AUTHOR'S NOTE - Well, this would be a little drabble I decided to give myself for my twenty-first. So happy birthday, self! :P

DISCLAIMER - Don't own it. But I still didn't get my birthday gift, so there is still some hope...



She slid quietly into the bed several hours after midnight. The room was covered in darkness and she had to feel her way around.

A small, tired smile crossed her face when her fingers came in contact with his warm skin.

She snuggled up to him, resting her head on his chest. Placing a gentle kiss there, she sighed contently.

"Tired?" – His sleep-infused voice broke the silence after some time.

His hand tightened around her.

She simply nodded, placing another soft kiss on the skin next to her face.

"After midnight?"

Smiling now, she nodded again.

His finger under her chin lifted her face enough for his lips to find hers.

A kiss placed there was gentle and loving, but passionate and deep enough to hold all kinds of promises both were too tired to do anything about at the moment.

"Happy birthday," – he whispered when they pulled apart.

"Thank you," – she said equally quiet, kissing his cheek before resting her head over his heart again.

His lips brushed the top of her head, inhaling deeply the smell of her he had been missing for the last few days she had been away.

As his fingers worked through her hair gently, she realised no presents were needed for her birthday – she had all she needed right there, next to her.