Hey! Ya sorry I'm very bad at updating but I know the feeling of those who want more chapters! ^.^ Anyways in this chapter I MIGHT put more characters! Oh ya before I forget Read and Review…Please!
Lucy's POV
I had a wonderful sleep last night! Sadly I woke up to a text on my phone. If it's Natsu I swear I'm going to his room and I'm going to throw a "Gray" at him! I checked it, it wasn't. It was from…..
To: Lucy
From: Hibiki
Gosh I woke up this morning calling your name…Lucy It's not the same you changed me. I use to be a SMEXY playboy. I'm not saying that I'm NOT smexy I'm just saying that I'm not a playboy anymore. But anyways I'm coming. You see all of us are here. Ya as you can NOT see we are in a plane coming for you. So I hope you look forward to seeing us. And "He" is coming….
The thought of him coming here scared me. I don't want him. I don't care about him…
I got up took a bath…(U know what happens after that) Any ways we went to school. It was fun! Today the teacher fell out the window because Natsu was throwing marshmallows out the window. I don't know why or how he brought marshmallows in class but he did. Around lunch the substitute teacher (yes there is now a sub 'cuz their homeroom teacher fell out the window) announced there would be several new students.
When he announced it everyone was like "Oh boy or girl!" and "I wonder if he or her is HOT!" and some (Nerds) "Are they smart and QUIET!"
When the teacher reached his limit.. "SHUT UP PEOPLE THERE ARE BOTH GENDERS! NOW SHUT THE F**** UP!'' (IDK if teachers are allowed to swear but if they aren't he broke the rules.) Everyone immediately quiet down. "Now you may come in." The teacher said in a very well manner.
1 girl and 3 epicly HOTTIES and 2 weirdos came in the class. 1 beautiful girl with blue hair with brown alluring eyes came in, a hot dirty blonde with matching hair came in, a hot midnight blue hair with matching eyes came in, a SMEXY black haired boy with pure eyes black that showed hatred in them, A Jet (U know Jet) and a Droy (U know what I mean) came in.
Everyone's eye's : *_*
Gray's POV
Gosh what a bunch of posers. - _ - Anyways they went and introduced them selves.
"Hello I am Levy McGarden. I hope to get along with all of you!" The girl with the blue hair said (Levy)
"Hey they name is Chiki Nakagawa. Oh ya if you guys know the best teacher to prank call me!" The guy with the mid night hair said.
"Akane Kasumi." The guy with the pure black hair said.
That guy creeps me out.
"The name Jet! I can run as fast as a Jet!" Jet said while screaming the word/name jet.
"I'm Droy and I am currently single." He said. He is desperate.
All the girls in the class shivered and the guys started laughing.
"Yo, the name is Hibiki Laytis." He said not being able to finish his sentence because the girls went into "fangirl" mode. After about 30 seconds of "kya-ness" they stopped and Laytis-san was able to finish. "I know Lucy is single all you pathetic excuse's of men better back off." He said with the kind of face that you think the bad guy is out to kill you.
But now that I think about it all of them was staring at Lucy…..
Lucy's POV
I can't believe it. They are here, but Akane is here. After they finished introducing themselves Natsu threw another marshmallow out the window. The teacher jumped out the window. - _ -" I'm guessing to catch it but I can't be sure. So I'm guessing the class was over but there was about 2 hours of homeroom left until we can go home (dorm)
"Lu-chan!" Levy screamed running toward me. "Levy-chan!" I screamed.
"Oi Lucy." Gray said with the :what-the-heck-you-know-these-people look.
"Yup!" I replied with the duh look.
"OH are you Gray?" Levy asked.
"Ya." He replied.
This is nice I remember in gr 2 their was this new kid and he or she (looked like a girl talked like a girl but said she or he was a guy) he or she wiped his or her nose on Gray's shirt so he started beating the chiz out of him…..
Good times
Gray's POV
What a bunch of posers, as I said before. Whatever though. McGarden san.. Ouch whatever Lucy. LEVY and Erza seemed to be getting along. Jet and Droy were kinda stalking Levy. Lucy was talking to Hibiki and Chiki…. Funny H.i.B.I.K.I
and C.H.I.K.I [Get it? It rhymes.. Note from If-only-u-knew-me] Anyways the Kasumi was sitting at his spot- Actually he has none. The teacher fell out before he gave them a spot but whatever he was sitting on the teacher's desk reading a book.
Natsu's POV
I walked up to Hibiki.
"Yo! Natsu Dragneel." I said in the normal voice while throwing marshmallows out the window.
"Oh. Hey Hibiki Laytis" He said doing his "poser poses"
After, there was this awkward silence. Anyways I was challenging Jet, Droy and Gray to a race about more then I can count. It was a long day.
Lucy's POV
I was forced to watch their stupid race and Jet won all those races they had. Dude he was in the Olympics F.Y.I he won gold for EVERY race! GO JAPAN!
Anyways Levy, Erza and me were having so much fun talking! Hibiki and Chiki were talking. Akane was alone.
I wouldn't blame him. I hate him. He was looking at me and I would just look away. Not after what he did. I won't go back. Never. Ever.
I offered to buy Levy and Erza a drink from the vending machine. They said yes so right now I'm on my way to buy Erza and Levy COKE! I went and bought them. When I turned he was there looking at me with his smug look.
"Hello Lucy." Akane said. His voice sent chills down my spine.
"Hope you enjoy your stay now go AWAY!" I screamed.
"Oh no you don't want that to happen again. Do you?" He asked. He was enjoying the fear in my eyes.
"No. I don't like that." I replied. As you can see I have superb vocabulary.
"If you don't want that to happen well then you better make me happy."
Of chapter 2! LOL read and review OK!
LOL I hope you liked it!