Title: iCan't Do this Without You

Author: Mrpointyhorns aka Blemery

Rating: R

Status: Work in Progress

Part: 6/6

Pairings: Slash

Warnings: Slash, Bullying

Spoilers: None.

Summary: iMake Sam Girler, iGo Nuclear

Beta: None. Google Translater.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by someone else. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A/N: I think I finished this story. Not sure it ended kind of on a fluffy end note, but I have some bits that I could tie up more, but I'll probably just put them in the next story.

Beware this gets really fluffy!

He worked hard on his earth day science project to keep busy. When his project received a failing grade he went to the Principal. That's when everything came to a head. He was leaving the principal's office satisfied with his now A grade and his ticket off the fruit and berry retreat. He was so relieved that he didn't notice Pete and some of the other guys from the baseball team coming around the corner, until he ran into them.

"Hey Fairy." The three other kids, Jeff, Nick, and Travis, with Pete laughed. Freddie knew who they were; he was even kind of friends with Jeff. Pete grabbed Freddie's shoulder and slammed him against the lockers.

"Pete, what are you doing?" Jeff voice.

"Beating the shit out of him." Pete's fist landed on Freddie's abdomen repeatedly. Freddie tried to push Pete away. It hurt, and the other guys were watching. Freddie looked away from them. He didn't want to know what they looked like, being humiliated in front of a group of guys was just as bad as being bullied by Pete. Nick and Travis had been witness to the name calling the abuse in the past, but none of them had been around when Pete had done something like this. Soon the entire baseball team would know how weak he was.

"Stop, stop it." Freddie tried to move away, but he tripped over Pete's feet and fell to the floor. That was a worse angle. Pete could kick now, and he did. He kicked Freddie in the back over and over.

Freddie would like to say that he was able to get away, but that didn't happen. Pete must have taken lessons from Sam, he was stronger, and he jumped on Freddie and shoved Freddie's head into the tile below.

Freddie heard the other guys say: "Oh shit." And, "Let's get out of here." Then he heard them shut their lockers and leave. Pete didn't seem to notice or if he did, it didn't stop him from boxing Freddie in the ears.

"You're sick," Pete hissed cruel names at Freddie as he continued. Freddie stopped trying to crawl away. He just put his arms over the back of his head and hoped that he could ride this out.

"What are you doing to Freddie?!" Freddie looked up from under his arms. It was Sam, and Carly was with her.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" Pete asked he stood up from his position on top of Freddie.

"I think you should answer Sam's question first," Carly said. She had a panicked look on her face. She looked directly at Freddie.

Freddie let his head drop to the tile. He wasn't sure if he was embarrassed about being rescued by a girl and Sam or if he was just completely grateful.

"It's not what you think. You know how Carly was trying to make you girly well I'm trying to make Freddie manly," Pete explained.

"Dude we didn't just get here." Sam cracked her knuckles and balled them into fists. "You better run."

"Does this mean you don't want to go out this weekend?" Pete asked he sounded nervous, but Freddie didn't know if it was because Sam's threat or because Pete might not have a date this weekend.

"Get out of here!" Sam yelled and chased Pete out of the hall.

"Freddie," Carly knelt down beside him. "Are you okay?"

Freddie knew he couldn't hide any longer with all the strength that he had he sat up looking at Carly. He hurt in so many places and he was sure his face looked terrible because Carly was smiling this soft little smile. And it looked like she might cry in a second.

"Hey, he's gone." Sam returned she stood behind Carly. She hissed, "You don't look good. Do you think you need to go to the nurse's or can you get home?"

"It's just some bruises," Freddie whispered looking away from his friends. "I don't want to freak out my mom."

"This is going to freak her out, Freddie!" Carly yelled.

"I know, but I think going home will be easier. It was just a fight." Freddie clumsily stood on two feet. Carly still looked upset as before, but Sam had a look of pride on her face. "Did you talk to Principal Franklin?"

"Ya, he said that it was obvious that I didn't know that I had anything illegal in my earth project, but I needed to be more careful, less trusting of strangers, less naïve," Carly shrugged. "Maybe he's right." She got quiet again and looked like she felt guilty for even bringing up her project. She also looked really upset again. She looked at Freddie with so much sympathy he thought he was going to be sick.

He looked at Sam feeling completely hurt and humiliated. He didn't know how it had come to this. He should have been able to stick up for himself, but he had been completely pushed over. Although, Pete was an athlete and took weight lifting, Freddie still should have been able to protect himself even if he couldn't fight him.

"Alright, both of you two, we're going over to Carly's and we're going to talk about this. You know how much I hate talking, but Carly's freaking and you're a mess. I'll help clean you up alright?" Sam ordered. She told them to wait there and went in the direction of her and Carly's locker. When she got back she had Carly and her things. Freddie knew he should get his things too, but he didn't want to be at the school for another moment.

When they got to Carly's, Freddie was relieved because Spencer was out and so Sam put Carly on the couch and told Freddie to park it on the chair. Then she went into the kitchen and came back with a leg of ham. She sat down on the couch with Carly. "Okay, I want to know a few things and you better not lie."

Freddie wrinkled his nose, he really didn't want to do this, but what was he supposed to do Sam saved him earlier and he knew he owed her. "Sure."

"Okay, so you started getting all bruised and limpy a few weeks ago, is this when this all started?" Sam asked taking a big bite of her ham. Freddie sat up and looked over at with big eyes.

"Bruises, limpy, weeks?! Freddie!" Carly looked over at Freddie her jaw dropped. Freddie was surprised because so far he had thought that Sam was completely oblivious, but she seemed to know something was up right away.

"Look I mess around with Freddie, but I don't leave bruises, well not many of them," Sam clarified, she liked to give dead arms sometimes which led to bruises, but that was just in fun, not to hurt him. "So I noticed when I was messing around with you, that you were more sensitive, then, you know, you had bruises on your arms. So I knew something was going on, but you never said anything, so I figured you wanted to keep it to yourself. I understand wanting to take care of yourself."

Freddie started nodding along with her when she said he wanted to keep it to his self. "That's right. I guess, it was a few weeks ago, before our projects started. At first I thought he was just trying to roughhouse like you do, but it was only a few days before he said he didn't want me hanging around his girlfriend. I know you really like him so I didn't want to be the one that messed things up. Anyway, even after I stopped coming over after school, except for iCarly stuff, he was still doing shit, but I thought I could handle it, obviously not," Freddie explained. He leaned back in the chair feeling sick because he had been so weak. He had really messed up.

Sam threw her leg bone at Freddie. It smacked him in the chest, and wouldn't have hurt except that he was already in pain. He whined at the abuse. "Do you think I want to date an asshole? Yea, I liked Pete, but I didn't know he was a jerk! I don't want to date a jerk."

Freddie lifted his head from the chair looking at Sam. "Really?"

"Carly!" Sam turned to Carly. She was clearly upset her nostrils flared, but she also looked kind of hurt. "Help me out with this one?"

Carly rubbed Sam's wrist and arm with sympathy for a moment and then looked at Freddie. "It's not just Sam. I don't know anyone that would want to continue to date an asshole once they found out that they were being one. Especially, so when they've dated less than a month. Would you?"

"Want to date someone if he was being a jerk to you two behind my back?" Freddie asked. He shook his head. "No way!"

"Anyone, if he was being a jerk to anyone?" Sam snapped. "I know we have a thing where we mess with each other Freddie, and friends do that sometimes, but there is a huge difference between that and being a jerk. When you knew it wasn't roughhousing you should have told me that he was a jerk!"

Freddie thought about this carefully. He could understand where Sam came from and he could agree to do so in the future. He nodded slowly. "Okay, I should have said something. You were just so happy."

Sam smiled slightly. "I'll get over it. Just don't be an idiot again."

"Okay, but that's not the only problem." Carly sat up interrupting them before their talk was resolved. "Pete might not be an issue anymore; because maybe he wouldn't care what Freddie does when he's not dating you Sam, but what if he does care? Or even if he doesn't, what about someone else? Someone we're not dating? That just makes Freddie's life their business? What about then?"

"Then, I'll make my fist their business." Sam snarled.

Freddie was kind of surprised that Carly pulled the words from his thoughts. They were just too close to his thoughts, and he couldn't be grateful, instead he felt concern blossom in his gut. He sat up and looked at Carly. "Who hurt you?"

Sam jumped and looked at Carly. "Someone hurt you?"

"No! Well not now or anything, but I mean I think everyone feels like that sometimes. Sometimes people are just jerks. And even though you do your best to stop them they're still assholes." Carly wrung her hands together. "I think even Sam's felt that way."

"Shut your mouth." Sam gave Carly a hard look.

"Maybe not anyone our age, but maybe an adult who is a jerk," Carly said raising her voice at the end making it somewhat of a question.

Sam kept her look hard for a moment and then it fell. "Sometimes the guys my mom dates are assholes."

Hearing that Freddie snapped up, the leg bone clattered to the floor, but he didn't care. "What did they do?"

Letting out a harsh breath Sam shrugged. "They didn't lay a hand on me. Don't worry. But some of them can be jerks. Like locking me out of the house, or telling me I'm a fuck up or other shit." Sam couldn't look up from where she was staring at the floor. She picked at the couch idly. "It sucks sometimes. They're not like that with her and she doesn't notice."

Carly whined softly and reached out to hug Sam with one arm. Usually, Sam wouldn't accept comfort or pity even from Carly, but she allowed it and Carly just hugged harder. Freddie carefully stood and went over to the couch with the two of them, but he didn't dare touch Sam. "That's not all is it?" Freddie said. "Maybe you can handle a fight, but someone our age can hurt you, with the right words, huh?"

"Shut your mouth." Sam snapped at Freddie and went to push him, but stopped from touching him. He saw her looking at one of the bruises on his arms and her hand fell away. He felt his weakness come back feeling sick again. "Ok fine. Carly's right everyone has to deal with jerks sometimes."

Carly hugged Sam tighter and then pulled away slightly. "So, we agree that there are jerks. And sometimes we do everything we can to get out of the situation or away from the person, but we can't right?"

Freddie looked away his sick feeling in his stomach growing, his eyes hot with shame. He didn't hear Sam say anything in reply either, but Carly continued. "Right. So, from now on when that happens both of you, we have to remember that we're not alone. Okay. Maybe Sam won't be able to punch out the next asshole like this time, but dealing with it together will be better than separate. Okay?"

"Carly that's so…" Sam gave a fake little laugh. But it died away. "Yay, okay. It'd be kinda cool if I could come over here the next time a jerk locks me out. Or gives me creepy looks."

"Freddie?" Carly said softly.

He turned to look at his two friends nodding slightly. "Got it. I should have said something earlier, especially after you asked me about it Carly, but I just feel, like shit that I couldn't handle it on my own."

"It's better to feel like shit, then this…" Carly waved her hand around Freddie indicating his bruises and cuts. "And anyway why isn't telling us a way of handling it? Hmm? We're part of your arsenal that you use to take care of jerks."

Freddie felt something light up in him when she said that. It really hit him then. If someone was being a jerk to Carly or Sam he wouldn't think anything of them coming to him for help. In fact, he made it a point to make sure the girls were safe and taken care of when they got crazy messages from fans or when someone whistled at one of them on the street. He wouldn't stand for anyone bothering them, and would do everything to make sure it was fixed. So why shouldn't he rely on Carly and Sam too.

"Yeah you're right." Freddie finally said. "I just wish you said it sooner."

"Me too. But it's said now." Carly smiled. "So, we all promise? Freddie?"

"Got it." Freddie smiled back. They looked at Sam. She nodded. "Good." She smiled at them slightly.

"Are we done?" Sam asked after a long silence.

"Almost." Carly stood up and went over to the bar to grab her computer then she brought it back to the couch. "We're calling Lucas."

"Ooo this should be good." Sam sat up looking at Freddie.

He swallowed his throat dry. "Carly…"

"No. We're calling him no excuses. Sorry. I know might be embarrassing for you, but if he found out we didn't tell him he'd be so mad." Carly opened her computer and pulled up the skype.

Freddie looked at Sam for help. "It'll be okay. But let's get you cleaned up a bit before." Freddie agreed knowing any little bit might help. Carly went to get the first aid kit and then she and Sam helped him. There weren't too many cuts though because Pete had made more ugly bruises and swelling puffy skin with his fist and feet, but at least he wasn't bleeding. Sam still gave him a look that said it didn't help, and Carly just laughed lightly in the fake way that she did sometimes. He sighed and took the laptop from Carly. She sat down on one side of him and Sam on the other. He called Lucas and though he was nervous he didn't find himself hoping that Lucas wouldn't answer. He still wanted to talk to him and to see him even if he felt sick and embarrassed about it. He couldn't really explain why.

After one chorus of the Skype ringtone, Lucas picked up, his brow furrowing a little. It was clear that it took a moment for the picture to clear on Lucas's side because he was confused for a moment, but then his expression fell and he looked so hurt. "Oh, babe." Freddie choked slightly, but he didn't think that it would be picked up on the Skype. "What happened?"

"Freddie's an idiot and thought I wanted to date an asshole," Sam started.

Carly quickly cut in. "Sam." She cut her gaze at Sam and then away. "Well, it started with the Earth Day projects. The teacher gave Freddie and me terrible grades," Lucas looked surprised at that statement so then she back tracked and explained what happened with the projects and how her project had been illegal. And how Sam's had been an orange, then she circled forward to the fight. "We were going to get our stuff from our locker. Some guys from the baseball team, Jeff, Travis and some other guy came running around the corner. Travis almost ran into Sam and ended up falling over, but got up and kept running. If they hadn't acted like that, we probably would have walked right by without seeing…seeing it." She stopped talking and tears fell from her eyes. She covered her eyes.

"Carly." Freddie frowned. He had started to relax when she talked about their projects she had sidetracked so much he almost forgot where the story led. But hearing Jeff and Travis's names brought it back. He put and arm around her hugging her shoulder.

"You can guess the rest right?" Sam asked, she was leaning around Freddie to see if Carly was alright, blocking Freddie's view of the computer, but he didn't notice.

"I got it." Lucas said softly. Sam sat back looking down at the computer. Carly was still crying a little, but she moved her hand from her eyes. "Freddie, when you told us you wanted to handle it on your own, did you know that it would come to this?"

Freddie shook his head, but then stopped. "Well, maybe a little. I really wanted to be able to handle it on my own, but at the time everything I tried hadn't helped. I was a little afraid that I couldn't, but I didn't think it would be like this, just you know some suckerpunches, sometimes." Freddie looked away. "After everything you did to help when the girls were giving me a hard time. I didn't want to ask for help again. I still feel stupid for saying I needed it."

Lucas just rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest unhappy. "Do you think I like you because of your fighting abilities?"

Sam snorted a little laugh. Freddie glared slightly at her, but then refocused on Lucas, well on the chair Lucas was sitting on, he couldn't meet his eyes. "No, I guess not."

"That's right. I started liking you because you were really cute on iCarly." Lucas said. Freddie looked at his eyes and even though the camera might have messed with the angles he thought that Lucas was looking back at him.

"Aww." Carly gushed, and then sniffled from her former crying. Sam held the tissue box for her. "Then what?"

Lucas smiled slightly and his gaze shifted away from Freddie's before coming back. "And then I got to meet you. Do you know what that feels like? I had this crush on you, and I finally get to talk to you. You said you thought I was talented and not just as a fan, but as a fellow web video designer. It was everything. And then when I asked to kiss you, you said yes. Yes!" Freddie squirmed slightly his stomach filling with heat and sticky sweetness. "Anyway, even when we started dating, I was never fooled into thinking that I liked your fighting skills, except on War of Warlords. So, don't you ever do something so stupid again. I actually do like your smarts and now I'm starting to doubt that you have them."

"That's so sweet." Sam sniffled. Freddie stopped looking at Lucas to look at her in surprise. She had tears in her eyes and one streak down her cheek. Carly was leaning over around him to look as well. "Don't say anything."

When the three of them turned back to the computer, Lucas had left his computer chair and the only thing to look at where the posters in his room. "What happened?" Carly asked.

"Maybe he's embarrassed from getting all sweet?" Sam suggested. "I would," she added after a beat.

Freddie shook his head at the comment. "I'm not sure. Maybe Curly needed something?"

"Who?" Carly and Sam said at the same time. Carly slugged Sam in the shoulder for the jinx. Sam glared but didn't say a word about it or hit Carly back.

"His new foster bunny," Freddie explained.

"You can foster bunnies?" Carly asked. Freddie simply nodded. Carly looked pretty excited about the idea, but didn't say anything more about it.

Sam stood up. "Well, if he's taking a break, I'm getting more ham. Anyone want some?" Sam asked walking over to the kitchen. Carly and Freddie just looked at each other, but didn't respond to the offer. They could hear her going through the contents of the refrigerator.

"Yo!" Spencer called coming into the apartment. He had a large, what was that? Freddie turned his head in several directions and then gave up trying to figure out what it was, but it was enough to distract Spencer into taking it into his bedroom.

"What was that?" Freddie asked.

"Purple," Carly replied.

Freddie turned to look at Carly. She seemed as puzzled as Freddie about the object, and so her reply was truthful, the object was purple. "Freddie? Carly?" Lucas had returned and they both turned to look at him. "Sorry, I went to talk to my parents. Look what they gave me." Lucas held up a set of keys.

"Car keys?" Carly asked.

"Does that mean…"

"Yup! See you in four hours." Lucas put the keys down and smiled. "Try to put ice on your face until then."

Freddie felt his face heat up from a blush, but he was too excited to care. He sat up more on the couch and was about to reply, but Sam and Spencer returned to the living room. Sam tossed an ice pack at him and Spencer screamed. "YOUR FACE!" Freddie ducked the ice putting the laptop on the couch and feeling completely embarrassed, the rest of his body hurt way more than his face so why was everyone yelling about it.

"See you soon Lucas," Carly said from above him.

After everything settled down a bit, Carly told Spencer what happened once again starting from the Earth Day Project until the fight, but she didn't mention the talk the three of them had. Spencer frowned looking at Freddie. "Does your mom know?"

"Not yet. I hid the lacrosse mark alright, but I don't think I can hide all this. I just wish she'd handle it better." Freddie wasn't sure what was worse his mom's worrying over him and smothering him or how righteous she might get maybe even going to the school to talk to the Principal. Freddie also didn't want to disappoint her, the last few weeks his mom had given him more space and he knew it was going to disappear after this.

"Give me a few minutes with her," Spencer suggested and left the apartment.

"That's a brave man." Sam looked on inspired by Spencer. Then she frowned. "Or stupid."

Freddie didn't reply putting the ice pack more gingerly on his eye. The girls stayed down with him until they heard Spencer and Freddie's mom in the hall. Then they hurried up the stairs to get out of sight, but they were probably still listening. Marissa entered the apartment, Spencer stayed at the door, but in the room. Freddie immediately looked away. Marissa was wearing flats that looked more comfortable than in style. She was wearing long socks with them, but mostly her slacks covered them.

"Freddie." Marissa kept her voice even and tempered. Freddie was surprised and looked up. He felt his stomach twist into knots. It was worse than he thought. She was in tears her face in her hands and her eyes puffy already. He hadn't seen her cry since his Dad had left. "Spencer already told me what's been going on." She sniffled and he looked away again, her shoes weren't that ugly really, they just blended in. "Do you think that hooligan had enough?"

Freddie shrugged his shoulders. He didn't really understand why Pete disliked him so much in the first place, enough to physically hurt him. He couldn't guess what his next move would be. "I don't think it will happen again though."

"Hmm." Marissa's legs twisted and Freddie looked up when she was turned away looking at Spencer. Then she turned back to Freddie. "We'll see about that. Now, let's get you home and we'll take a look at you alright." Freddie sighed and refrained from rolling his eyes. He stood up and grabbed his bag and followed her across the hall.

"Come over for spaghetti tacos!" Spencer called after him, but the door closed without a chance for Freddie to reply.

Marissa led him into the bathroom and then went to get her industrial first aid kit. She returned and was looking through it before she spoke. "Spencer said that Lucas was on his way over."

"Yea, sorry, he asked his parents after we called him," Freddie explained. He hadn't meant to forget to ask permission first. Marissa nodded, and looked over Freddie's face. "Sam and Carly mostly got that."

She clucked her tongue, and carefully applied swabs and ointment and anything that might help. Typically, his mom's healthcare, though strange, did work so he didn't resist. "He's a good kid. So of course he's welcome, but don't forget about the door."

"I promise," Freddie agreed; taking his shirt off when she instructed him too. It hurt to get his arms over his head, so Marissa had to help. There were more cuts and scraps on his chest and back than his face, but there was also more bruises, his back had taken most of the kicks and he didn't dare look in the mirror.

While he was turned around so that his mom could do his back she spoke again. "I know that growing up means these things can happen, but I hope it hasn't changed you."

He looked at his appearance in the mirror as he tried to figure out what she meant. His face wasn't pretty. His eyes were puffy, and his left cheek was swollen and bruised. The right had a small tear, but it was covered with a liquid band-aid. His nose didn't look too bad; it wasn't broken, just squished up from all the swelling. He hardly recognized the person as him. When he was finished looking at his reflection he looked passed him to his mom. She had stopped working and was looking at him in the mirror. He froze. Slowly, he turned around.

"My sweet boy." Freddie closed his eyes when she hugged him and kissed his brow. He wasn't embarrassed about the affection, but he did feel a pang of it from before. If he had been able to handle the situation with Pete, then his mom wouldn't have to worry. Along side the embarrassment laid the guilt for worrying her, his own worry that he would always cause his mom heartache. He knew it was natural to worry about love ones, but generally that worry should be of fictitious events. She pulled away stepping back, looking him over. "I was just seeing you come back, and I don't want you to disappear again."

"Do you mean because…" He felt his mouth dry up, he couldn't voice it. He couldn't bring up what happened as a child. How his father had been. How it crumbled everything in him when he left, even though his father had been unkind and unforgiving towards him.

She knew though and nodded. She reached up brushing some of his hair from his head. "You were so bright and it wilted away." She paused a moment her breath hitched slightly, but she didn't cry again. "Until lately, and I don't want to see that disappear again."

Up until that point Freddie hadn't realize how much the truth had affected his persona, first by holding on to his as a child and using it to fight battles much too big for him at that age, then growing as he hid it away and kept it buried inside confusion, shame, bitterness, and angry. He still felt happy growing up; however, the happiness was tainted by abandonment. He hadn't realized that he had started to let go of that, after he told Lucas about what happened as a child, he just let it go. He wouldn't forget, and he didn't forgive his father, but he did forgive his self. He let go of the guilt and in turn the shame dissolved. He never wanted to feel that way again and maybe that's why he had been so determined to take care of the situation with Pete. He wanted to maintain his truth.

Marissa smiled and took another step back. "I think you understand now. That's why I was so upset Freddie. I just want you to know that."

Lucas arrived just after 6:30. Freddie was over at Carly's again; helping Spencer heat up the taco shells for dinner. Well he was supposed to be helping; he was really just standing in the kitchen staring down the door. Carly and Sam had gone upstairs twenty minutes ago to do something, hair? Make up? Freddie wasn't sure, but he hadn't joined them in favor of waiting by the door. Lucas walked into the apartment without knocking. He wore long dark levi's and a blue and orange stripped collared shirt. He had his phone in hand, but no luggage suggesting that he had already dropped them off. He looked up from the phone when the door shut soundly.

The shell in Freddie's hand cracked and fell to the floor, where he stepped on it on his way over to Lucas. Spencer complained loudly, but Freddie didn't hear what he said. He was already across the living room and throwing his arms around Lucas, who returned the embrace without thought. "Freddie."

"Luke," Freddie voice came out as a soft whine. He pressed his face into Lucas's shoulder and held on tight.

"Shh, baby, it's okay." Lucas hugged him harder rubbing his hands over his back and leaning in to kiss his head. Freddie turned his lips towards his. Lucas hissed, moving his hands to cup Freddie's swollen face. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry." He stroked his thumb over Freddie's cheek and with the other hand carded his fingers through his hair. Freddie looked up at him meeting his eyes carefully. Lucas looked hurt and broken, his eyes soft with apologies and comfort. Before Freddie could look away or feel embarrassed again, Lucas was leaning in towards him. Freddie felt lips on his lips and he closed his eyes, and felt relief and melted up against him. He slid his hands down to Lucas's lower back and left them there. He opened his mouth and Lucas replied. The kiss ended with just the briefest of touch of lips to lips and Freddie opened his eyes to see Lucas looking back at him. Lucas kissed him one more solid time and then pulled back.

"Are you done?" Sam asked from the bottom of the stairs. Freddie saw Lucas look up towards her and stepped back slightly more and turned to look as well. Carly was there too and she had the sweetest expression on her face. Freddie blushed and looked down at the floor.

"Hey." Lucas lifted his hand from Freddie's cheek and waved to the girls, he didn't replace it, but he moved the hand he had on the back of Freddie's head down around his shoulders. "What?"

"You two." Carly said softly and shook her head. "Maybe we should eat."

Socko came over during dinner, he was a nineteen-year-old kid that had dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes. He often dyed his hair, and he had it dyed now, there were still strands of brown, but also a swirl of pinkish-purplish that weaved into his hair. He came up from the elevator and made a spaghetti taco and joined everyone at the table.

"Lucas?" Socko asked. Lucas nodded. "Socko." Socko pointed at himself and crunched down on his taco.

"Cool." Lucas nodded munching on his spaghetti taco too.

Socko looked at Lucas more closely. "Hey, I know you."

Freddie laughed. "You just said his name."

"Come on Freddie. Of course, I'm going to know your boyfriend." Socko frowned.

"I didn't tell you…"

Socko looked really offended and put upon, but in a slightly dramatic way. "Socko knows things!" Spencer filled in. "You insult him, by thinking he doesn't know things."

"When did you know about Lucas and Freddie?" Sam asked pretty curious and chowing down on her fifth taco.

"December," Socko replied.

"We hadn't met." Freddie pointed out. He felt a little bad about insulting Socko, but now he was thinking that Socko was full of it.

Socko just had a very hard look and went back to eating his taco. "December."

"He knows things, Freddie!" Spencer said again.

"He does know things," Carly agreed, she had that little look on her face as though she was remembering several occasions when Socko knew things before.

Freddie frowned and wanted to say it wasn't possible that Socko knew in December, but the Shay's and Socko were giving him hard looks. So he just let it go. "So you knew Lucas was my boyfriend."

"Yup," Socko concluded. "Who do you think sent Sam and Carly the link to the Fred videos?"

"Wait, so you're saying you saw the Fred video and thought Lucas and I should date?" Freddie asked.

Socko nodded. "Yes."

"Aww." Carly sighed. "That's so cute. Why did you think that?"

"Well, look at them." Socko waved his hands between the two of them.

Freddie would have been embarrassed about Carly, Sam and Spencer turning to look at him and Lucas, but he was looking over at Lucas and didn't know it. He knew that he felt very strongly for Lucas, and he thought he was falling in love, but what was it about Lucas, or Lucas and Freddie, that Socko saw. Lucas looked back at him bright eyes and smiling. Freddie couldn't help leaning closer and his eyes fluttered close when Lucas kissed him.

"Aww," Carly sighed again.

"I'm trying to eat here!" Sam snapped.

"They are pretty sweet," Spencer agreed turning to Socko. "Totally see it man."

"I know, right. What I didn't know was that you were related to my Uncle Lawrence." Socko explained. "That's why I was surprised."

"Your uncle is Lawrence?" Lucas asked; pulling away from Freddie's mouth and turning to Socko in complete disbelief. "My uncle is Lawrence."

"Are you brothers?" Spencer asked.

Carly and Freddie looked at each other when Spencer said that. It was a typical Spencer thing to say, and they often exchanged looks when Spencer said things like that, or when Gibby did. Or sometimes when Sam would, though she didn't say things like that, she just, you know turned oranges into Earth Day projects.

"No." Lucas shook his head. "Lawrence is married to my Uncle Dan, who is my mom's brother."

"So you're…stepbrothers?" Spencer wrinkled his brow.

"Dude, they're cousins," Sam finally said stabbing her knife on the serving platter of spaghetti tacos and making Socko flinch back from getting the last one. She pulled the plate her and took it.

"Well not really. A cousin is someone who shares a set of grandparents with you. They're no more related Sam and I are related," Freddie explained.

"Lame," Sam grumbled around her taco. Spencer looked disappointed too.

"Wait your uncles that helped save iCarly?" Carly asked and looked at Lucas.

Lucas nodded looking at Socko closely. "We never met."

"Pictures," Socko explained.

Everyone went a little quiet thinking about the strange occurrence of how people were separated by a few degrees. Freddie wondered if he would have met Lucas even with out the web videos. Maybe he would have met Socko's uncles and Lucas would have been there. Could what Socko have said been true, that they were supposed to be together, even in December? Freddie looked off as he thought until he realized that Sam was glaring at him. He jumped slightly and she just showed her teeth.

"Should we get dessert?" Carly finally said after a while.

"Let's clean up kiddo and have pie in the living room," Spencer suggested. The group agreed all standing up. Sam immediately went out to the living room, and Socko moved his dishes to the sink, but followed after her.

Freddie stacked up his dishes and the serving platters. He went to reach for Carly's plate, but she held on to it. "Freddie, you can't do dishes."

"Why?" Freddie wrinkled up his brow.

"You're all puffy, and gross. Just go rest, okay? I'll make you an ice pack." Carly took the dishes from Freddie, slowly, gently, like she thought he wouldn't notice that way. He was going to argue and even opened his mouth, but she pouted and looked all hurt. So he closed it and went into the living room. Sam was looking at the videos and DVD selection. Socko was sitting spread out on the couch. Freddie shuffled over to the couch, and Socko moved his feet so that Freddie could sit on the couch. Socko's shoes were off and his socks were Captain American socks with little wings on them and the same color as his uniform and everything. They looked cool, but Freddie didn't know how many people could really pull of superhero socks.

He looked into the kitchen. Lucas was helping the Shay's clean up the kitchen, though Carly kept telling him that he was an out of town guest, but he kept ducking out of her way and drying dishes and putting them away. Spencer was in the kitchen farther and working at the island, probably dishing out the pie, but Freddie couldn't see it because of the bar between the living room and kitchen.

Socko sat up crossing his legs, his arms leaning on his knees and leaning closer to Freddie. Freddie turned to look at him. "Want to learn to block that?"

"Block, what?" Freddie started, but Socko just poked his puffy swollen cheek. Freddie flushed. "I think it's useless."

"Doubt it." Socko looked up, "Sam make some room."

Sam didn't seem to mind the order and moved the coffee table out of the room leaving the floor open. Socko jumped up and Sam was back. "Come here Sam and try to hit me."

"Try?" Sam made a face. She didn't try to hit people, she hit them. Socko just walked a few steps into the room and Sam followed. She moved to hit him, but Socko came up to block the punch, she tried to throw an uppercut with her other hand, but he was ready and blocked it too. She growled and started at him with more intensity. Freddie watched as Sam threw punch after punch and kicks. They got harder and more aggressive as Sam became increasingly more frustrated by the lack of hit. Socko never returned the hits, just kept blocking over and over.

Freddie just stared watching in a sort of zoned out awe. No one ever held Sam back before, and it was amazing to watch the volley between them. Carly and Lucas joined him on the couch, Carly climbing over the back and sitting at the other end, and Lucas snuggling in against Freddie's side taking the center of the couch. Lucas handed Freddie a plate of pie and ice cream, all three of them watching.

After forty minutes of sparing, Sam finally landed a hit on Socko. It was only after a quick sessions of hits and kicks that he blocked. She yipped and pumped her fists. "Ha! Did you feel that? Little boy?"

Socko rubbed his cheek, but stepped back and bowed slightly. "You got me. But it took forty minutes. Do you think you can make me look like Freddie before you get tired?"

Sam looked a Freddie raising her eyebrow skeptically. She looked back at Socko. "I know where you sleep."

"Down, Sam." Carly stood up and gathered Sam away from Socko and led her back to the couch. Lucas bunched over towards Freddie so that Sam could fit on the couch with them.

"I think if you blocked a few punches from some asshole, he or she would quickly realize you're not worth the trouble. You're not a fighter Freddie, but we can give you a little defense." Socko stood in front of the couch. "What do you say?"

Freddie looked down at his empty plate that had been ice cream and pie. He wanted to be able to protect himself. If he had been able to before, he could have dealt with the situation with Pete early on, without worry anyone. He flinched slightly, he just promised not to hide things like that from his friends anymore. And he didn't want to hide. So was learning to defend going to take away from that? He felt Lucas nudge his arm gently with his shoulder. Freddie looked up at him, into his eyes. Lucas kept his gaze too. Freddie looked around Lucas's face his lips, a slight smile, his strong jaw; he was so handsome. Freddie looked back in Lucas's eyes and was surprised that Lucas was still looking at him. Lucas moved closer and kissed him softly. Then he kissed his puffy cheek and his swollen brow. Freddie thought maybe Lucas would say something, but because they weren't alone he just left it unsaid. And maybe Freddie understood, though he couldn't read Lucas as well as he could Carly or even Sam, he saw the same look on his mom's face earlier. Lucas just wanted him to be okay. He didn't want to lose Freddie. He didn't want Freddie to get scared away, scared into hiding again. He didn't want Freddie to get scared and end up in the hospital or a suicide watch like Adam.

Freddie reached out his hand and cupped Lucas's face. He looked at him carefully again and thought he had read Lucas well enough, maybe he wasn't saying all that with his eyes, but he was trying to encourage him. "And you wouldn't be turned off if I am a little bit of a fighter?"

Lucas shook his head. "Of course not. I have never been under the impression that you are a fighter, but that doesn't mean I think it's a turn off."

"Okay." Freddie smiled and then turned back towards Socko. Who was gone? Freddie sat up and looked over at Sam and Carly. Sam was gone too, but he saw her behind the couch going through some of the things near the stairs. Carly was watching her. Freddie found Socko and Spencer at the bar eating their dessert. Socko and Spencer were having a conversation, and after a few sentences Freddie realized it was about Socko's latest date.

"What happened?" Freddie asked looking at Lucas.

"I think they were giving us some privacy, baby." Lucas put an arm around Freddie and pulled him close. "You don't have to learn that stuff today."

"Okay." Freddie agreed putting his puffy head on Lucas's shoulder. Lucas's other hand found Freddie's and laced their fingers together. "Thanks for coming."

"You're my baby," Lucas said softly and kissed his hair. Freddie looked up at him, but didn't move his head. Lucas tilted his head down a little their noses brushing. "Sorry this happened."

Freddie felt his throat close up. The guilt and embarrassment over what happened dissolved and he just felt relieved and incredibly grateful. He leaned in the remaining distanced and kiss Lucas softly at first and then a little harder. He pulled back when his face started to get achier, he wanted to keep kissing, but he thought if it hurt more now it would just get worse. Also, he didn't want to start bleeding again, because that was gross. Lucas just hugged him and Freddie closed his eyes.

"Are you girls done?" Sam asked coming back over to the couch. Freddie opened an eye as she sat down between Lucas and Carly. "Movie time. No making out. I just dumped my boyfriend, and I don't want to see it."

"Got it." Lucas held up scout fingers, but then returned his arm so that he was hugging Freddie again. "Is this okay?"

"Yup, cuddles are okay." Sam agreed picking up the television remote. She froze and looked at Freddie and then at Carly. "Don't even think it."

"Aw Sam…" Carly pouted. "Do you need cuddles?"

"Shut up," Sam growled.

"But you just broke up with your boyfriend, who you liked. You have to need some cuddles. Cuddles?" Freddie wrinkled his nose, cuddles and Sam? It was weird, but…even Sam needed cuddles sometimes. He held open his arms. Sam frowned at him. Lucas held one arm out too, the one that was closest to her. Sam frowned even more, but Carly nudged her and Sam moved closer until she was sandwiched between Lucas and Carly, in Freddie's arms. She sat stiff for a while, but then relaxed and turned on the movie.

Spencer and Socko decided to head out. Spencer ruffled all four of their heads and Socko gave them peace fingers and left. The movie was Karate Kid and Freddie was a little suspicious about the choice, but didn't complain. The four of them stayed cuddled together for the entire movie.

End Note: So I just wrote the last section and I'm a bit ill so my foggy brain may have influenced the end of this! Sorry, and I'll try to edit it again after I'm not sick! Also I know Socko is a nonscreen character, but then I saw something about if Socko was in an episode who would play him and it said Drake Bell or Zac Efron. So I thought I could go of that look for him. Also, I made him 19 because Spencer doesn't have friends his own age!