Characters: Shizuo x Izaya

Rating: M

Full Summary: Izaya developed a horrible drug addiction and after a bad trip, is being put through treatment. The man that he's forever fawned over decides to be the supporting friend needed for the treatment. AU Shizaya.

'One more hit...' He told himself. 'One more hit and then I'm done.' One more line up, one more snort, and that was it. The pale man bent himself forward, leaning his head towards the edge of a table, and let his nose linger over the white dust that was in front of him. He took the powder all in with one big inhale through the nose and held it. He held it for a moment, straightening his body back up, allowing his head to roll backwards and then letting the drug flow through his body with a relaxing in take of air.

Within a few moments, Izaya had drowned himself in the pleasurable sensation the drug was delivering to him. His senses tingled as his his mind began to fuzz. A smile crossed his lips as he let gravity pull him backwards and onto the floor. He stared blankly at the ceiling for a long moment, his senses seeming to sink into him, forcing the horrible emotions he carried with him out of his body, much similar to how the man would picture a person's soul being extracted from their skin and bones. He felt his heart beat becoming very lax, the flow of his blood seeming to pleasurably drift through his veins. The spinning of the ceiling made the raven-locked man snicker at how happily it welcomed him, how joyfully it accepted him. He never felt happier when he was like this. Izaya never felt more loved, more adored, more likable when he was like this.

Izaya slowly lifted a hand up in front of him, reaching towards the ceiling as if he could grasp it from where he lay. He gently tucked his fingers into his palm, and turned it to face him, letting his hand stretch open to reveal what he grabbed.

Izaya's largely dilated eyes followed the every curve of his fingers, staring deeply into the lines that held his whole identity. The glimmering of his ring seemed more than fascinating to the man as he reached his other hand up to twist it about on his finger. In barely a few minutes, Izaya lost interest in the rings, and let his arms drop down against the floor. He had no idea why he hadn't let that power-crazy man talk him into doing this before, this had to of been the greatest feeling that his small body had ever felt. He could do anything. Izaya had control over everyone, he had control over every breathing being, and he could do anything he wanted to when he was like this. He was invincible.

His memory could only hold up for the remembrance of the high he was in the first night he tried it. When Izaya had calmed down after such a dramatic and wonderful night, he couldn't remember the men he'd meet, nor the amount of drugs he took, nor the sex he had. He remembered what he felt though, and that was the greatest thing in the world. It was like a memory of a great summer from a long time ago. It seemed to have been the best moment of his life, but it had so quickly escaped him.

Izaya told himself before he was going to try the drug to only take a small amount, but after the way it made him feel, he'd thrown his advice from himself out the window and went straight for another hit.

And then another.

And another.

In one night, Izaya had created a new addiction for himself, one that he did his best to stay away from. At first, there wasn't anything wrong with it. When Izaya returned home, in his normal state of mind, he said that was all the fun he'd have with drugs. He wasn't an idiot, he knew what they could do to people, and Izaya was far above that idiocy.

Though when returning to his routine, Izaya found himself itching for more of that drug. He wanted to feel that extreme high he got from it and within a few hours, he found himself calling Shiki for a hook up. Whether it was part of Shiki's plan to get Izaya hooked, the informant didn't take into consideration, he just knew he wanted that damn drug.

Izaya didn't buy a lot in his first purchase. He felt embarrassed, and ashamed when he did take the drugs from the man Shiki had referred him to. In fact, when he got back to his home quarters, Izaya took the drug and threw it aside, but later dug into it and sunk into yet another blissful high.

It was after that that things started to progress into a problem.

Izaya found himself running out quicker than his usually allotted time for another purchase, and began buying more of the drug. He took it in with higher dosages, and more frequently throughout the day. It'd become such a repeated routine in his schedule, it forced his normal chores to the side. His information gathering became lazier, though he still managed to get the job done by the given deadline, and his appearance in his favorite city became less and less. Izaya would never realize the changes he was going through, his mind generally being blown for the majority of the day. To him, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was reaching perfection with the elated moments the drug gave him. He had no idea the damage he was doing to himself, both in appearance and health.

Izaya lied when he told himself "One more." He lied to himself about being done with it for the day. No, the second his body started to calm down, Izaya laid out more coke for him to inhale. His conscience knew the amount he was taking in was dangerous, but the feeling that would pulse through him urged him to take in more. He lied to himself much like he had been doing every night. Why would he want to stop anyways? He was liked when he did this. He was someone when he let his mind travel with the support of the drug. He wasn't so alone anymore when he took in the beatific powder. What reason was there to stop taking it? This was heaven, and he loved it. He enjoyed every second of his high.

The lack of self-care seemed to tell people otherwise. Izaya would look at himself and see a God, but when he walked onto the streets, he would die if he knew how others were seeing him.

His eyes had took on a look of a permanent bloodshot and glossy appearance, bags pulling down on his lower lids, making the red stand out more in them. His skin had sunken into an unhealthy tone, while his cheekbones seemed to have gotten more defined. His hair was never brushed as neatly as it once used to be, and had even looked to have gotten thinner. He never noticed the sudden itching habit he'd picked up either. In truth, Izaya was completely gone.

It was that extra hit he took that sent him into a whole different trip.

Izaya inhaled the last bit of coke that he had lined up on his coffee table, and did what he had done previously when he took it in. Slowly, the numbing sensation began to flow through his veins, the room temperature seeming to have increased significantly. Izaya chuckled to himself as he stripped the hot jacket off of his body. This seemed to resolve the hot air, for only a minute. Izaya ran his hands along his stomach, feeling the creases of his shirt as his eyes bolted around the room. The objects began to grow fuzzier with every glance he took, and his heart began to race wildly against his chest.

Izaya pushed himself off of the floor, having to take a minute to steady his balance before he let out a loud laugh that seemed to bounce off the walls and back towards him. His head was spinning now as he tried to walk to the other side of the room. The thin body of his struggled to keep steady with the motions, his lack of eating showing with the way his clothes hung loosely around his body. After a moment, that loosely fitting shirt (which once used to fit him slimly) was tossed on the floor, the heat he felt being unbearable. Izaya finally made it to a window that he instantly leaned on before struggling to crack it open. Once a breeze swept in, the man let out a deep breath, spots swarming his vision.

This wasn't at all like his other trips. Where was that buzz he normally got? The informant ran a hand through his hair, his breathing becoming heavier as he tried to blink into a clearer vision. After a moment, the room seemed to spin about him, Izaya stepping away from the window as he tried to balance himself, but soon felt gravity yanking him towards the ground, his head crashing against the corner of the table he took the drug off of on the way down, his sight and mind going completely black.

When Izaya's eyes opened up again, he was met with a white tiled ceiling, his eyes going directly into the light that was centered above him. He squinted when it happened and turned his head to the side slightly. The beeping of a heart monitor was slipping into his ears, and his mind lazily brought itself to work. There was an unfamiliar blanket placed on top of his body, along with an unfamiliar bed that his body was resting against.

He was at a hospital.

Izaya had expected his room to be virtually empty, seeing as how he didn't know anyone that would sit there and wait for him to wake up, he might've even expected a few doctors, but when he turned his head to the side where guest chairs where placed, his heart sank with the recognition of a blond man.


He was staring at him, and had probably been staring at him, hoping that Izaya would most likely never wake up from the sleep that he was in. His jaw was clenched together tightly, and his arms were crossed against his chest, fingers drumming against his elbow. Out of all the problems that the coke had seemed to fix for Izaya, here was one of his that never got any smaller, and it was screaming obnoxiously through the beeping of the heart monitor.

When realization slowly started to sink in, Izaya's throat clammed up with the embarrassment of knowing that the man he'd been hiding strong personal feelings for was now in on Izaya's horrible addiction. The beeping increased a few notches and the informant wished he could've unplugged the damn heart monitor from him, but the sound never seemed to grab the blond's attention.

Staring into those mocha eyes for a long moment, red started to flush up to the pale man's cheeks, but he did his best to hid it by turning away from Shizuo. Izaya felt humiliated.

A/N: This story is the result of me stumbling upon some old hip-hop song I used to listen to. (Oh, my hip-hop phase..((Currently listens to hardcore/screamo))...) The song just...made me want to torture Izaya more than I already have. [My other current work, Empty With You.] So, here's this.

Please Note: My other story is my main priority, so updates for this story may seem slow. Bear with me. I don't expect this story to be that long.

Also- While researching information on drugs, I've come to the conclusion that Izaya is already using coke. Seriously, the side effects? All stuff he already does.