A/N: This is a fiction version of a conversation I held with my friend. It was...disturbing. Afterwards she claimed my milk tasted like crushed digestives. And you know what? She was right.

"Ugh," Mikey complained, leaning over to sniff Leo's sandwich, "that stinks!"

His brother ignored him, intent that this was one meal Mikey wouldn't ruin.

"I mean what the shell is that brown gunk anyway?"

Leo hesitated before swallowing, feeling the suddenly thick sandwich ooze down his throat.

"Don't tell me you're eating s-"

"Marmite!" Leo blurted out, "it's marmite"

"Squished salami Leo, that's all I was gonna say...jeez, calm down"

Mikey squinted closer at the brown spread. "That's just gross, Leo, don't tell me you like that"

"And why not," Leo growled protectively. He should have known better than to tempt fate.

"Why not? What do you mean, why not? That's the stuff that eats you when you're dead!"

Leo just blinked at his obviously flipped brother.

"Think about it! All the bugs that eat dead things!"

Leo wasn't sure he wanted to. What he wanted to think about was the few ways he could escape right now.

"Maggots! Termites! Put them together, what do you get? Maggots – termite! Marmite!"


"I bet you that's how they make it. In the factory, they'll crush up all the bugs, package them, stick a label on, send it to the shops – wait! Where are you going?"


"But you forgot your sandwich..."

Next Day

Leo sat down on the couch, checked no brothers were nearby to put him of his food, and sighing, sunk his teeth into a peaceful meal.

Hmm...maybe the marmite had been lying for too long. It tasted almost...crunchy.

"Hey bro!" Mikey popped up from behind the couch.

Leo never answered, instead he fled straight to the toilet to try and rid himself of the taste of crushed bugs.

"What got into him?" Raph asked as he wandered in from the dojo.

"Dunno," Mikey answered happily, "must have been something he ate."


"Want a sandwich?"

A/N: Yes, Mikey got creative to prove a point...poor Leonardo
Or, Leo is just scarred from his recent conversation with the orange-banded menace. Personally, I hope it's the latter. (hoards her marmite close)