5:28 pm

Cambridgeshire- Chestnut Grove

Davis Mansion

Jeanine Davis

"Are you really sure this is what you want to do Jean?"

I was seated in front of my father however; he used his great big desk as his seat. His black hair was swept out of his blue eyes, but never had I seen his face so soft. I knew I probably had him concerned with my plans, but not once did he say no.

But I knew he was second guessing himself. Now that today was the day I took a great big step out into the world and try to figure out what I was going to do with my life: especially since it was on the other side of the world.

"I'm positive it's what I want to do dad." I assured him. "I can't back out now. Not that I'm so close. Besides, I'm going to be right next door to Uncle and Aunt, and the office isn't that far away from home. I'm already through with school and I have enough money to get me started."

"But Japan is an entirely different culture Jeanine."

"I know dad. I've studied it as much as I've studied the language."

"I know dear. I know."

He sighed and rubbed his temples. This wasn't a good sign.

"Gavyn and Lucy are even moving in. The three of us together will be a wonderful team, don't you think?"


He didn't look up as he continued to massage his temples. I bit my bottom lip and pressed on.

"And besides; the paranormal activity rate is much higher in Japan than it is here."

Dad looked up sharply and let his hands drop.

"What did you say?"

His face fell into what I would possibly call a shocked expression. But my dad was never shocked. Not for as long as I could remember. So, just to make sure I had been clear, I repeated myself.

"Japan has a high paranormal activity rate than England?" This time, it came out a little unsure.

"Where did you hear that?"

"I researched it dad." I said, a little bit conceitedly.

And like that, his shock faded and small chuckles erupted from the man. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him.

"Dad? Is everything okay?" I began to worry that he had finally went around the bend.

He finally regained his composure and walked around the desk to sit in his leather chair.

"I'm fine, and I should apologize."

"For what?"

A smile was still on his lips as he folded his hands and rested his chin on them. He studied me very carefully before he spoke again.

"I used that same excuse to return to Japan after I left it."

Biting my bottom lip, I prepared myself to ask the question that I had been wondering as long as I could remember.

"Why did you really return to Japan dad?"

"Jeanine! Where are you?" Mother's voice drifted across the mansion and penetrated every room.

The doors were opened with a great rush and mother dashed into the room.

"Naru, have you seen Jean? Everything is packed down and ready to go."

Dad raised a curious eyebrow and pointed to me.

"She's right there dear. We were just talking."

"Oh! Sorry." Mom quickly apologized as she rubbed the back of her head. "Should I leave you two alone then?"

"Oh, don't worry. We were just finishing up." Dad assured her as he stood up. "Let's walk her out to the cab Mai."

I followed his lead and stood up as well while he and mom held hands and waited for me. Gavyn and Lucy were already outside, throwing in the last set of bags into the cab that we were taking to the air port. Lucy was the first one to hug our mom, then disappeared inside the cab. Gavyn smiled at her and turned to face the rest of us.

"I'll call you as soon as we land." He promised them both before he hugged mom tightly.

"Behave. If you don't, I will call Monk." She threatened.

Gavyn smiled and turned to my dad. I faced mom and took a deep breath in before she grabbed me into a tight hug.

"Please be safe Jeanine. Look out for your brother and Lucy. I know they're going to try and push your buttons, but don't let them, okay?"

"Yes ma'm."

Gavyn was finished talking with my dad and disappeared into the taxi. It wasn't long before I found myself hugging him tightly. I realized he was whispering the answer into my ear.

"I returned to Japan because I realized how empty my life was without your mother."

A/N: Well, here it is! The very end! Awwww~ I'm so happy! I had ideas for a sequel, but I'm not gonna do it! I think I've had my fair share of Ghost Hunt, so I'm gonna run off and try some other fanfics, maybe Ouran? I don't know yet! :P I'll probably go to my fictionpress account, and actually create a wonderful story! Who knows? I look forward to seeing you all in the future or on my other story! :D I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you to all of my supporters!

