Hi, everyone.

I have to tell you something. It's really stupid. In my opinion anyway. And it's really pathetic because I love posting stories for you guys, but with how I am...I'm not sure I can keep going.

Lately, you've all noticed it, I've been updating slower and slower, and feeding you sob stories in why. While those stories have been true, they aren't the leading reason why you don't see updates, or why I keep deleting my stories.

For a long time now, three years, I have struggled with anxiety. I coped and manages it by writing stories for you guys. It took the edge off. But lately...I haven't felt right. I'm sad all the time, I don't want to work, I'm not motivated to write, I just want to lie around and watch videos, I don't even want to play video games. I'm crying right now just writing this. Anyway, at the beginning of this year I've just felt that something was WRONG with me. And when I finally figured it out, it made me feel worse.

I learned that I have depression. Yes. I have one of the most generic mental afflictions known to man. And I don't know what to do, how to deal with it, or how to even make it go away. I'm happy for maybe the first hour of a day, I'm smiling and joking, and then BAM I'm smacked by these negative thoughts, I want to cry, I'm mad at everyone for no reason. I'm really scared and don't know what to do. And the harder I try to drown this misery in my writing, the mor irritated I get and the less inspired I am. I've deleted rough drafts because they all look like shit to me and I don't want to give you guys shit.

I'm really sorry this is happening. I don't know what to do. I won't delete these because I know you guys like them. But don't expect much. I'm sorry.