A/N Note: My first fanfic about CardCaptor Sakura, yep! And since I love SyaroanxSakura, this is a fanfic about that pairing :)

She, Sakura Kinomoto, was in constant hiding.

All because of the color of her eyes.

Everyone around her possesed brown eyes, the mark of no magics, but she had startling emerald eyes that sparkled like jewels. The green and brightness of them could tell even complete strangers that she possessed a strong magic of healing.

Because of that, she always had to wear tinted contacts. The only other person who knew of her secret was Tomoyo Daijiou, who had purple eyes, signalfying that she had some dormant moon magic.

"Did you hear?" Tomoyo was gushing as she and Sakura skated toward class, "There's going to be a transfer student from Hong Kong?"

"And?" Sakura replied, not having any interest at all in this topic.

"He's the cousin of Mei-Ling!" Mei-Ling had long, jet-black hair which she put up, and startling red eyes that meant she had some dormant sun magic within her.

"So?" Sakura concentrated on not tripping over the stone placed conviently in front of her.

"Uggh," Tomoyo exclaimed, "You don't get anything about this, do you?"

"Uh-huh..." Sakura was looking at the butterfly in front of her.


"Umm...there's a transfer student...?" Sakura looked upwards as she tried to save her skin, "And...they're from...Hong Kong...?"

"He's!" Tomoyo exclaimed, "I wonder if he has magics like you...then my Sakura could finally have a boyfriend and not feel awkward..." She clutched her cheek in wonder, "And I'll be able to film evey moment of it!" She exclaimed in glee.

"Um...Tomoyo...?" Sakura asked.

They reached the classroom and opened the door, "Hey, guys! Are we late?" Sakura asked everyone her trademark greeting.

"Nope, and just in time, too! Sensei is walking down the hallway!" Rika-chan answered.

"Akk!" Sakura frantically skated to her desk, while Tomoyo glided to hers.

As soon as Sakura sat down, the door opened again and Sensei walked in, "Kinomoto-san, I trust you aren't late today?" He asked as he surveyed the room, then nodded in approval, "Just in time, as usual."

"Lady Luck is always by my side." Sakura muttered an answer.

"Maybe it's because of your magic, not your luuck," Tomoyo winked.

"To...mo...yo..." Sakura hissed, looking around and checking to see if anyone had heard. Thankfully, nobody did.

"Anyway, class, we have a new student today. He just transfered from Hong Kong." Sensei announced. He turned to the door, "You may come in now."

The door opened, and in stepped a boy with touseled brown hair and...Sakura gulped...

Amber eyes.

In her head, Sakaura quickly ran through the colors of eyes and their meanings when it came to magic. Amber meant that he was very skilled in combat magics. Sakura closed her eyes and focused on the seperate auras of everyone and realized that the new student also used moon magic.

"Hello," the new student said, "My name is Li Syaroan."

"Li-san, you can sit next to..." Sensei's eyes scanned the room, and landed on the seat behind Sakura, "Behind Kinomoto-san. Raise your hand, Kinomoto-san, to show him where you are."

Sakura, inwardly groaning at her luck, raised her hand, "Erase that. Lady Luck is not at my side right now."

In fact, she seemed to have disappeared. A person with magic like him could easily tell that there was a strong aura with healing magic, and he could easily pinpoint the source to her.

On the other hand, Tomoyo sitting in the desk besides her was exclaiming in glee, "Li-san has magic! Sakura-chan actually has a chance in love!"

Sakura cringed and silently uttered a spell so no one would her Tomoyo's very loud announcement.

Li-san passed by Sakura, and turned to glare at everyone as he walked, including her. Everyone he glared at had flinched away, but Sakura met his eyes. He continued on, and sat down.

"Ah! Xiao Lang, you're sitting next to me!" Sakura heard Mei-Ling exclaim. Li-san flinched, as if that was what he was afraid of.

"Don't be shy, Xiao Lang, after all, I'm your fiancee!" Mei-Ling proceeded to exclaim rather loudly. Syaroan glanced around fearfully, as everyone turned to look at him in bewilderment. Sakura laughed in her mind...he could've just used a Masking Spell. But, wait, he was only skilled in combat magic...erase what she had just said.

Sakura groaned again in her mind. The rest of the year would be such an obstacle now that Li-san was here. It would take a lot of effort for her to shield her magic from him.

For the rest of class, Sakura zoned out. The bell rang, and she dazedly walked toward the gym to P.E. On her way, Tomoyo grasped her arm and whispered excitedly in her ear, "Even though Li-san is already taken my Mei-Ling-chan, it's obvious that he doesn't really like her. Sakura-chan can still have a chance at him!"

"Tomoyo! Stop trying to matchmake me with a boy that I honestly don't want to even go near a ten-mile radius of!" Sakura replied.

"We'll see..." Tomoyo grinned coyly. Sakura could imagine a cartoon thought bubble coming from Tomoyo's head, brainstorming of ways to get Sakura and Li-san to fall in love.

They reached P.E., and Sensei told them that they were practicing hand-to-hand combat, co-ed. Then she proceeded to pair up Sakura with Li-san.

"Ugghh, does Lady Luck now hate me? And this morning, she was still at my side!" Sakura exclaimed to Tomoyo.

"Nope, Lady Luck is definetely still at your side!" Tomoyo's eyes gleamed. Sakura sighed. When would Tomoyo stop worrying about sakura's love life? Sakura had never found anyone interesting, always devoted to shielding her aura from them, and keeping her real identity hidden.

Sakura trudged toward the mat as she prepared to fight Li-san, then proceeded to take up a stance. She thanked her otou-san and nii-san for teaching her how to fight.

After all, her opponent was skilled at combat magic, though he wouldn't dare use it here...but he was still probably VERY skilled, even without magic.

Sakura prayed that this would be quick. Lady Luck really did not like her...did she?