Author's Note: Hiyas I'm Kinnys, I took over the Story 'Consequences of being late to class' by Magic Love. So I rewrote the first chapter hopefully it is as good as Magic Love's. I did use some of her writing in the chapter so I marked them. The character's belong to the author J.K Rowling. Enjoy!

Harry James Potter was in trouble (1). Why? That answer is simple you see Harry is late to potions. Now why would Harry be late to this class? Simple again it is potions. Harry despised potions, not because of the brewing; he's good at it but that is until Malfoy decides to blow up his potions getting him in trouble with the professor, which is the reason why he hates potions! The professor, the Severus Snape: the almighty master of potions, the ruler of the dungeon or what he and his friends call him: dungeon bat or greasy git. This particular professor hates his guts for things his father did or maybe it is the fact that he, Harry, looks a lot like his father but with his mother eyes. Harry gets mad at Sanpe for thinking that he is a bully like his father was, yes Harry knows about his father's bullying. He got to admit that he not fond of the idea that he father treated others like crap, but what can he do about that, other than deal with the hate that Snape gives him. Harry had at one point in time thought that Snape would see him for Harry and not his father's replica but that hasn't happen yet. He is not like his father at all more like his mother: a kind soul, someone who stands up for the weak, someone who fights for what are right, not like Snape sees them. Professor Snape is the only man alive that can scare Harry, not Voldemort or Uncle Vernon, into doing things he would not normally do, like rushing to class for fear of being late. Skidding to a stop in front of the door he took a deep breath, only hearing the thumping of his frantic heart and imagining Professor Snape's death glare. So he could be forgiven for not hearing the teeny weenie BANG that came from inside the room caused by a small explosion. He squared his shoulders like any good Gryffindor and opened the door... (2)

For green goo to hit him smack dap in the middle of his face! (3) Harry's mind went into frantic mode, because very few things frighten him in general, but not know what that goo was or what it can do caused him to scream or tried to scream out the words' Get this thing off of me" but that turned out to be a bad idea when the said goo slithered down Harry's throat. Harry grabbed his throat feeling a chocking sensation, coughing in hopes of gaining his breath back. Once breathing became normal again his brain started to think of conclusions on what the goo did to him. Possible conclusions: he was going to explode, grow an extra arm, simply faint (4), or die! The second guess was the closest, though when Harry opened his eyes he didn't know that. Only the whole class, including Professor Snape, wide eyes prompted him to ask very eloquently. (5)


He was hoping for the screeching of Hermione telling him off for being late to class or Ron asking him why he was late to beginning with or Snape's deliberate reply of"50 points from Gryffindor and dentition, Potter", but that didn't happen that's when he notice that Hermione pointed to his head and Ron pointed at his waist gaping like fish. Harry's left hand went up to his head to find silky triangular ears, while his right hand found a long silky tail at his tail bone.(6) Harry then figured out what that goo did to him, feeling a bit dizzy at the sudden realization of his situation hit. He had cat ears and a tail, what was he going to do. He hated attention, but being Harry Potter that is what he gets all the time, now he can add this to the rumors that circle around him.

"Mr. Potter, Congratulations" The potions professors 'I-would-rather-be-in-a-room-with-a-bunch-of-blast-ended-screwts-than-teach-you' voice rang out. "You seem to have acquired a cat ears and tail,"(7)

'Thank you captain obvious thanks for pointing this out' Harry though inside his head, not voicing out his thoughts, because his thoughts turned into sour thoughts of: how can he deal with being turned into a cat-boy/thing or whatever that potion did to him, or better how will everyone react or the rumors of how this happened. Gulping up air, Harry realized that he was having the worst time breathing; it had become hard and painful. Harry looked around gazing into Snape's face, hoping he knew what to do about this because he didn't. Snape's face blurred, his thoughts ceased… Harry fainted.

Author's Note: 1-6 is the parts that I took from Magic Love original story so those lines are hers. So hopefully I'll have the next update soon. Reviews will be nice.