Disclaimer: I don't own twilight!

Feet raced across the forest floor at breakneck speeds. All of the Cullens, especially Alice and Edward, ran with fierce determination. The terrain was rough and full of obstacles. The boulders and trees in their path were crushed and tore down.

"We're never going to make it!" Alice worried over the rushing wind.

"Yes we will, run faster!" Edward half shouted half snarled. No one would be able to accept it if they didn't make it in time. Their creator's life was on the line. They had waited 2 weeks before getting a lead from one of Alice's visions. The ones she was having on the way were just making them more determined. If they didn't make it, he could die. The only stops made were for hunting.

Emmett's vision spotted a building in the distance. It was a small cottage located on a farm. As they got closer, Carlisle's scent got stronger along with another scent. Emmett punched through the door to the cottage, finding it empty. He snarled in rage.

"There's a cellar out back, come on!" Jasper urged. They raced down the steps, stopping dead in their tracks at the sight. Their beloved father was strapped down on a metal table by cuffs on his wrists and ankles. Duct tape was placed firmly over his mouth. His clothes were covered in blood and dirt along with his hair. The sleeves of his shirt were ripped off, revealing tiny needle marks, His pure black eyes were glazed over from the drugs, unseeing. The enemy vampire held a syringe filled with a blood red liquid over Carlisle's left thigh.

"Nobody move!" His eyes looked crazed, bright red madness filled them. Black hair covered in twigs and dirt. Carlisle's eyes struggled to focus on the needle by his leg. Colors swirled his vision, dizziness overtaking him. His breaths were heaving and uneven. He faintly heard Jasper snarling and walking forward. He felt a sharp pain in his leg along with a rush of burning. Panic set in as he struggled to escape his bonds. Carlisle couldn't help the whimpers that came from his mouth. 'At least the tape is covering them up.' He thought to himself.

"Quiet you!" The enemy slammed his fist into Carlisle's leg. Everyone heard the sickening crack of a bone breaking. His body struggled to stay still, a burning sensation coursing through him. Tears began to stream down his flushed cheeks, sobs bubbling in his throat. His fingernails dug into his hand and his eyes were shut tightly. A mask of pure pain took over Carlisle's face.

Edward's vision went red along with Jasper's and Emmett's. The boys lunged, aiming for the kill. The girls went over to Carlisle, trying to unlock the cuffs. Prying them open, Esme took the duct tape off of his mouth. He clenched his teeth, holding back screams. Esme cradled him to her chest, comforting him in any way possible.

"Alice, what have you seen?" Rosalie asked, holding her father's hand. Bella held his other. She shook her head.

"It's too blurry, nothing is showing up." Alice sighed in annoyance. Meanwhile, the boys were questioning the rouge vampire.

"What is that going to do to Carlisle?" Edward demanded.

"You'll see very soon. He will be cured when the time is right. Not before." He smirked at the rage in Jasper's eyes. Emmett had enough of him. He tore the head from the body within seconds.

"Emmett! We could have asked him more stuff." Edward sighed. Emmett shrugged.

"Sorry Bro. No one should hurt our father like that and live." His gruff voice answered. Jasper nodded in agreement. Once the fire was started, the boys went over to the girls.

"How is he?" Emmett asked, his rage turned to worry in seconds.

"Heavily drugged and in pain. We still have no idea what that drug will do to him." Esme said. Carlisle's eyes met hers. The black that covered his eyes was slowly fading to a crystal blue. Tears continued to rush down his cheeks. Shudders ran through his body, leaving shockwaves of pain in their wake.

"We have to get home as soon as possible." Bella said. Alice nodded.

"I see us staying at a hotel for the night then running home." She stated. Emmett and Jasper went to go burn the cottage and cellar down while the rest of the Cullens went to get a room at a hotel.

Reviews are welcomed :)