"Hey Jen..." Sara yelled from the garage of the vic's home.

"Yeah?" Jen asked as she entered from the kitchen.

"Our vic's car is missing." Sara announced, presenting an empty spot in the garage. "The oil stain is fresh." Sara paused, looking around then back at Jen. "You know, the car could be the crime scene."

"Not likely." Jen spoke.

"Huh?" Sara asked.

"I just luminoled the den. Blood everywhere." Jen sighed as she snapped pictures of the empty garage, then the fresh oil spot on the cement. "Most of it was contained to the east wall which suggests that our victim was standing infront of it. There was also a large stain on the carpet, which means he fell immediately to the floor."

"So then, how did he get from the den to the living room? If he lost a quite large amount of blood, he wouldn't have been able to be mobile. Large volume of blood that was found when you sprayed, suggests that he was more than likely weak." Sara guessed. "So the killer moved him. But how?"


"You're kidding me, right Greg?" Nick asked with a vexatious look on upon his face.

"Nick," Greg sighed loudly and angrily, "these machines never lie. What you are holding in your hands, is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Greg paused. "Cheap way to end the case huh?"

"Yea." Nick said scrubbing his face with one hand. "But it happens. Later." Nick walked down the hall at a feverous pace. He pulled out his cell and punched in Brass' number. "Brass, it's Nick. You can call of the hounds. The case just officially ended."


"Who turned on the heat?" O'Riely quipped as he walked in to the house.

"No one." Jen said. "It's been like this all day. The A/C is off, so the heat from outside is coming in, everytime someone comes in and out by opening the door. I bet this place isn't properly insulated anyways."

"The heat is on." Sara exclaimed looking at the electronic thermostat in the hallway. "98 degrees." Sara stated as she pushed the button. "No wonder he smells bad. The heat was providing the deteration to progress faster than normal, and the heat also kept the body heat from declining rapidly." Sara picked up her camera and snapped a few pictures, then noted the findings in her book.

"Kevin Appleton, aged 27, resident of Las Vegas, born in Riverside, California, moved here 10 years ago after graduating from high school to attend Western UNLV." O'Riely spoke reading off his notes that were jotted down on his note pad. "And the car that is missing is a blue 2001 Toyota Camry. I've got an APB out on it as we speak."

"Thanks O'Riely." Jen said as she finished collecting as much evidence as she could when he pager went off. She quickly glanced over it and turned to Sara. "Body is at the coroners. I'm gonna head over there right now."

"Keep me posted." Sara said.

"Will do." Jen said with half smile as she trotted out the door, evidence and field kit in tow.


"So Romeo and Juliet." Brass said as he walked out with Nick from his office. "Well, more like Juliet and Juliet."

"Yeah." Nick sighed. "She killed herself because her lover was seeing a man on the side."

"How did you find the online journal?" Jim asked Nick.

"Archie found it in her computer files. Everytime you log into a website, your computer downloads the address onto the hard drive. Now some people try to rid the site by washing the computer out with some file eraser or they erase the history, but it doesn't work." Nick said.

"But, putting your feelings out on an online journal site?" Brass paused. "What ever happened to the journals that you hide underneath mattresses?"

"I guess she didn't want anyone finding it." Nick said as he waved to Brass and headed to the locker room. "Hey baby." Nick said.

"Hey." Jen smiled as she wrapped her arms around Nick and gave him a kiss.

"Where've you been?" Nick asked after letting go, opening his locker door.

"Crime scene." Jen paused. "Make that one smelly crime scene. Just came back from seeing Doc. My vic was shot point blank in the heart, causing it to explode upon impact." Jen paused. "I ran into Warrick. Filled me in on your case. Suprising."

"You can say that again." Nick sighed. "Oh and what's with the love notes?" Nick asked holding up a white envelope.

"What love notes?' Jen asked back. "I haven't been sending you any love notes. Nick, we've been over this. I haven't been sending you anything."

"Well this one was in my locker when I came in here earlier." Nick said handing it over to Jen.

It read:

My dearest Nicky,

I see your face and I think of how it could have been, I loved you more than you could have known. My heart aches when I think of you, missing you more and more each day. I miss you being inside of me, wondering what could have been.

"Who the hell wrote this?" Jen fumed as she searched for a return address. There was none. Must have been dropped off anonyamously.

"It could be an old girlfriend." Nick sighed and pulled Jen closer. She was obviously upset. Some girl missing Nick being inside of her. "Jen, but it doesn't matter anymore. I love you and only you." Nick kissed her forehead. "You and I share so much. We have eachother, we have Emily. Nothing, and I mean nothing will tear us apart. Okay?" Nick asked, Jen nodding. "Good." He smiled. ----------

Authors Note: This is the end of "Knowing Mr. Spencer". This story (Jen & Sara's case; the mysterious notes) will continue in a new published story.