Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Prompt: "I admit it, you're an informant who knows almost everything. So, I want some information about a man. A man I really want to understand."
"I'm flattered that you finally need me. But, to think that a mere man could make you need me like this... Who could it be, Shizu-chan?"
"Orihara Izaya."
"I admit it, you're an informant who knows almost everything. So, I want some information about a man. A man I really want to understand."
Izaya leant back on the swivel chair and smiled. He was deliberately smooth and unfazed. Carrying his professional charisma was something he did wherever he went but even more so in the inner circle of his territory. And into this, parked on the other side of a large desk, was a most unlikely costumer. Already he was running through his mind all the possible candidates.
"I'm flattered that you finally need me. But, to think that a mere man could make you need me like this... Who could it be, Shizu-chan?"
Izaya was considerably interested.
"Orihara Izaya."
This gave him pause. It lasted but a split second but Izaya was sure that Shizuo had not missed it. After all Shizuo stood with his eyes firmly fastened on him, his intent a mystery. Izaya covered the momentary lapse with some spinning. His attention was fully engaged.
"I'm afraid I cost more than you can afford."
He might as well do away with caution and proceed with the bare facts of business. Shizuo placed a thick pack of bills on the desk. They made a muffled sound.
"Money's not a problem. There's more where that came from."
Izaya cast a glance. The top bills were fresh out the press but the bottom ones were crumpled and probably much older. This told him much.
"May I ask what brought this request about?"
"None of your business. It's your job to give information, not ask for it."
Izaya sauntered to the large window and peered into the light punctuated darkness of the cityscape. Afloat in acidic neon. Turning his back to such a hostile colossus was a calibrated display of power but Izaya was still trying to grasp at meanings.
"You're talking as if I'd already accepted."
"You'll accept."
The matter of fact tone annoyed Izaya. He returned to his desk.
"Your offer covers my honoraria but I don't take all offers. You see, I'm a very busy man, Heiwajima-san."
Izaya's smile was keyed to be neutral. He tossed the change of denomination as a test. Shizuo kept a somber gravity that Izaya knew stood for his being in earnest.
"You don't seem to be doing anything at the moment."
"Not quite. I am considering your proposal."
"You'll take it."
Izaya laughed.
"It looks like you know me very well already."
Shizuo shook his head. Standing so close made Izaya very aware of the sheer difference of size between them. Shizuo's superhuman strength was a permanent hindrance to Izaya's schemes. The times favored someone as Izaya whose intellectual supremacy could become a means of conquering the world but there was something disturbing about overpowering physical dominance. Izaya was reminded that his highly sophisticated mind would be smashed apart along with his brain if Shizuo punched him in the head. If there was one thing that Izaya hated, it was a conflict that he could not win.
"I don't understand you. No one does."
"Why should I help you?"
Shizuo rubbed his chin. After a day of work his bartender outfit smelled heavily of tobacco.
"It's not like you'll do it for my sake, it's more like you can't help it."
Izaya lifted an eyebrow.
"I must say, this sounds like a setup. Divulging personal information is not something an informant would do."
"Doesn't matter."
Izaya folded his arms.
"What do you want to know, exactly?"
"Orihara Izaya, 23 years old, born in Tokyo, resident of-"
"Not that kind of stuff. I mean the important things."
By now Izaya was considerably puzzled. Shizuo did not strike him as calculating but there was an agenda of sorts involved here. Izaya could sense it.
"'Everything' is terribly vague. So, what are the important things, as you put it?"
Shizuo took a step forward and Izaya almost bolted out of instinct. Fear flickered through Izaya.
"Your thoughts."
"Why, I share my humble opinions with everyone and even free of charge."
"That doesn't count. It's just acting. I want to know your real thoughts."
Izaya hesitated slightly. He felt thrown off.