Hi! Raven here! So here is the Sequeal to Ciel's Sister, Welcome to the Black Order! If you have not read it please read it be for you read this!
I hope you enjoy it! I own nothing!
Pairings- CielxSebby
Ciel yawned as he opened his eye. He looked around and blinked. "Raven? Where are we going? I thought we were going home." He said Raven look at him.
"We are. Look up ahead." She said. Ciel looked to see the same castle like building they had passed a few days ago. "We are not going back to the mansion. We cant. And you need training." Raven said. Ciel touched his shoulder and looked at it. He blinked.'The wounds gone...' He thought. Sebastian grunted and looked at Raven.
"I'm not going to get attacked am i?" He asked.
"No. Your not an Akuma so your good." Raven said.
"Hey, Raven? If Papa was a cat demon... then why did I turn in to a wolf?" Ciel asked. Raven looked at Ciel.
"Your mother might have had wolf demon blood in her. either that or its your Innocence reacting to your demon blood." Raven said.
"Innocence?" Ciel asked.
"It's the Exocists power. If I remember correctly." Sebastian said. Raven nodded.
"Yes." She said then looked at Ciel. "Innocence is a weapon. Yours is a rare type though. Its so rare it doesnt have a name. I have the same type. Though I turn into a black cheetah." Raven said. Lavi looked at her.
"Hey, I'm glad your coming back home. He'll be really happy to see you again." He said.
"Yeah. I'll be happy to see him to." She said as the horses started walking up the stairs going up the cliff to the top. (Yes, I know there are not any stairs going up the cliff but in this story there is!) When they reached the top they saw two guys fighting. The one with the sword chared at the one with white hair who dodged. Lavi Pulled out his hammer and made it grow then tried to hit the two who lept out off the way. Raven jumped off her horse and changed into a black cheetah then ran in to the forest then appeared behind the guy with the sword. She crouched and lept tackling him, they rolled around untill Raven had him pinned. He blinked.
"Shadow?" He asked. Raven purred and jumpped of changing back. She hugged him.
"Hey Kanda." She said pulling away. She looked at the white haired guy who was smiling at her. "Hey Allen." She said.
"Hey." He said, Hugging her. Sebastin jumped off the horse he was on and helped Ciel off. Ciel stumbled right as Sebastian let him go. Sebastian caught him before he fell.
"Young Master!" He said Raven Looked over and ran over to Ciel.
"Little Sky!" She said. She looked at Lavi. "Lavi! Go get a doctor!" She said. Lavi took off inside. Sebastian Stood up holding Ciel in his arms. He looked at Raven. She was talking to the wolves. The wolves turned and ran. Lavi came running out with a doctor and a few of exorcists. He looked at Ciel. Ciel's breathing was labored and he had a fever.
Raven stood as the doctor Walked out of the room Ciel was in. Sebastian Stood also. "Shadow, your brother... is poisoned. I'm sorry." Ravens eyes widened.
"Ho-" Raven stopped. Vlad screamed as a bluish-grey wolf tackled. He stabbed Ciel's shoulder. Ciel howled and lept off. Raven collapsed. 'Vlad... the knife was covered in poison!'
"Is there anyway to cure the poison?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes but you need to get the antidote for the poison." the doctor said.
"Whats the name of the poison?" Sebastian asked the doctor. Raven stood.
"It's called 'The Devils Death'. Only the House of Raising Sun have it. And only they have the antidote. Its a type of back rose called Death's Wish. The stem is blood red." Raven said. She looked at Sebastian. "If I dont get that antidote in less then 2 hours Ciel will die." Kanda stood up.
"Your planning on going in alone? Again? Remember last time? You came back nearly dead!" He said. Allen stood up nodding.
"Kanda's right. Your not going in alone." Allen said.
"I'm not putting you guys in danger." Raven said.
"I'm not letting you go alone." Kanda said.
"Ray we're your friends. We're going with you." Lavi said.
"I'm going to. Vlad hurt my Young Master. And I wont let him get away with it." Sebastian said. There was a scream and everyone ran into Ciel's Room. He was thrashing around gripping his side. Sebastian was at his side and moved Ciels hand the brand mark was glowing. Ciel screamed again. Sebastian put a hand to Ciels cheek. "Young Master!" He said. Ciel's eyes snaped open and he shot up in bed. His mismatched eyes darted around the room.
"Where am I?" He asked. Raven took a step towords him.
"Your in the hospital wing of Headquarters." She said. She looked at the mark than at the others "Get the horses ready! I'll get the wolves. Sebastian, we leave in 5 minutes. So if your coming be ready to leave." She said. The exocists ran out the door Raven following, leaving Ciel and Sebastian alone.
"What does she mean leave?" Ciel asked looking at Sebastian. Sebastian looked at him, he kissed Ciel's cheek and stood. Ciel frowned.
"I will be back Young Master." He said as he left. When he got out side, everyone was getting on Demon horses. He climbed onto his horse. The wolves were pacing.
"HA!" Raven said Her horse reared and took off at full speed the wolves took off also. Kanda, Allen, Lavi, and Sebastian following on their horses.
Well I hope you enjoyed the first chappie! Will Raven and the others get the antidote in time? Or will they be to late? Thease question and more will be answered in Chappie 2 of Welcome to the Black Order! Bye! Review! No flames please!