Hello everyone RaxtMec202 here, so this is it the Final Chapter of the rushed Untold Stories. I would have loved to make more chapters for this series but I was getting tired of Fanfiction and noting that it was time to leave. I know there not a whole lot of you who are still left but for the ones who came back for one more time. Thank you for letting me finished what I've should of started. But without further adieu here is the Final Chapter of Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Untold Stories.

Leone Productions Present

Ed Edd n Eddy: The Untold Stories

(Final Story)

(Original creation by Danny Antonucci)

(Fanfic work by RaxtMec202)

Final Chapter: Thank You, Ed

(4 Years Later)

As we enter the world of The Eds once again we see that Peach Creek has now grown into a big city. With large buildings towering over the existing material left to age over the next years. We then reached the cul-del-sac with new model houses to new pavement sidewalks. With the sign in the middle that reads "Welcome Home, Kids".

The Original and Untold Cast has all grown up with new kids populating the area. Nothing will ever get rid of the memories of the OG Cul-Del-Sac kids. We see a kid playing ball with a couple of his friends. One was Asian, One was Latino and Two were black.

Soon a car that resembles a Lamborghini races down to the end of the cul-del-sac almost running over the kids. It skreets into someone yard with tire tracks covering their perfect green grass. As the man steps out of his car a conversation from familiar voices are heard.

"I hope everyone makes it back in time." One voice said. "C'mon we all agreed to meet up at cul-del-sac one last time before we all go on with our lives."

Their silhouettes turn into Eddy and Lee Kanker, where Eddy look taller and buffer and Lee was curvier and plus-size. The children from before run up to the couple with their phones in their hand.

"Holy Crap it's Eddy McMoney! He's a legend around here!" One Kid said.

"I heard that there were two scams he produced that went so wrong. That he made News Coverage and was famous for a day."

Eddy and Lee laugh at the kids bringing up the once short Ed boy past. Eddy laugh so hard he almost started crying. "Ah, the good ol days." he said.

Just then another car pulled up. It was a white Bugatti. That was playing some loud rap music. So loud when the driver open the door, the car started jumping up and down as the loud music volume increased.

Everyone cover their ears due to the volume. But as the driver stepped out, he stepped out to reveal that it was. Jacob, Rolf, Kevin and Cindy. "What's good in the hood, Ed Boy?" Rolf said to Eddy.

Before Eddy could answer a kid with a red Mohawk jumped out of the car. "Whoa is that-" Eddy said. Again before Eddy say anything. The kid ran up to him and kick him in the knee. "Dork." The Kid said. That's when Kevin who grown a full goatee. Hit the kid on the head and Cindy attended to scold him. "Now Darren. What did I say when we got here?"

"Be nice to Uncle Eddy." he said.

Ignoring that Eddy dabbed up Rolf and Jacob. "So, Rolf what's with the clothes." He said while realizing that Rolf wasn't wearing his signature clothing. "Well if you must know. Me and Rolf while we we're in college became a successful rap duo." Jacob replied.

To give them more of a hint Rolf and Jacob started showing their jewelry, their golden chains and expensive clothes. "We also got our Debut Album coming out soon." Jacob said.

"Of course you do." Eddy said. He then look over at Kevin and Cindy while she was talking with Lee. Kevin was minding his own business. "Shovel Chin. What's Big Dick Chin doing these days?" he asked.

Kevin with a chuckle of his father's nickname. "My Father is going into retirement so as his son. I gotta takeover the business."

"Really because I heard you were a great Football player Kev." Rolf said.

"I am, but still thinking on if I do want to be the new boss or go play for the Atlanta Hawks." He replied.

Just then another car arrives. It was a Silver Corvette with the sides shinning so bright that it could make you blind. Once the car parked it was shown that it was Jameston. Nazz, and Jenny who were wearing formal clothes. "Ah, look who came to dress to impressed. This isn't a wedding you know!" Jacob yelled.

"My bad, the neighborhood I live in isn't use to casual clothes." Jameston said as he dabbed Jacob and hugged the rest of the gang. "So I'm suggesting you live in a rich neighborhood with bunch of mansion right?" Eddy said while Jameston nodded.

"And seeing that Eddy and I came here with expensive cars. And you guys up with a Corvette. Makes me think y'all ain't really that rich." Jacob said.

"Actually that's just one of the 10 cars we bought." Nazz said. Jacob wasn't trying to believe what she said. He kept saying that he had the most expensive car out of everyone.

Then Jenny approached Eddy. He remember that when Jenny first moved here he had a crush on her. And later on she started to have feelings for him. Getting nervous he started to think that did she still have those feelings even know before Senior Year ended her and Lee became friends.

As he was thinking all of this Jenny gave him a nice warm hug. "Don't worry. I don't have feelings like that anymore."

The two friends both smiled as another car comes driving down the road recklessly. It turned out to be a Green Jeep. It then hit a pole to park.

"I already know who that must be." Eddy said.

Out of the car came a yellow-skin favorite. Ed, whose hair has grown so long it reaches to his back. "HELLO EVERYONE! ED IS BACK!"

Everyone cheered as Ed came running towards his old friends hugging them all with tight grips. Soon another person emerges from the car. Which turn out to be more people as someone pushed out of the way. It was Tammy, Ricky, Jimmy, Sarah and May.

"Wow, all those people fit into that small ass Jeep?" Jacob question. "Well it is the dumbfounded Ed boy." Rolf said.

"ED, your reckless driving scared the pants off of Jimmy! One more situation like this and I'm telling mom!" Sarah yelled.

"Ed, don't tell me you're still getting bossed around by Sarah?" Eddy questioned. "After that day you actually stood up to her." Jameston said.

"Don't worry guys. I took you guys advice and started to ignore her." Ed said. "And I also took Double D advice that said follow your dreams. And now I'm a famous Comic-Book Artist. Check out my latest issue."

Just then Tammy approached Jacob while Ricky approached Jameston. "Guess what Jameston? I took what you said to me back then. And now I have a girlfriend back home in Kentucky." Ricky said.

"That's great. I knew you would be a great apprentice." Jameston replied. By patting his head.

"Guess what Jacob? I waited for years to tell you this. But I'm attracted to you. And now that I'm legal. I can all yours." Tammy said.

"Uh, you're still illegal in my eyes. I ain't taking no chances."

4 hours later

After everyone partied over at Eddy's house. People started to get worried about a certain Sockhead who hasn't shown up. As everybody else literally show up at the exact same time.

They started joking around that he must've gotten lost.

"Or that he making a suspenseful return in order to keep the audience on their toes." May said.

Eddy looks out the window. He watches the new kids of the cul-del-sac play and starts remember the good ol days. The scams, the pranks, The Jawbreakers, and the 25 cents. Eddy felt like it. He missed it all. Soon Ed came up to him and ask what was wrong.

"Ed, Look at us. We're in our twenties. Time has passed. I never thought we would ever grow up but it just really sucks."

"I get you Eddy." Ed said.

"Like all those poor boys and girls don't even know the meaning of scamming. They're uneducated on the Fundamentals of Scamming." Eddy said as him and Ed laughed.

Moments later a car approaches the cul-del-sac and parks right in front of Eddy's house. It was a Green Mustang.

"Wait, could it be?" Eddy said.

"Hey everyone! He's arrived." Jameston yelled.

Soon everyone ran outside of the house to greet the last person to arrive. Once they got outside the whole gang was brought to tears.

It was Double D. His appearance was that we was wearing a lab coat but also his hair look newly shaven. And on the other side was Marie Kanker looking curvy as ever.

The Eds and the rest of the Gang all ran up to the Edd and gave him a huge hug. "Double D, It's been so long but yet so short!" Ed said.

"It's great to see you too, Ed." Double D replied.

"We almost thought that you weren't going to make it." Eddy said.

"Oh come now, Eddy. This was my idea in the first place." he said.

As they all ended the hug. The Gang looks at each other and start to reminisce the great memories they all shared together. From the Original Series to the Untold. They made sure that these memories never die off so they ended the series like no other.

By whistling The "Ed, Edd n Eddy" theme song.

Where Jacob and Jameston rapped their own song "Foreign Boyz". Where Sarah and her group sang the song "Friends Are There To Help You." As everyone goes back into the house.

Everyone except for The 3 Eds. Eddy, Ed, and Double D looks at the cul-del-sac with tears in their eyes. The 3 Eds wave to the audience in the sight of their goodbye. And headed into the house where the rest of their friends we're. Eddy close the door as the Door Mat.


Thank you again for all the wonderful memories for doing this fanfic and others. I hope to never make the same mistake again while I go forward with my career. This is goodbye to the Eds. But with me. This is a.

See you Again.