Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Torchwood , it all belongs to the BBC and RTD

Thanks to my Brilliant Beta reader '26TARDIS'' ,for her awesome help with this story


It was morning when Jack finally awoken. Only to find a furious and concerned Ianto by his side, he knew then that his suspicion that Owen had been the one to attack him was true. He immediately called an emergency meeting in the conference room. Tosh, Owen, and Gwen sat quietly, waiting for the storm to erupt, yet Jack seems calm, way too calm for their taste.

Ianto entered the room carrying a tray with coffee. After placing it on the table, he took his seat next to Jack.

Jack stood up clearing his throat, sternly looking at each member one at a time, taken in a deep breath. Ianto and I being Clones! Really? Is that the best you could come up with? He said not raising his tone, regarding them with a disappointed look.

Gwen spoke first, Jack we're sorry It just you and Ianto were acting strange. Her half explanation did not seem to be enough for Jack.

Owen scoffed and went for it, Jack, there isn t a day that pass without you trying to snogg tea-boy face off, or get him in your bunker to shaggy him into the mattress, Tosh usually have to erase footage you overlook. Am I wrong He said looking at the other for approval. Then you guys suddenly stop, come on, you would barely touch each other this last days

Seeing that Jack is apparently not buying it and is starting to look more and more upset, Ianto stands up walks towards him, reaches out to grasp his hand, after given Jack hand a quick squeeze of reasurment after nodding his approval to Jack, he takes his sit back.

After giving a deep sigh, Jack speaks again,'' Tosh do we have any rift activity predicted today?

Tosh shaking her head. Last time I checked no Jack, Why?

I want you three to go home and meet us back here around 6,Gwen you can bring Rhys if you want to. Approaching Ianto seat and placing a hand on his shoulder. We will be taking you all to dinner, then Ianto and I will answer any of your questions, as Owen put it " about our strange behavior." With that being said, Jack walked out of the room.

Tosh glanced at Ianto who was cleaning up the table, as they prepared to leave. He gave her a big smile and Tosh knew they had decided to tell the others about their living arrangement.

I still want proof, something definitely isn't right here. Said a still upset Owen on his way out, loud enough so any one could hear it.

Owen, will you give it a rest! Jack and Ianto say they will answer all of our questions tonight. Said Gwen walking out right behind him, taking note to be more caution about listening to Owen s ideas from now on.

Gwen, you better be right and we're not walking into a trap. He stop and waited for Tosh who had taken a little bit more time to leave the conference room, when she finally arrived he whispered low enough for them to hear. Let's all meet up in the tourist office, then go in the hub together, at least like that we can all protect each other.

Owen, Tosh, Rhys, and Gwen arrive at the hub, Jack met them at the tourist office, asking them to follow him. Owen did not hesitated to give Gwen a suspicious look, right before asking. ''Where is Ianto'', Jack?"

Jack smirked, I ate him! Turning to see shook on Owen s face, who look like he was about to star running away. Don't worry Owen, he is here, and again he is Ianto not a clone.

While Owen followed the others, he checked his pocket to make sure he had his gun. As they head down the stairs, they pass the archive to a door that was hidden from CCTV no one else had seen that door before. Jack open the door to what Owen was sure was an execution room. Jack turned again, smile on his face to see their faces that showed pure shock and astonishment.

Ianto was in the middle of the main room walking over to Jack putting his arm around his waist saying. ''Welcome to our home! As the team was giving a tour by the two of them'', Jack explains how he and Ianto work to build them a home inside the hub.

Tosh was amaze to see the CCTV system set up to monitor inside as well as outside the hub and other surrounding areas. Rhys was complete captivated with the big screen television saying this is like having a front row seat at the rugby game.

Ianto had prepared and amazing dinner, as everyone enjoy their meal, Owen still wasn't satisfied, he wanted to know how they were able to appear in Jack s office, when just minutes apart they have just see them go down the stairs. Gwen had to admit Owen was asking a valid question.
Owen turn to Tosh, Why are you so quiet, you are just as curious as we are? Aren t you?

Tosh remained quiet, knowing Ianto had already explained everything to her, clearing all her doubts.

Jack smiled and asked everyone to follow him, a door that appear to be a closet, was reveal to lead into Jack bunker, which gave them two ways to enter their home. Only then, could Owen finally relaxed and started to enjoy the evening.

Jack looked at Ianto and called for everyone s attention. Just because you know about our secret place, doesn t mean you can drop in anytime, our privacy is very important to us, from now on. Do we make ourselves clear.

Ianto turned to Owen, and no we do not spend all our time down here shagging and snogging! We go out to movies, dinner, visit my family, as well as have nightly walked alone the bay, so yes we are very happy!

Rhys and everyone receive and open invitation to come over for rugby night, but with advance notice .As the night came to an end, a mystery was solve, Owen, Gwen and Tosh realize they are lousy spies.

I guess, I do own you guys an apology Said Owen before leaving. I am really glad that there are no more secrets between us. Ianto looked up to Jack as if he was about to say something but Jack only smiled back to Owen.

Finally they were alone, Jack kissed Ianto, and whispered into his ear. Our marriage arrangements are secret we shall keep for another time. We have revealed enough secrets for one night, don t you think?

I totally agree with you, cariad. Answered Ianto turning the kiss more deep.

The End or should i continue with sequel,about their secret marriage being reveal ,another mystery ?