War and Un-Rest pt 6

Peter sighed as he saw MJ with Eddie head in the building, ever since the truce was formed with Eddie he revealed that Harry and Norman were the ones who gave him the simbiote. MJ was going to play the girl who wanted Gwen out of the way. Peter was against this all the way since the beginning but when all the girls united against him, stating that it was their family too. Emma was linking MJ's thoughts with Peter's allowing him to know what was going on in her mind. Gwen was on the other side of the building hiding in a vantage point where she could monitor the situation, while Felicia, Kitty and Laura were infiltrating the building. Peter was on top of the building in his stealth suit using his spider-sense to detect any threats that came from outside.

"I see her", Gwen's voice came over the intercoms.

"I'm making progress through the vents", Kitty whispered.

"You alright, Baby", Felicia answered back

"Target sighted", Laura answered.

Emma rolled her eyes as she scanned the mind of everyone who approached while leaning against the sigh of Osbourne Industries while she smoked a cigarette. She manipulated a local worker to make out with her playing the seduced high school lover of a local man. Peter had to admit watching the blonde while she was practically tongue raped by a balding man was disturbing but he instantly felt her presence in his mind.

"This man is bloody awful, I believe he is attempting to taste the contents of my stomach", her voice snarled in his head causing him to smirk smirked.

"Your fault", Peter answered as she started to kiss the man more forcibly.

"She's talking to Harry", Kitty answered over the intercom.

"Everything's fine, she's doing well. I guess she might be alright on Broadway", Emma's voice echoed in his head.

After the meeting MJ said she was going back, before anyone noticed they were gone. Once they were away and in the hotel suite, she burst into tears in Gwen's arms stating how sorry she was for saying all the hurtful things. Gwen assured her that she knew it had to be done and the two would be best friends forever and nothing would ever change that. Kitty and Felicia did their best to help the distressed red head since they four of them were sisters, the sight made Peter smile. Natasha smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, taking full advantage of the fact that Peter was alone.

"Quite the harem your building", she answered him.

"Good thing I'm a superhero then, cause I think all of you would kill a normal man", Peter answered back as she kissed the crook of his neck.

"That's why or rather how you have us all intrusted", Emma answered as she exited the bathroom dry and wearing a nothing but lingerie

"You know, when your dressed like that you look like a dominatrix or some evil master mind", Peter answered as she smirked.

"I used to be", Emma answered, "Remember."

"So the whole dominatrix thing, that may be unfortunate cause I'm not good with boot licking", he answered

"I 'm afraid that although watching you seek to chive my every whim is attractive, the sight of seeing you lick my boots is rather...unsatisfying", Emma teased back as she slowly put on a rather revealing top and tights so tight, Peter was surprised she could nave with them on.

"Someone is coming", Laura answered as her claws shot out.

"It's just room service or something", Felicia sighed as Peter's spider-sense blared as he webbed the girls back.

"I see Venom went to you, I knew the spineless oaf could not be trusted", a red headed murdering psychopath named Cetus Cassidy, snickered as suddenly a red simbiote covered his body, "You can call me Carnage."

Natasha immediately fired several flame blasts from he wrist shooters as Gwen grabbed a shot gun with incendiary rounds. MJ yelped as suddenly red tendrils lashed out at her, hiding from behind the bed and firing a handgun with specialized rounds. Laura sped towards Carnage, dodging the tendrils easily as she slashed at them as she passed. Each slashed tendril lashing out like a fish out of water before melting away into red goo.

Emma tried to attack the creature mentally the the pure UN-analyzable chaos in his head it would take some time. Kitty immediately went for the others gad jest, her phasing ability made her the prime candidate and she would succeed. Felicia only had a sonic emitter made for her by Gwen so she could fight as well. She activated it only to have carnage howl in pain and flee from the assault, Peter shoved on a black mask and sped after him, leaved the girls to chase after him.

However the sight as the trio ran after him they were met by a few men and women who were stuttering and moaning as they turned to face the girls. Laura chose to lead the charge as she drew her claws. She had to hold, Peter always saved the criminals and never killed them. She would follow his way of life to help protect his dreams, his family, and everything else that mattered to him.

Emma blasted several of the mutants with metal blasts dis-baling the other men with ease as she smiled. Being one of the good guys didn't mean she had to play nice and god damn it, she she would have fun beating up the now mindless beasts.

Back with Peter..

Carnage growled at Peter not liking how he could catch up, whoever this Parker brat was he would have to die. He seemed much more rational than either him or even Venom, that pissed him off and god damn him, the little shit was going to die for it. And better yet he seemed to know this city better than even the other Spider-man could. Carnage had his simbiote and with that he was unstoppable and able to unlock any carnage he ever wanted to, the way people screamed and the way the blood felt. God it was ecstatic Carnage then used hews tendril s to slingshot himself into the web-head and slashed him across the chest, with his achievement Carnage howled in victory as suddenly Venom roared in anger.

"We can't let you have him, we must kill him", Venom roared as he slashed at Carnage lost in his rage and malice.

"Knock it off, pansy. Just sucking die already" Carnage yelled as he slashed at Venom.

"Pathetic, to think you came from us", Venom roared as Carnage fled followed by Venom..

"We should rest up and gather our strength", Emma's voice echoed in their thoughts, Peter nodded as he faced them knowing he was almost out of webbing cartridges and his suit needed to recharge.

After following the former thief back to a local safe The group went to a local safe house Felicia had set up if she was ever "trapped" while on a mission. For everyone save Felicia and Emma, it was a rather expensive and large suite with several black cats that meowed at the arrival of their mistress.

"Wow, never thought you'd be a cat lady", MJ teased as she entered the lavish room.

"I thinks it's cute, besides we know Momma has a very fluffy center", Kitty smiled as she cuddled against Felicia.

"Why can't they we have come here in the first place", Emma sighed as she went to the tub and prepared herself for a rather long soak.

"Peter", Gwen whispered weakly as she clung to him.

Mk gave the pair some alone time while she talked with Laura about various topics, Gwen smiled and gave her best friend turned sister a silent thank you. Peter took Gwen to the back room and the queen sized bed that awaited them. Gwen kissed Peter letting her love flow into her kiss as he inserted himself into her slowly, she needed him and his body. The one regret she had though was that was not sure if she was ready for sex, sure jean had given her the okay but still she was a little hesitant to go all the way. Peter smiled as he could feel her need by simply looking at her, he softly brushed her cheek with his hand. After some soothing words he slowly began to pet her "lower lips", softly and then gradually longer and stronger strides. But he was always careful with his "geeky love", it was one the reasons she loved him so much. He never forced anything on any of them, as he began to tease her clitoris she moaned with ecstasy Sometimes it was like he knew exactly how to pales them in the best way, she clutched the pillows with her hands before quickly climaxing. Peter smiled as he slowly started to rise up her body leaving a trail of soft kisses until he reached her mouth. After a silent good night, Gwen drifted into sleep before Peter kissed her head softly As Peter rose up off the bed, Emma was watching him smile softly.

"You really are an idiot, you know that", Emma smiled as she rose up.

"I already came to terms with me be idiot, don't you have to come to terms with loving an idiot", Peter teased back.

"Unfortunately I fell for you idiotic charms", Emma teased back before she kissed him.

"I guess I was actually kind of lucky to get that little pheromone thing then huh", Peter smiled

"How about we head to another room", Emma implied as she gave her ass a little shake with both his hands firmly attached.

She took his hand and led them across the main room to the training room Felicia had set up. MJ was teaching MJ how to fight with Kitty giving her two cents about the matter, Kitty and MJ both smirked as Emma had the smile they all knew. Felicia simply smiled and told him to have fun, Laura was working on making dinner for the group. Ever since she had helped Jean and Peter with dinner a few times, Felicia and MJ went to get a bottle of water followed by Kitty.

"You seem to be well adjusted to this whole "family thing", Felicia asked before taking a sip from a bottle.

"Peter is a strong, capable, and affectionate young man. If he wishes to peruse sexual encounters with other women, why should I interfere. He gave me, I admit that I want to be with him and value my time with him", Laura answered her eyes not leaving the vegetables she was dicing, "I do get jealous, I prefer when he's like that with me."

"We all feel that way at times, it comes with the whole polygamy deal Pete's running", Felicia smiled.

"I have known as much", Laura answered, "You all were with him longer than I have been with him."

"It's okay to admit it, look. If you beer get lonely just tell one of us, we can help you out with everything", Kitty answered.

"It that a Lutheranism for sex", she asked turning around.

"Sorry, but I only have Unitarianisms with Peter and Kitty", Felicia giggled as the group burst into laughs.

Peter was sitting on a bench with Emma jumping up on and down on his lap, she kissed him lustfully needing release more than anything at the present moment. She leaned back and peter shoved his face in between her bountiful c-sized breasts. She giggled as he vibrated his face into her rack. He pulled his head back and she proceed to kiss his jawbone, she led a trail of blue kisses to the crook of his neck. With a sharp pinch she left a rather large mark, she giggled again admiring her work as she hopped up and down. He looked at her lips and smirked at her now sneered lipstick, she gave a fax pout at before she gave his lip a hard nip. He jumped slightly at the bit of pain as she gave another smirk before wrapping her arms around his neck, god she was close. Her mouth was next to his ear, she whispered something into his ear that made him reach his limit

The pair exited as Emma made her way back to the restroom to clean herself and make herself proper. Felicia gave him a smirk and leaned her heads towards the brunette in the kitchen who was drinking some coffee from a hot mug. MJ smiled as she exited said kitchen with two hot mugs in her hand and let out a soft laugh. She sighed as she handed them to Kitty.

"Take these, me and blue boy need a shower", she smiled as she pushed him towards the restroom once Emma walked out with a happy(I got laid) face.

Minutes later...

Both were in the shower, having been their countless shared shower ever since little May was conceived. MJ turned to wash his back before choosing to speak.

"Thanks for taking care of Gwen", she whispered before giving a tight hug from behind.

"Of course, why wouldn't I", Peter answered.

"I mean...you know. We both kind of feared that we were losing touch with you and everything", MJ answered as she gave him a tight hug.

"NEVER", Peter growled cuing MJ to laugh.

"No I mean it's good that your still the same geeky wall crawling lover boy we all know and love", she purred back.

"Yeah I hues things are a little weird...well a little weird for me from last year", Peter sighed as the water slide down his body.

"Yeah, but you know after everything it good that you didn't let this go to your head", MJ smiled as she clung to his back before reaching towards his "little friend".

After a rather "relaxing" shower with MJ the two exited with Kitty and Felicia taking a nap while Emma was searching for any threats while the others recuperated MJ went to lay down on the bed with Gwen while Peter went to get a drink.

"You know you should really take it easy", Emma sighed while reading a book.

"Yeah, guess you wanna rest up for a bit", Peter sighed before taking a sip.

"No, but come lay your head on my lap. The bed is filled with your other ladies and you need rest", Emma answered her eyes not leaving the book.

Peter smiled as he took a peak at Emma who was smiling as she toyed with his hair while she read a book. A tale of two Cities a bit more contumacious for her shared lover but she had a thing for true literature as she called it.

As the group prepared for another venture out in the city Gwen took Felicia off to the side while Gwen the other girls distracted Peter with the new "Gear", Gwen had made.

"Look your hot and everything but I gotta get Peter's and Kitty's permission", Felicia sighed.

"I want to give you this", Gwen smiled handing a small black remote, "It's a sonic device, theta everyone calls Screamers. Use it to take out Ca range and Venom if things get bad, your the only one who can follow after Peter if the fight moves away from us."

"Yeah, I can do that", Felicia answered as she slipped the small remote into her glove.

"Don't tell Peter", Gwen answered as she walked away.

After everyone was set the girls nodded for the end of this after a loud thud on the roof signaled their temporary ally's arrival. Peter pulled her mask over as he turned to face his girls. MJ and Gwen put on masks with breathers to protect them from any kind of poises and toxins. Each girl hid their "Screamer", before heading up stairs to the roof.

Venom's face receded revealing Eddie Brock's face as he pointed down the street to a cackling and heckling Ca range Each let out a deep sigh as a horde of crazed people followed after the Crimson villain

Venom tackled Carnage showing no remorse for the crazed innocents. Peter slung himself into the fight ready to face both of them by himself to keep the girls safe or rather safer against the minions that Carnage wrought.

Hordes of crazed men ran at them, Emma took a big breath before attacking their minds but the numbers seemed endless. Though she would never admit it she was happy that the other girls were with her and Peter. Laura's abilities were the ones she was most worried about but she was actually the most skilled.

Gwen was the second story with her rifles taking down the crazed minions without killing them, Peter always came back and she had to trust his abilities. MJ was next to Gwen firing along side her, they needed this building safe for the surrounding civilians untainted by Carnage's insanity. And to support Felicia, Kitty, Emma, and Laura from a distance. Out of the four melee girls Felicia was having the most ease with subduing the "crazies" as she called them, her sparring and longer service with Peter helped her master a whole new set of disabling skills.

Carnage laughed psychosocial as hi ran at venom, his enraged minions would cause so much glorious chaos. Carnage was suddenly tackled by Venom and thrown through a window before Venom jumped on him and began to pummel Spider-Man with a flurry of punches and slashes. Peter tucked in his legs and kicked Venom off of him only to have Carnage re-new his assault on the web-head.

Peter knew he couldn't die, no way in hell would he leave his family behind, he was going to live on and win. Peter looked at the gasoline and webbed it before slamming it into the walls, ceiling, and floor, Venom receded and let Eddie take over to have him throw his hippo lighter ND the simbiote jump of Cetus and towards the only dry spot left, Eddie. In an instant Venom resurfaced and absorbed Carnage.

"Finally we are complete", Venom laughed as Peter slammed Cetus through the window and into the wall, webbing him tightly.

"You could have killed him", Spider-man yelled back.

"Come get us, Petey", Venom taunted.

Peter landed on the roof as he faced the bigger arachnid, adrenaline coursing in his veins. He was going to end this, with a near silent prayer from Felicia he ran at Venom as the Black Cat hugged it tightly.

"YOU IDIOT, YOU REALLY THINK I'LL JUST LET YOU TAKE THEM", Peter yelled as his fist slammed into Eddie's face.

"You think you can do this solo", Eddie cackled.

Felicia felt her heartbreaking with each of the attacks Peter took, the only thing keeping her in place was Peter's words. But she kept her sonic generator at the ready, the moment it looked like peter was about to lose. But it was clear, she was the one he needed right now. Gwen and MJ would try and break up the fight along with Kitty. And Emma and Laura would intervene and that would only postpone the duel, keeping the two as enemies.

Venom grabbed Peter and threw him into a near by air conditioner as Peter used his higher dentistry webbing to web the brute into a cocoon, locking him in place. So that Peter could kick him with a web slingshot, venom struggled against the stronger webbing and was surprised when he could not break it. Peter slammed into the enraged villain and proceeded to wail on him. Venn om howl in hanger as he ripped the webbing apart.

"Hulk smash", Peter answered to himself only to have Venom pick up Peter by the head and slam him into the ground. Felicia felt her will to stand by waning before Peter called out for her to stop. She nodded this was all part of the plan, she wanted to look away but she had to look. She flinched when Peter turned back to Felicia to gather his strength with a nod he dropped to his knees.

"I surrender...you proved it I'm nothing without you", Peter said as Venom laughed before the simbiote dropped off Eddie and moved towards Peter.

"No wait...I...need you", Eddie roared as he fell to his knees.

"It's over", Peter smiled as he used the suction flask to suck up the simbiote.

Eddie went to charge Peter and free his partner only to have Felicia slam him into the ground, before knocking him out and binding his arms in her steel cord. Peter set out a laugh prompting her to eye him warily before giving him a pout.

Peter took a step back before pulling off his mask as he walked towards Felicia, her face mixed with love and fear, admiration and dislike, and lastly lust and sadness. He slowly made his way towards her think the worse until she leap into his arms and kissing him fiercely

"Now never ask me to just stand by again, I can't watch you get you as-", Peter silenced Felecia with a kiss as she shifted her wight onto him and he fell back with a thud. The two lost in the kiss as Felicia gave him everything tee could, until Nick Fury in a black clad garbed approached the pair.

"Well, well. Mr. Parker. You did a hell of job since re-assuming the mantle", Fury said as he nudged the pair with his foot.

"Thanks, coming from you that's a complement I guess", Peter smiled.

"You did all of thin a a couple of weeks, even mossy Avengers aren't on that level"

"You mean, I can enter the Avengers Academy", Peter smiled.

"No, your an Avenger. You proved yourself the same as the other heroes", Fury added as he walked away.