Oh hey everyone! I didn't think I'd be back here for a while, but, yeah... hi.
Wow, okay, I really didn't expect such a great reaction to the last chapter, honestly! Thanks so much for the awesome reviews and the favourites/watches /blush
I didn't think I would continue with this but Meaningless Name said I should maybe write what happened the night before and I thought, eh why not~ prequels ftw!
Also; slightslightslight implied AustSwitz. If you don't like it, just pretend it's not there :P AND possible Gertalia, idk I didn't write it to be that way but you might see it like that if you are so inclined c:


I don't own Hetalia blah blah blah you get the picture.


Gilbert jumped in surprise at the sound of the door bell. Cursing, he whipped his head around, making sure no one had saw him.

"Heh... that would have been pretty embarrassing for me if anyone had... good thing I'm alone."

Pausing the video game he was playing, he got up and made his way to the front door. He swung it open with a sigh.

"Ya better make this quick, I got Nazi zombies to ki-" he stopped abruptly. "Liz? What are you doing here?"

The woman in front of him rolled her eyes, smiling slightly. "Visiting you, what does it look like?"

"Wait. You're actually voluntarily coming to see me?" he exclaimed in genuine surprise. Reaching a hand out, he placed it on Elizabeta's forehead. "Are you feeling well?"

She batted his hand away, and stepped lightly past the Prussian, making her way into his apartment, not waiting for an invitation. "Don't make me regret it, okay. I just heard that your brother was gone, and thought you could use some company, that's all." She slid onto the sofa, kicking off her boots.

Gilbert snorted. "Well, you really didn't have to. I'm perfectly fine and awesome as I am." He plopped down beside her, unpausing his game.

Elizabeta raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. She was silent for a few minutes, then asked, "Where did Ludwig go, anyway?"

Gilbert sighed and exited the game, turning to face her. "His little Italian friend dragged him off to some four day pasta convention or whatever... either the kid's persuasive as hell or Ludwig just can't say no to him. Either way, it's not like I care..." He ran a hand through his silvery hair and glared at the ceiling.

Okay, there was definitely something wrong here. Gil was just not his usually cocky self, and he hadn't said "awesome" nearly enough times as usual. She narrowed her green eyes. "Gilbert, are you-" She stopped, and looked away. "Never mind."

He glanced at her sideways, then grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Anyway. Enough about me. How are-"

Suddenly, Elizabeta noticed something was missing. "Hey, where's Gilbird?" she asked, interrupting his question.

Gilbert's grin faltered . "Oh... he took of this morning. Said something about visiting that Icelandic guy's puffin."

Even my fucking pet has more friends than I do, he thought ruefully.

Sensing she had said the wrong thing, Elizabeta quickly punched her friend's arm, her way of defusing awkward situations. "So, you were asking how I was?"

He rubbed his arm, smirking. "Actually, I was asking how thing are with you and Mr. Piano Man."

"Who, Roderich?" Elizabeta asked, confused. "But, we haven't been, ah, married for quite some time now."

"I know that, but I thought you might still be hooking up on the side. I mean, come on, who else'd do you two anyway?"

Elizabeta's hand twitched automatically for her frying pan, which she had unfortunately left at home. She badly wanted to say that Roderich had a certain trigger-happy Swiss man, thank you very much, but didn't, for her ex-husband's sake if nothing else.

Also, the fact that Gil was making her want to hit him with her pan again meant he was almost back to normal, which was, for once, actually a good thing.

"Although, let's face it, even if you were, it can't be that good, right?" he smirked at her, his just-asking-to-be-kicked-in-the-balls expression firmly in place. "I mean, when there are people in the world as awesome at sex as me, nothing else quite measures up. Especially little old Roddy."

"And how would you know?" the Hungarian woman hissed. "I'll have you know that Roderich is great in bed." ... Wow, oh my god. Did she really just say that? Well, Roderich always had been a touchy subject with Elizabeta, and even though they weren't together any more, she still cared for him and would not stand for anyone insulting him, especially Gilbert.

But still, if she wasn't so worked up she'd probably be laughing her ass off right now.

"Heh, okay, I'll take your word for it, Liz. I still know I'm way better than that pansy ass~"

Elizabeta had had enough. "Then why don't you fucking prove it!" she yelled, without thinking.

His crimson eyes widened slightly, and he stared at her, an odd expression on his face. It looked... worryingly evil, actually. "Well, if you're sure, Lizzie."

"Wait, what are y-MMPH!" She was cut off by the last thing she expected; Gilbert's lips.

OHMYGOD. WHATTHEFUCK. WHYISHEKISSINGME. WHATDOIDO. HOLYSHITISTHATHISTOUNGUE. WHATTHEFUCK. OHMYGOD , were pretty much the only thoughts going through her mind at that moment. But, strangely, she made no move to stop him, or break the kiss, and, to her utter horror, she started to kiss him back.

Even worse, she was beginning to enjoy it. A lot. Too much.

Well, I definitely didn't have this in mind when I came over to "keep him company", she thought, as she took her jacket off and flung it across the room, knocking over a lamp, but at least it's working.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Yup, so... there we have it. I don't think this chapter is as good as the last one, not as ~funny, and I didn't like the ending too much, but eh, I tried! :3

Ok, well, hope you enjoyed it/review/etc~!