You'll find out the main pairing as your read with hints of Belle/Kelly if you look real hard...

The Fine Line

With the way they fought, bickered, snapped and sniped at one another, nevertheless for most hours of the day, it would give off the impression that they really didn't like each other. Hated one another even. Only a very select few people who really understood the pair could say in all seriousness that it simply wasn't true. Hate had nothing to do with the way they argued, quite to the contrary it was another equally, or possibly more, powerful emotion. Love. Not that either would ever admit that, not under brutal torture or on their death beds.

Love is a sappy, weak, time wasting and patheric emotion of course and neither Chav nor Emo would ever use that WORD to describe what they felt for one another. Kelly Jones could only hope that sometime, in the future, and preferably before she killed one of them, they would get to grips with that WORD and do something about it because if they kept fighting like that she'd probably have to leave for several weeks and head off to a very distant place where she can forget about it all and pretend that everything is just DANDY. She might be Kelly Jones, infamous Ice Queen but even she has her limits.

The Head Girl was one of four that knew, the others being Annabelle, Polly and Celia. Annabelle rather finding it amusing with their arguing that isn't really arguing or more importantly how much she can see in Kelly's eyes how it irritates her endlessly, the orbs sharpening and narrowing slightly whenever the two opposites decide to start snarling at each other in a way akin to overly confident terriers with insults that gain them no merit other than for imagination.

Polly, as Head Geek and though often busying herself with the stock market or the financial business of Flash's… exports, was by no means oblivious to the world around her. She was in fact rather spectacularly observant, being able to read people and emotions far more efficiently than their Head Girl and she was therefore quick to catch on, not that it didn't stop her from looking rather daft for a moment as dawning realisation crept upon her and sneaked into her features. Despite all the CCTV however she could not honestly admit to anyone that she saw it coming, not that it stopped her from saying it less than honestly of course, she was a St Trinians girl after all.

Celia too, for all her weird ways seemed to be constantly tuned into the world around her, listening without meaning to, such as having a song on repeat as you sleep and it then running through your mind the next morning. She may not be there but she is listening. She reads her books and all the while she'll take in little details from around her and it was quite by accident she realised what was going on and as soon as she did she'd smiled to herself and carefully hid her face behind the novel in her grasp.

The tribes of the pair were just as blind as most people and only saw their rivalry as just that, rivalry because the two tribes couldn't be more different. It is only normal for them to despise and be disgusted by one another and so just as normal for the leaders of them to bicker endlessly… right? Andrea and Taylor will scowl, glare, grumble and hiss at each other until they run out of things to complain about and insult each other for because it's only way to show they do care, if in a rather confusing and mind boggling way and after all… there's a fine line between love and hate.

R&R if you would and let me know what you think of it. Thanks for reading, more to be added soon.