Disclaimer : I don`t own Naruto or Dragon Age : Origins ( but I do own a copy of DAO )

AN : Well it`s finally here the origins story of Naruto, how he came to be a Grey Warden.

But I won`t write the joining because it`s always the same.

The Prologue plays 10 years before the battle at Ostagar and it tells the story of how Duncan met a young Naruto

(He "looks" like 20) and the Story goes over a decade (of course with time-skips) and he`s going to look like Hawke (with the armor, bloodstain on the bridge of his nose(when he uses his magic, why? You have to find out in the next part :P ), hairstyle(of course he`s still blond),beard, swordstaff and he`s a mix of a warrior (Champion and Greatsword skills), a magician (fire,ice and l ightning skills) and a rogue (lockpick and dualsword skills).

Just so you know how he looks like and what he can do.

With that said...ON WITH THE SHOW!

Prologue : The Origins of a Champion Part I

It was a normal day for Duncan, as he was walking through the Brecilian Forrest. Well if it`s normal that you`re walking through a Forrest that`s inhabited with Dalish Elves, Werewolfes and talking trees, just to investigate a rumor about something thats killing the Darkspawn,

and other people or monster that walk into the wrong part`s of the Forrest.

There was a snapping sound, as if someone stepped on a twig. Duncan tensed as he felt the Darkspawn, he tried to track, had surounded him. Everything was quiet, he only heard his heartbeat and his breah. He got ready for the upcomming battle. Then he saw it.

Something about these Darkspawn was different, they were not fully armed, only light equioment and they were sweaty, out of brearh and afraid of something. As if they were running from something and it seemed that it was hunting them. If the heavy equipment in the surroundings was any indication, it looked like they discarded it to travel faster and get away from it. It made Duncan nervous that something could scare the Darkspawn.

There was a growling noise and Duncan saw the Darkspawn were looking nervously into the surrounding Forrest, forgetting about him. He felt a push at his torso and the air left his lungs, as he flew through the air and landed with a hard crash against a tree. His vision was blurry and the only thing he could see was a blond blur, that was hacking and slashing at the Darkspawn. After a few minutes even the last Darkspawn was lying in a pool of it`s own blood and breathed it`s last breath. That`s when it it got to him, it was difficult to breathe. Duncan looked daown at himself and saw a huge indention in the breastplate of his armor, in the form of a palm. He opened the straps of leather, that were holding it together and tossed it away from him. It was at the moment the broken breastplate made contact with the floor, that the figure turned to him and Duncan got a first good look at the thing that threw him, without a problem through the air. It was a young human looking man, that couldn`t be older than 19 maybe 20 years old. He had long, untamed blond hair, long pointy ears (imagine the Hylians from The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time that I don`t own ; P ) crimson eyes that were slitted like a cat`s. Duncan had never seen someone like him, he didn`t even know that such a race existed. That`s when the young man stood to his full height, Duncan had to take a step back out of shock, he was easily 7" tall and towered over him.

The man looked at Duncan, as if he`s never seen a human. Suddenly he hunched over and flexed his muscles. Duncan saw this and realised that he drew his weapons at the shock. He was about to sheathe his blades as the man did something that stopped his breath. The young man smeared blood on the bridge of his nose and ignited his hands into flames. Duncan thought that he was using bloodmagic, but he had to retake his thoughts as he saw that he was using the blood of the Darkspawn as a medium to cast elemantal magic. Duncan raised his hands in surrender and the man visibly relaxed. The flames vanished from his hands and he sat against a tree.

He let out a long sigh and leaned his head against the bark of the tree. Duncan sheathed his blades and made his way over to the boy and sat down beside him. He looked at the young man and thought about what to say, but the boy beat him to it.

"What are you doing in my parts of the forrest?" he said in a gruff voice.

"Your parts of the forrest? I thought this is a Dalish forrest." answered Duncan.

"I thought I made it clear what happens to those that enter my parts. Even the thinblooded cowards should know it."

"They did and that`s why they contacted the Grey Warden to find out what`s killing the monster`s, Darkspawn and they`re people. And if possible, to remove it from this woods."

"Grey Warden hmm... is that what you call your race?"

"No I`m a human, the Grey Warden are a group of warriors that is made up of all races of the world, but I´ve got a question, why did you call the Dalish thinblooded cowards?"

"I called them thinbloods because the purebloods were immortal before the Elvenan were, as I heard from the ones that were camping at the edge of their teritory, enslaved. And they are cowards, because if there´s even a small problem they pack their things and hit the road."

"Hmm...I see, but can I ask you a question? What are you? I`ve never seen someone like you. And why are you here?"

"You couldn`t have seen somone like me, I come from a land far beyond the sea and I´m the last of my kind. I don`t know what my race, if there was even a race, is called. The short ones that live under our feet, that came out of the mountains in my land, called me the ancient one."

"The ancient one? You can not be older than 19 or 20 years old. Why would the Dwarfes call you that?"

"What year is it?"

"Err...the year 393 after the last Blight why?"

"What is a Blight?"

"A Blight happens when the Darkspawn..." Duncan points at the dead Darkspawn surrounding them."...find one of the old gods, that were banished deep inside the earth by the Maker and turn him into an Archdemon. If that happens than the army of Darkspawn, that came together, come to the surface and try to destroy everything and I ean everything."

"How many Blights happened?"

"Three, the last one happened around 400 years ago and the second one happened around 1700 years ago, but nobody knows when the first one happened anymore."

"Hrrm...If what you`ve told me is right my first with the short ones was around 2347 years ago." The young looking man said as dry as possible. At this Duncan choked on his breath and looked at the man beside him like he was crazy.

"Who are you?" asked Duncan serious.

"Who me? You can call me...Naruto."

And cut! This is the first part of the Prologue, there are two parts planned.

I hope you like it and tune in for the next part. So don`t forget to R&R and see you next time, Ja Ne!