DISCLAIMER: The show of Power Rangers and characters do not belong to me.
Kimberly Ann Heart sat waiting for the plane to take off and take he home to Angel Grove.
Finally after waiting for what seemed to be forever the plane took off. Almost immdiately after the plane took off Kimberly was asleep.
She dreamed about when she was a teenager and how much she had loved Tommy. He had been her first love, she wondered if he would take her back.
A few years before she had written him a letter telling him she had found someone else, it had been a lie.
It was a few hours later Kimber woke up as everyone was asked to put the seats in an upright postion and close the were about to land and Kimberly was getting butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing Tommy again.
As she got off the plane she noticed one of her best friends that she had known almost all her life was there to pick her up. It was Jason, Trini had died in a car acciden some years back.
It was great to be home.
"How was your flight?" Jason asked as they picked up her luggage and left the airport. "It was all right I guess." Kimberly replied. "What's wrong?" Jason asked. "I'm just nervous about seeing Tommy again.
"Kim, there's something you need to know." Jason told her as they go into the car. "What?" Kimberly asked. "Kat and Tommy are..." Jason started to say. "What about Kat and Tommy?" Kimberly asked.
"They're getting married soon." Jason told her. Kimberly felt her heart shatter maybe she didn't hear him right.
"What?" Kimberly asked. "Kat and Tommy are getting married." Jason repeated. "When?"
Kimberly asked. "In a couple of weeks." Jason replied.
"Where is Tommy?" Kimberly inquired. "He lives in Reefside now." Jason told her and Kimberly could feel the tears burn her eyes.
'It's to late, Tommy's not going to take me back.' Kimberly thought.
"Kim, are you okay?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, I guess." Kimberly said with a smile. "What are you going to do?" Jason asked.
"I'm going to see, Tommy. Could you drop me off at the car rental place?" Kimberly asked. "I could drive you there." Jason told her.
"I need some time to think on my way there." Kimberly told him.
So Jason dropped her off.