Oh my goodness, an epilogue! And updated on the same day as chapter 7! Well, the last chapter of the story was so short that I thought you all deserved something extra for being such an amazing and captive audience. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Merlin TV show and characters (c) BBC and their respective actors.

Two weeks later, after Merlin had explained every possible aspect of magic and his life as a wizard, plus discussion of a whole lot of ideas he'd never even thought of (most of them horribly idiotic and typically prat-ish), the young warlock was arguing with his best friend.

"It's a terrible idea!" the raven-haired boy exclaimed to his blonde companion. Merlin sat cross-legged on his bed, while the prince relaxed in a mountain of cushions on the floor, which the two boys had hauled up, at Arthur's insistence, to the warlock's room, the only place they felt a discussion of magic could be safely had. "It could get us both killed!" he almost yelled, justifiably, considering the request his friend had just made.

"Well, no, not me, it couldn't," pointed out the prince. "Father would just assume I was under an enchantment or something."

"Alright, then what about me? I thought you didn't want me to die?" cried Merlin, exasperated. His friend really was tenacious; once he had an idea, he just wouldn't let go of it.

"I don't. But Father would never know it was you. We'll just say, if we're caught, which I don't think for a moment will happen, that I found some random mushrooms in the forest that you couldn't prevent me from eating and they were apparently magical. Or something like that," he added disparagingly, when his friend's face appeared dubious at his initial attempt to create a cover story. "The worst you'll get is the stocks for being a terrible servant, which you actually are, and we'll both be safe."

The warlock felt like ripping out his hair in frustration, so he switched to a different tactic. "It's not just the danger, though. I don't think you can. I don't think anybody can if it's not part of who they are." After he said it, Merlin realized perhaps that wasn't the best strategy for dissuading Arthur…

As predicted, this reasoning didn't faze the prince a bit. All he said was, "Well, if I can't, I can't, although I'm positive I can. Never know 'til you try, right?"

The warlock wanted to smack the smirk right off his friend's face but knew it wouldn't help any. "Arthur," he protested again, for what felt like the millionth time in the last hour, "you are the crown prince of Camelot. So for the last time, I am NOT teaching you magic!"


Well, y'all, it's been a trip and a real treat to write for you. And before you ask, there is, as of right now, no sequel in the works. I feel I've definitely left it open for more so someday, maybe. But this is my first real multi-chapter fic (as opposed to my previous 2 chapter fluke) so, baby-steps, guys, baby-steps. And, if any of you want to write a sequel, I'd be more than happy to let you. Just remember to PM me if you do, so I can read it.

UPDATE: Something I don't understand is why, after a story is finished, the review button seems to completely drop off the face of the earth... Just because I'm not writing the story anymore doesn't mean I don't still appreciate reviews! And while I adore all the favorites I've been getting (not to mention the skyrocketing readership), I would still LOVE your reviews! Please don't make me beg anymore than I already have...

Anyway, thanks, y'all. I'm out.
