Two days later, Bulma and Vegeta's son was home at Capsule Corp. It took virtually no time at all to fall into a new routine around the residence. All three adults – but especially Bulma and her mom – did most of the caring for the baby.

"I love the name you picked for him, Bulma," said Dr. Brief at the lunch table one day. "Trunks. Such a unique name. I don't' think I've ever met a Trunks before."

"Thank you, Daddy," replied Bulma. "I liked it." I hope Vegeta likes it.

As busy as she was with the new baby, Bulma found herself thinking more and more about the Saiyan prince who was training out there in space somewhere. The family seemed a bit incomplete without him. She missed him, but now she was caring for his child and her heart ached just a bit when she thought of the fact that he had never even met him.

Vegeta, when are you coming home?


Bulma's thoughts of Vegeta again waned after there was no sign of the Saiyan coming home at all. Chi-Chi had come to visit a few times during the early months of Trunks' life. The most enjoyable visit was probably when Trunks was four months old and the 24th World Martial Arts Championship was being televised.

The women watched the entire event together on the television. There was a lot of head shaking and tsk-tsking going on. How ironic was it that the greatest warriors on the planet were too busy training so that they could save the world and here were these losers competing for the title not knowing anything about their impending doom or how weak they really were in comparison to the real warriors.

"I mean, just look at the guy," said Chi-Chi from Bulma's living room couch.

"He has muscles, but definitely not one of the most attractive men I've ever seen," remarked Bulma from the floor where she was playing with Trunks on his baby quilt.

"You know, he's the father of the junior division champion," said Chi-Chi.

"That cute 11 year-old girl?" asked Bulma.

"Yeah, what was her name…V-, V-," she snapped a few times in an attempt to remember the junior champion's name.

"I think it was 'Videl'," said Bulma.

Chi-Chi snapped. "Videl, that was it. She'd be a good match for my Gohan someday," she said not knowing how true her statements really were.

"There's no way that guy is going to win," said Bulma. The name flashed up on the screen. 'Hercule Satan'

"He has a big mouth," remarked Chi-Chi. "He never shuts up."

"Speak for yourself," said Bulma.

Chi-Chi feigned being insulted. "Are you saying I talk too much?"

"Pot, kettle," said Bulma.

"You're probably right," noted Chi-Chi. "Still, he looks like an idiot. It's one thing to talk big and have the goods…"

They watched as Mr. Satan defeated his first opponent.

"Well, Chi-Chi, he's no Goku or Vegeta, but he must have some skills to advance to the next round," said Bulma.

"I guess so," said Chi-Chi. "I still think he looks like an idiot."

"I don't disagree," said Bulma.

Over the course of the next two days, Mr. Satan had won the World Martial Arts Championship. Both women were stunned, though made a quick and easy peace with it because they knew this doofus never would have won if all of the Z fighters had been available to compete. They would just have to live with him and his big mouth for the next several years - until one of their friends or family members defeated him at the next tournament. It was just something they would have to live with for the good of the world.


Bulma was sound asleep when she heard crying coming from the baby monitor. She woke up, but kept her eyes closed. She hesitated for about 10 seconds trying to come to her senses before finally putting her robe and slippers on to go check on Trunks.

She plodded her way to her son's room which was situated right down the hallway from hers. She saw her mom also coming to the room from the other direction, but assured her that she had it this time.

When she walked in, she heard her son wailing in his crib.

"Did you have a nightmare, Trunks?" Bulma asked.

It took a few minutes, but the young boy eventually calmed down and fell back asleep on his mother's shoulder. Bulma continued to savor the moment with her son and paced back and forth all the while rubbing his tiny back.

She gently placed him back in his crib and placed the homemade afghan she used for a blanket over him. Everything was now fine and she was free to go back to bed…which was exactly what she did.

A dark figure appeared outside Trunks' sliding glass door just after Bulma left the room. The figure stood there - seemingly floating - for just a few seconds before slowly opening the door on the 2nd floor. Slowly, the figure crossed a small beam of light that was being emitted from the nightlight on the wall. The dark figure was Vegeta.

He made his way over to the crib and looked down upon his son.

Honestly, the first thought that crossed his mind was, I can't believe his hair is that color. But he continued to stand there and admire his first son. He has strong features. I can see both of us in him.

Vegeta looked up and saw another figure in the doorway.

"Bulma," escaped his lips.

"Hi Vegeta," she replied. "This is your son." She nodded at the baby in the crib.

"I know," he replied. "I knew you were with child before I left. But I knew you could do it alone."

"You were right," she replied. "I was strong enough."

"I never had a doubt," he said.

Vegeta took his glove off of his right hand and reached his arm down into the crib and caressed his son's hair.

"His name is Trunks," Bulma told him.

Trunks. You are going to be a great warrior someday, little one.



Vegeta returned to Capsule Corp in April of the year 767. Although he had returned, Vegeta returned to his arduous training regimen and barely saw either Bulma or Trunks. Bulma hadn't expected any different, but was happy to have him home on earth where at least she knew he was safe.

Vegeta had attained the level of Super Saiyan while in space, though it was something he shared with no one until he unveiled it when fighting with Android 19 in May of 767.

Chi-Chi kept her promise not to tell anyone about Bulma's pregnancy or son, which was made very easy with the frequent absence of Goku and Gohan from the Son home. They were also training for the androids' arrival.

Trunks was finally introduced to all of Chi-Chi's friends on the day of the android's arrival. She brought him with her when the Z fighters gathered on the island where the initial fighting was expected to happen. Although it was surmised that Trunks was perhaps Yamcha's son, that idea was quickly squashed by Yamcha himself denying the relationship.

Goku somehow knew Trunks' parentage and name without having ever being told.