This was originally more or less a series of one-shots. I have made up my mind now and it's going to be a multi chapter fic of about ten or so chapters. Basically I picked serial colours, thought of ten or so connotations and then picked ones at random.

This time I got angry, lust, revenge and heat.

Disclaimer: I do not and probably will never own Glee. If I ever win the lottery or something unlikely like that, I will buy the right to the script and make Finn and Puck get together.

If you notice any grammar or spelling mistakes please tell me so I can fix it and no flames please, but constructive criticism is accepted. :)

Please remember to R&R.

Chapter one – Red.

Popsicle stunt.


There was no escaping it.

No matter where you ran to or how long you ran for or where you hid, it will still seek you out. It will seep through every crack and rush passed every corner, chasing you, hunting you down. It was like a lioness, stalking its pray before it finally pounced. Even in the coldest dampest shadows, it will find you.

It didn't depend on a heart to survive. It didn't need lungs to sustain it. It didn't require legs to carry it.

It would cling to its victim, suffocating them, drowning them in it's weight. At times, if it were powerful enough, it would trap its prey in a claustrophobic grip, unrelenting and torturous.

Heat is heartless.

Heat is inhuman.

Heat is exhausting.

Sighing in frustration from the relentless heat, Puck raised one brawny, muscular arm and wiped the sweat that was drenching his forehead off, causing it to look sleek and shiny. The dark bronze skinned teen released a tired sigh as the History teacher droned on in his usual monotonous voice, aware that half the class were too hot and flustered to make any real effort. Like the rest of the class, the guitarist was no exception. His brown T-shirt was sticking uncomfortably to the small of his back and he was beginning to regret wearing jeans to school.

Finn was sat beside him, hunched over in defeat from the overwhelming heat. He had his head resting on the table, wrapped up in his arms. Puck smiled down at him, he looked quite cute stooped over like that.

Puck looked away from the drummer and out the window. That was when he heard the distant melody of a Ice Cream van and realized how parched he was. He turned back to Finn and nudged him. The pale teen groaned quietly and shrugged Puck off, causing him to scowl before he jolted him harder. Finn still ignored him though, so this time he elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to yelp before he lazily lifted his head to look at his boyfriend.

"What?" he groaned.

Rolling his hazel eyes at the lazy teen, Puck asked, "Dude, wanna ditch school after this and get an ice cream?"

He looked up at Puck indecisive and uncertain. "I don't know…" he said. "My Mom will kill me if she finds out I ditched class, I'm already failing."

"Oh, come on, man. We've never been caught before," Smirking, Puck then tempted him by saying, "It be my treat?"

Grinning, he nodded eagerly at the promise of food. "Yeah, okay man." He then opened his mouth to say something else but the teacher cut him off.

"Mr. Hudson, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" Finn shock his head dumbly, his eyes wide, like a deer caught in headlights. "Well then be quiet. I'm sure you and Mr. Puckerman can discuses your lover's quarrel somewhere else."

A few of the students sniggered and Puck shot the teacher the dirtiest look he could muster, hoping nobody suspected anything. They wisely kept quiet until the lesson ended.

Not long after History, they had left the school and Puck had brought a six pack of beer before driving to a store to buy a pair of cargos and another T-shirt. The one he was wearing was too drenched in sweat to be comfy anymore.

After they climbed into Puck's truck and drove around aimlessly for a while, Finn began to warn his boyfriend about the dangers of drunk driving. Puck ignored him until he noticed the worried look on the pale boys' face, so he parked the truck, mumbling an excuse about the patrol and they hopped out.

They stopped their travels at Lima's pitiful excuse for a beach. Nevertheless though, families who were taking advantage of the heat surrounded the couple. They soon drifted over to the ice cream parlour on Finn's request.

Now though, the Jewish boy was seriously beginning to regret the idea.

Puck groaned in agony as Finn deep-throated the frozen treat, he couldn't help but shiver in luscious anguish as his boyfriend slowly slid the lolly into his mouth and hollowed his cheeks out as he sucked on it. A drip escaped and dribbled down his finger. Finn licked the melting juice with a teasing, tantalizing tongue.

"Damn it Finn! Do you have to do that here?" The runner back displayed his anguish by flopping down on the sand in defeat as he tried to ignore the dirty images flashing through his mind, tormenting him.

"But Hunky kisses," Finn purred, crawling across the sand towards him. "I need to keep in practice." Finn froze when he heard Puck snigger. "What?" he said, his voice losing all its erotic tone.

Puck covered his mouth briefly, in an attempt to stop the laughter leaking out before saying, "I can't take you seriously if you use that nickname." When Finn glared down at him, Puck shrugged and muttered, "Sorry." He then added, "besides, you got plenty of practice last night." Puck leaned back as Finn dipped forward for a kiss, not wanting an audience.

Frowning again, Finn pounced forward, pinning him to the towel. He nibbled on the dark skinned boy's lower lip, knowing it was one of his soft spots. Groaning, Puck arched forward, but he still tried to voice his objection. Finn was having none of it and dipped his head down, invading his lovers' mouth.

The hazel eyed teen moaned as he savoured the citrus taste still lingering on Finn's tongue. Momentarily, Puck forgot where they were and tangled his fingers in Finn's hair. He let myself get lost in the feeling of Finn's weight pressing down on him, the heat radiating off his chest made him hungry for more and he loved the slick feeling of the taller teens oiled chest, it was arousing him.

Finn finally broke the kiss and gave Puck's nose a small peck as he sat up with a grin.

Puck glared back at him, not pleased with the public display of affection. Propping himself up on his elbows, he glanced around his surrounding area. Just as he feared – they had witnesses. Three girls, all of them around fourteen were gawking at them; their sunglasses perched on top of their heads and their ice creams forgotten as it was left to drip sorrowfully into the sand. Puck sneered at them, which caused them all to blush and giggle before they hide their mouths with their hands.

"Finn…" he said warningly, trying to pull free of his large boyfriend.

Finn sighed and shifted so Puck could move. After he did that, the shorter teen stood up and stalked away.

"Wait, Noah! I'm sorry! Where are you going?" Finn called, rushing around to scoop up their stuff before chasing after him.

"Back to the car," he said, frostily. What the hell was wrong with Finn? He knew Puck didn't like being touched in public, not since his mother's boyfriend had…Puck shuddered as the memory flashed across his mind before he quickly banished it. No, not that, not today.

Puck stopped as Finn caught up and stood in front of him. The Jewish teen stared up at the older teen and sighed as he saw the sad expression on Finn's face. Finn had looked so happy since he had asked him out that Puck had almost forgotten that the lanky teen even had another expression.

"I'm sorry Finn…" he muttered softly, staring down at the sand. "It's just…"

"I know," He said, brushing his thumb across Puck's check before cupping his face and kissing his lips tenderly. "It's my fault really, I shouldn't have gone so far. It's just you looked so good laying there. With your dark skin and those oil coated muscles, the sweat dripping off you…"

Puck smirked and gripped his hand, tugging on it. "What?" Finn asked, clueless again.

"Car. Now," He replied, smirking

In ten minutes, they were in the back seat of Puck's truck and he was thankful he had parked it in the car park at the back ally. Only one other car was there with them, so they were away from any prying eyes.

They sat in the car, their tongues savouring each other's taste and their hands wandering familiar territory.

"You know Finn," He whispered, his voice heavy with lust. "You owe me a present for that stunt you pulled."

"What would you like?"

"This did start off with a lolly," he suggested, smirking.

Finn laughed and dropped to the floor, kneeing in front of the younger teen. He removed Puck's cargos and boxers quickly and positioned himself between Puck's legs. He shifted as he tried to get comfortable in the cramped truck, the front seat was digging into his legs and ass. Finally, he found a suitable position and smiled up at Puck.

Puck trailed his fingers through Finn's hair and leaned over for a kiss. He sighed and broke the kiss as he felt Finn lovingly touch him.

He moaned as he felt the tip of a tongue teasing the underside of his erection, starting at the base and moving to the tip, dipping into the slit, making him tremble. Fingers stroked his balls and brushed the outside of his entrance. He groaned Finn's name as he swallowed him completely, and the head of his cock rubbed against the back of Finn's throat.

Finn began bobbing his head, letting Puck's arousal slide in and out of his mouth. He slid a finger into the entrance of the withering boy above him. His tongue traced lazy trails, making Puck try to thrust his hips.

Puck growled in frustration when Finn held him against the car seat. His protest vanished when he began to alternate between hollowing out his checks and bobbing his head.

Finn added another finger, teasing his boyfriend and making him arch his back in bliss. When Finn had him pleading for more, he pushed him over the edge, sucking hard on his cock.

"Finn!" Puck howled, throwing his head back.

Finn moaned with delight as he hungrily swallowed every tasty drop, carefully licking his lover clean. He put his hand behind Noah's neck and pulled him down into a voracious kiss.

Noah answered his moan with his own and battled Finn's tongue, tasting himself in his lover's mouth.

Grinning, Finn said, "Wasn't that worth two dollars?"

Puck cracked up laughing, leaving Finn giving him a confused look.

Please tell me what you thought. :)