the center of town square, just being right across the street. The two sat at a white glass table that had a parasol sticking out in the middle, giving the two shade. They both snacked on a sandwich and some lemonade.

"If only we had enough technology to bring everyone by airplanes,"

"I know right, but if you think about it, there's much more room for more people to come in one trip. Plus with all the food and work supplies, rebuilding on the new world across the ocean shouldn't be too bad."

"I hope we get there soon,"

"Me too, but ever since the whole Venjix thing, the earth's land mass has shifted so no one really knows how long it'll take by boat,"

"You mean by a marine city," said Margaret as she rested her head on her hands. She rested her elbows on the table and drank some lemonade from the straw.

Pointcrest was the earth's very first marine city (in other words, a city on a circular surface that was headed to a specific location). It was Corinth's first attempt since recovery in bringing civilization across the Deep Ocean, hoping to create society there. Pointcrest had only departed from Corinth one week ago.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," agreed Margaret.

She suddenly felt a raindrop fall on her shoulder. After a couple more she looked up at the sky. It had turned gray in just a couple minutes.

"That's weird, it said it was gonna be completely sunny today," said Margaret as she opened her right hand and felt a little puddle forming in her palm.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what it said," agreed Winston.

Thunderstrikes soon followed. Margaret shrieked during the first one. As they continued, they started landing on the surface around the cafe area.

Suddenly, fish knights began to appear wherever the strikes landed. Similar to the one standing by King Neptunous, they had teal green scales covering their skins and metallic armor protecting certain parts of their body.

"What the heck are those things?" Asked in Margaret as she and Winston jumped out of their chairs. Civillians began to scream and run in all directions. Cars stopped instantly, avoiding the citizens, while the cars behind them were caught off guard and ended up hitting them.

Margaret hid behind Winston and placed her hands on his shoulders.

One of the fish knights tried to tackle the two but Winston resisted and pushed him away. Margaret shrieked as she regained her balance after almost falling on her bum from the attack. Another one tried to tackle Winston from his right. He also pushed him aside, took a step to his side and kicked the fiend's stomach, forcing him to fall onto the ground. Margaret slowly hid herself underneath the table they had been snacking on. Another fish knight tried to attack from behind but Winston wrapped his arms around it's head and flipped him over, slamming the knight on his back.

Not too far away, Ava hid behind a nearby wooden post.

"Amazing, that's exactly the kind of person we need for the Brave Project," she said to herself, looking down at her suitcase.

She continued to watch Winston do his best to fight. Winston wasn't really skilled in any martial arts but knew the basics to fighting, shoving and throwing. She noticed he began to struggle as the fish knights began to grow in numbers. Ava quickly ran to an empty table and opened her suitcase, revealing five colored watches. She then glanced at Winston who was still evidently struggling.

"This will show Captain Lemur what this project is all about," she muttered.