Tree for Eternity

A/N: This is just something random that popped up in my head as I was talking to my friend. If you're Team Jacob, you might not want to read this. One-shot, unless you want me to continue. No, I'm not giving up on my bigger story – I'm taking a mini-break because I'm lazy.

Beta call for that story, anyone?

Disclaimer: SM owns Twilight and the italics are taken from the Epilogue in Eclipse.

Enjoy, loveys.

Jacob Black

I watched the swells roll toward the beach. They disappeared from sight under the edge of the cliff, but I heard them beat against the sand. I watched them until it was late, long after dark.

Going home was probably a bad idea. But I was hungry, and I couldn't think or another plan.

I turned away from the sea and headed into a part of the woods to phase. I didn't care which part, but today, I realized I had never been to this part before. Something brown caught my eyes.

I turned to face it, realizing it was just a tree. Just a tree, Jake. Cool it, I thought to myself.

What was so important about this tree? Trees were trees. I stared at it even more closely.

It seemed like the tree was staring back at me. Confused, I wanted to ask Sam for an explanation, but I heard nothing in the back of my head. They were giving me peace and quiet for once.

And then everything became unimportant as I stared at this tree. I'd never realized the beauty of trees, but this one was important to me. Everything left me and my life was tied to this tree. I would do anything to protect it and hope that it would never be cut down. Even if it cost me my life, my heart, and my soul.

Jake? Quil asked. I'm confused. Dude, you need to come home now, please.

I can't, I replied. This tree held me here. Maybe I was insane. Maybe I was hallucinating, but we couldn't imprint on trees. We were supposed to imprint on girls and women.

I sighed. Quil had heard me and I felt Sam join the space in my head.

Jake...? You're kidding me, Quil and Sam thought in unison. It's not possible to imprint on a tree, Sam added.

I don't know! The legends never said anything about trees. Confused as I was, I was sure of one thing – I would be with this tree forever.

A/N: Poor Jacob! He'll be with this tree forever! This is really random... but please tell me what you think – Review! I'll check out your stories if you review (make sure to ask me to) and (if you want) I'll give you a quote from the next chapter of my other story!

Still looking for a Beta for my story TCRT. PM me if you're interested!