Chapter 13: In which Maddy shows that she is a badass Mofo

How had he gotten himself into this mess. Leon was stuck traipsing around a sewer and an police station with a teenager of questionable sanity. Maybe this was his punishment for kicking puppies in a previous life. At least she kept him supplied with ammo from that rift in space near her back.

They ended up having to circle back to the police station after finding that the door to continue was locked, and needed four plugs to open, but all Leon had been finding were these emblem things. Neither he nor Maddy knew where they went to.

Meanwhile, Maddy wished they had Sarah on radio or something. She knew this shit like the back of her hand, though she knew the first game's mansion the best. At least they'd have a general idea of what to do.

It was when they were resting in one of the safe rooms, and while Maddy was fishing around in the void boxes, that Leon had an idea.

"Lets find Chief Irons, maybe he knows how to get down and past that door." he said.

Now Maddy knew that there was something wrong with the police chief, but what that was, she had no idea. She did know that they'd eventually have to encounter him, so she didn't protest.

Leon carried his shotgun, some shells, and the keys that they had found; while Maddy had taken a liking to the handgun and herbs. Since she felt like the void near her back was cheating, she only used it for emergencies, like if they ran out of herbs or ammo in a tight spot.

"So how did you end up here." Leon asked the girl as they made their way to the Chief's office.

"It's a long, strange story that I don't think you'll believe."

"After all this mess, I think I'm a bit more open to weirdness." he responded, smiling a bit.

Oh Leon, you have no idea how weird things will get.

"Speaking of weird, whats the deal with you."

Well he did have a point, Maddy was a strange child. It was bound to come up eventually. "It's a defense mechanism. It got me out of a few tight spots before Sarah and I got here."


"Yep. The key is to do what the enemy least expects."

"Interesting tactic."

The chief's office was empty aside from some downright creepy taxidermy animals. On the back wall behind what looked like the chief's desk was a huge relief with three missing holes. It didn't take a neurologist to figure out that thats where the three emblems went.

It also didn't take a neurologist to figure out that the elevator behind it looked creepy as balls and that going down it was a horrible idea.

Leon looked at Maddy with fear in his eyes, "Well...ladies first?"

The elevator took them down to a secret area that looked like something out of a horror-...oh wait.

Sure enough, the chief's secret room was there, looking as terrifying as ever. It took all the courage Leon had (and a bit of a shove from Maddy) to get him in there.

Chief Brian Irons stood in the middle of the room, pacing around the body of a woman on a stretcher. He took notice of the two blondes and immediately pulled a gun on both of them.

"Prowling around at a time like this...You two must be after G." he growled.

Maddy put herself between Irons and Leon, "Uh 'scuse me, you can't be after a letter."

"Don't play dumb with me! You two can't possibly understand whats going on here!" he shouted.

"Yeah we can. It's not like we're dealing with Lovecraftian horrors here."

"Uh...Maddy..." Leon leaned down near her, "Are you sure you should be antagonizing the psychopath?"

"All part of the plan."

Suddenly, the chief started to cough up what looked like globs of snot, and from his shoulder sprouted a...thing. A big thing...A very big...thing.

"Uh...Thats not part of the plan!"

The G adult body cast the husk of Brian Irons like a sack, and turned to face the duo with a snotty growl.

"Whats the plan now?!" Leon shouted.


And so began the epic battle of Maddy and Leon vs. the G adult body. wasnt that epic at all. It mostly involved the two running around it firing their guns with carelessness, and ended with them sitting on its dissolving head eating a bag of chips that Maddy produced from her back void.

"So the chief's been taking bribes from Umbrella?" the cop asked.


"And they have a laboratory under the city?"


"Connected by the sewers."


"And they thought the best way to cover up an information leak was to cause a zombie outbreak."



Maddy sighed a bit, "Yeah, it's kinda stupid. Why would they even think thats a good idea, there's so many flaws in it. I think I should just introduce Umbrella to the concept of a really big bomb."

"How would that be any better."

"Think about it, no cleaning up slime monster trails, no survivors ruining your plan, no friends or family turning and eating you, you just drop it and everyone dies! I'd make a fortune!"

"Remind me not to let you go into business and work for evil corporations."