Legal: I do not own Power Rangers or the associated names, characters, events etc. Anything not covered by the above rights should be presumed to be purely the creation of the author.

Rating: T – there may be some mild adult themes.

Mike and Kevin came into the Living Room of the Shiba House, taking a short break from training. Kevin was rubbing his right shoulder, while Mike had a satisfied smile on his face as he picked up a bottle of Evian and started drinking.

"What happened?" Mia asked as she saw the slightly disgruntled look on Kevin's face. Mike just gave him a little smirk as he patted him on the shoulder.

"He's just a sore loser." He replied. Jayden looked up a little curious from where he was sitting studying one of the ancient books.

"You beat him?" He asked. Mike feigned a little hurt as he heard him say that.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" He asked him.

"I agreed to do a little unarmed combat with Mike." Kevin muttered in response. All of a sudden the whole scene made a lot more sense. While Mike had let his sword technique and his symbol power training slide during his childhood, the one thing he kept up, and indeed excelled in was his unarmed combat training. He actually enjoyed it almost as much as his video games, and so he had trained in multiple styles with his father, making him an accomplished fighter in his own right in unarmed combat. Indeed, he had been able to show all of them more than a few things whenever they decided to work on their hand-to-hand technique. "I feel like a walking bruise."

"Now you know how I feel when you have your way with the bokken." Mike teased him. "He's a sucker for the Fujiwara."

"You almost ripped my arm out the socket." Kevin complained.

"Oh poor baby." He answered with a fake little pout. "Do I complain when you beat me?"

He made his way over to the corner, where Emily was on the computer. He figured she was working on her on-line courses. Coming up behind her, he started stroking her shoulders, raising a little smile from her.

"It's alright, you'll get him next time." She told him. Mike just frowned.

"Why does everyone automatically assume I lost?" He asked her.

She turned a little, seeing where Mia was checking Kevin out, giving him a little sympathy to soothe the bruises to his ego as much as the bruises to his body. She knew he didn't mean to be disrespectful, but he seemed to take it personally that he lost to Mike. She smiled at her boyfriend.

"You weren't training with swords were you?" She asked him. Mike smiled and nodded.

"He tapped like a little girl." He said proudly. Just then, he took a glance at the screen. "So, what are you working on?"

"Oh, I finished my English essay a little while ago." She told him. "I was just messing around a little while I took a break."

"So what are you looking at?" He asked as he she scooted over, letting him pull up a chair. He looked at the page a little curiously. "You googled us?"

"Yeah, I had heard there were fan sites out there, so I thought I'd take a look." She told him. "Some of them are pretty interesting."

"Not too interesting I hope." Jayden chipped in as he came over, standing over her shoulder. "How much do they know?"

"No, it's nothing like that, they don't reveal our identities or anything like that." She assured him. "At least...I doubt if they do, I've yet to find a site that shows us unmorphed."

"Besides, do remember that just this week we took part in a massive sword fight in the middle of a crowded park unmorphed." Mike reminded him. "It isn't like we've exactly been complete innocents when it comes to keeping our secrets."

Jayden had to concede the point really. Only moments before that battle, he had used his Samuraizer in front of a kid to conjure up paper to make a paper aeroplane. They were all meant to do what they could to keep their identities secret, but the fact was most of them had at some time or another done something that risked exposing them.

"Most of them are just appreciation sites." Emily told him, clicking on one. "Like this one, Samurai Ranger Fanzone."

Jayden and Mike watched as the site booted up. It was a flashy site, with a spectacular picture of all five of the Rangers in combat poses, interspersed with explosions. Several video clips of some of their battles were available, and a loud, raucous heavy rock tune blasted out.

"Look, they have blogs, polls..."

"I'm rated fifth?" Kevin piped up as he saw the result of the latest popularity poll. "I can't believe I'm the least popular Ranger. I'm FIFTH?"

"Apparently you lost a lot of support the week you fought Jayden." Emily said a little sympathetically.

"But I couldn't help that!" He complained.

"Look, it doesn't matter. We don't do this for popularity or praise, and we all know the truth." Jayden assured him. "You're a great Samurai..."

"That's easy for you to say, you're number one!" Kevin pointed out. Jayden shoved his way forward, seeing that he was right.

"I got over fifteen million votes!" He said with a huge grin. Mia just groaned.

"I thought this wasn't about praise or popularity." Mike teased him.

"There are a few other sites." Emily told them, going back to the google search. "Some of them are a little funny."

The next site was called DancingRangers .Com, and did exactly what it said on the tin so to speak. Caricatures of all five Rangers were on the screen with tiny bodies, and unrealistically large heads making them look a little like Ranger babies. When the mouse pointer was dragged over them, they started to dance. Mike started laughing as Emily made the Jayden caricature start doing a break dancing spinaroonie on the floor.

"Hey, I never knew you had moves like that." Mike commented. Jayden also seemed to find it amusing. "So, what else is there?"

"Well, there's a site made by a girl in Harbour Village who makes and sells Samurai Ranger plushies."

"We have merchandise?" Mike asked. "Jayden, are you sure we can't reveal our identities? Surely there's an opportunity for royalties checks in there somewhere."

Emily showed them the site she was talking about. It had pictures of hand-knitted plushies of each of the rangers. Looking at them, they had to admit that they were really pretty good.

"They go for twenty dollars apiece." She told them. "I couldn't afford one each, but..."

She found herself blushing a little as she leaned in towards Mike.

"I ordered myself a Green one." She told him.

"So you can cuddle up to me at night?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow a little. "How do you order them?"

"Hey, there's a site on here that has t-shirts." Kevin stated, pointing out another one. "And this one..."

"Come on guys, maybe we should be getting back to something more productive." Mia suggested. "I mean, it's flattering that people think so much of us and all..."

"Whoa." Mike said as he opened up another page. "Um...I'll say they do."

"That's...that's...that's not funny!" Emily shrieked. "Someone photo-shopped my helmet onto some bikini model!"

"Well I'm not too bothered." Mike sniggered. "I look pretty good in a speedo."

"Mike, that isn't your body!" Emily reminded him. He just shrugged, seeing the funny side in it.

"Alright, so people like us, that's all great." Mia groaned. "Can we please just..."

"Hey, check out that one." Jayden interrupted her, pointing one out. "I think you'll want to see this one Mia."

"Jayden, I'm really not interested." She told him. As the site opened though, the others all fell silent. "See, I'll bet it's not even that good..."

"Well it depends on your point of view." Mike announced as he started to burst out laughing. Jayden and Kevin seemed to be struggling, and Emily buried her face in her hands to hide the fact that she too was laughing. "Personally I think it's pretty great!"

"What's so funny?" She groaned. "Is it another dancing ranger type thing?"

"I think you might want to take a look at this." Jayden told her. Mia just rolled her eyes and came over, only to find herself stunned by what she saw. Her mouth hung open in disbelief at the site, and she could see why the others were laughing.

"Congratulations Mia." Mike told her. "You've got a Facebook page."

Mia shoved Mike out of his chair and sat down, looking more closely at the page. It had a pink skin, and the central picture was a photograph of the Pink Ranger, surrounded by a misty pink border, making it look something like a dream state. The site was named Pink Ranger Love.

"It gets better." Mike told her, clicking on a song link. It started to play sickly, sappy love songs.

"Well, it definitely looks like someone's popular." Kevin told her, putting an arm around her.

"Did you do this?" She asked him, shrinking into him a little in embarrassment as Mike scrolled through some of the other features on the site, including messages from the site's author professing his love for the Pink Ranger. Kevin just shook his head.

"I guess I can't blame anyone else for thinking you're great." He told her. "You have to admit, it is pretty funny."

"I have a feeling it's about to get even funnier." Mike told her. He opened a section on the page entitled poetry. Mia and the others started reading.

"As I lay there on the ground, the monsters closing in,
I prepare for the end, a fight I cannot win,
My angel came down, with the strength of love,
Destroying my enemies like a flying pink boxing glove..."

"Alright, is this guy serious?" Kevin sniggered. "This is awful!"

Mia continued to read.

"I know I'm safe as she wraps me in her arms and now it seems,
Her strength gives me the power to follow dreams,
To find her again where the monsters give me a sign,
And then one day to make her mine."

By now, Emily could take no more, and ran off, tears of laughter streaming down her face. Mike just rolled around on the floor, cradling his aching sides as Jayden and Kevin just walked away, shaking their heads in disbelief.

"Tell you what, when you've finished with your new admirer, how about we go for a run or something?" Kevin stated as they walked away. "I have a feeling I'm going to need fresh air after that."

Mia just continued to stare at the page, finding herself totally embarrassed by the whole thing. Mike finally managed to drag himself onto his feet, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Well, at least if things don't work out with Kevin, you know you have other options." He teased her.


"Who knows, maybe this guy is your Prince Charming?" He suggested.

"Mike please." She protested, feeling her embarrassment becoming worse. All her firends had now seen what was on the net about her, and they were all laughing at her about it. She didn't ask for this, but she just knew that now she would never hear the end of it. Mike just shook his head.

"Come on, this is way too good to pass up." He told her. "I'll see you around. I promised Emily we'd go for ice-cream if she finished her English essay today."

With that, he walked away, finally leaving Mia alone. She didn't know what to do about this. In a way it was kind of flattering that someone dedicated so much of their time and effort to setting this up in her honour, even if it was somewhat embarrassing, and the poetry was terrible, and the music was terrible...not to mention it was a little odd to think that someone would have a crush on her despite never having seen her face...She shook her head to try and clear her thoughts. She knew that people had written to the site provider before to complain if someone was taking their name or image without their consent, but then that would mean she would have to prove she was the Pink Ranger, and reveal her identity.

She reasoned that she could perhaps send the site owner a private message from the Pink Ranger, explaining that she was flattered for the attention, but that she was uncomfortable with the nature of the content of the site, but that could have a similar problem. She would have to prove she was The Pink Ranger, otherwise the message would simply be ignored, or worse, if he did believe it, then it might just encourage the admirer.

She scrolled through more of the site, seeing numerous pictures of her in action, some of which had been altered in some way, from being surrounded by love hearts, to one that had been overlaid over a giant Kanji symbol for love, in pink of course.

"Oh, great." She muttered as she finally found a picture that made the whole thing make a lot more sense. It was taken from the battle where she had saved that kid, and it showed him laying in her arms. It bore the message, "The Pink Ranger and me."

"Well, I guess now I know who's responsible for this." She commented. "Now all I have to do is figure out what to do about it."