Amaimon and Lufica

It all started when I was sent to see… Him Sir. Mephisto Pheles

"Ah! Come my dear Lucifa. I trust you will find this space to you liking."

Father sent me to this… Place. With this… Man. In this… World. Ugh. Just … Ugh

Sir. Pheles opened up this big black door to a filthy explosion of pink.. Sweet passion.


"What do you think Lucifa-chan? I Did it myself"

He flashed his 'Self-Loathing' Smiles at me that made me want to barf.

"Tch…. Whatever… Im hungry"

"Ah. Nii-san, Your back?"

I Turned around to see a boy holding a lollipop in his hand.

"Ha! Amaimon. Your back. You didn't hurt Rin-kun to much did you?"

"Of course not. Hm?" He looked at me and came closer.

"W-What…" I felt my face turning hot. Wha-was I blushing?

"Hmmmm…. Shes cute… Who is she?" Sir. Pheles pushed me towards Amaimon and lightly chucked.

"She. Is your new Fiance. Father insists that you get married."

"Aaahh. then why aren't you Nii-saaaan~"

"Shut Up!"

I turn to look at the shimmering PINK clock hanging off my PINK wall in my PINK room.

"3:47 AM…"


"Hey. What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep… What are you doing up?"

He took in a deep sigh, turned to look at the hallway and back at me.

"You wanna.. Go for a walk?"

I felt my face heat up again.

"S-stupid! What would I want to go out with you?"

"Hmmmm~ Okay… Suit yourself. But don't blame me if Nii-san tried to rape you~"

'Nerrr….Is he bluffing?No he bluffing. Yea. He joking right?' I looked away as he was about to close my door.

"mmmm… Wait!" I grabbed my scarf and ran out to him.

We Walked down the main street. It was still and quite. The lamp post flickered while the midnight flies fluttered in and out of the cracks and crevases in the broken walls and buildings. The lights in the houses all turned off. A sweet musky sensation filled this air around us.

"So. How do you like it here?" He took out a lollipop and handed it to me.

"Its okay…"

"My Fiance… huh." He chucked softly as this cold.. shimmering reflection bounced off the mist he exhaled.

"Why? something wrong with that?" I looked the other way to avoid his gaze.

"No. I haven't prepared anything to give you. thats all…. Eh…. Lucifa-chan~" His voice rang in a singing tone as He reached into his pocket and pulled out…

"A Ring Pop?" I giggled at his surprising gesture of funny weirdness.

"Well. It is a ring. The only type of ring I have on me at the moment. And you like candy. so…"

I leaned in to give him a light kiss on the cheek. and opened it. He took in and slid it on my ring finger.

"There. Now your mine." He leaned in close to my face. I blushed a rapid red and closed my eyes.

"Wa…" I look down at my hand. The slight tugging was him eating my Ring?

"What? I never had this flavor before."

"Grrr… AMAIMON!"