AN: Sorry it's taken so long. Thanks for all the reviews and emails, i really appreciate them.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters.

Chapter 9

Eyes still locked on the blood, Taylor instinctively stepped back until she made contact with her dad. The sudden grip on her collar didn't even make her flinch, but it did make her look away from Jennifer and look up at him instead.

Jethro leant down and whispered into her ear. "Go get your mom."

Taylor nodded, took one last look at Jennifer, then raced downstairs. Patricia was standing in the middle of the living room, arms folded. She looked so mad, Taylor almost forgot what she was there for. "Dad needs you. Jennifer's hurt."

Not quite sure whether or not to believe her, Patricia took Taylor's hand and dragged her daughter up the stairs behind her.

"I ain't lyin' mom!" Taylor protested at the indignity of not being believed.

Patricia saw Jethro sitting beside Jennifer on the bed and the blood stain on her sleeve.

"Told ya!" Taylor proclaimed, then found herself being spun round and propelled into her own room.

"Stay there!" Closing the door, Patricia went to fetch the first aid kit from the bathroom.

Taylor threw herself face down on her bed. Not even a thank you! Or a sorry I didn't trust ya Taylor! Reaching back she gingerly rubbed her butt. Least her dad hadn't walloped her. Rolling onto her side Taylor curled up and thought about Jennifer.


"Can I see your arm?" He asked softly.

Jennifer shook her head. "Just leave me alone. I'm fine."

"Please, I just need to make sure you don't need stitches." There was a lot of blood seeping through the white cotton.

"I don't. I just wanna be on my own." Jennifer was trying hard to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall. Right now all she wanted to do was switch the light off and curl up on the bed, before she got the urge to cut again.

Patricia, first aid box in hand, reached for the blade on the floor.

Jennifer couldn't take her eyes off the small metal object that meant so much to her. Patricia examined it for rust before setting it on the bedside table. "It was a new blade?

"Yes." Jennifer was confused. "Aren't you angry?"

"No. I'm going to roll your sleeve up, okay?" Patricia opened the first aid box when Jennifer nodded.

Patricia looked over at her husband. "Taylor's in her room Jethro."

Taking the hint, Jethro left the two alone. Patricia seemed to know what to do and say. He was out of his depth as far as Jennifer was concerned, but he did know how to deal with his daughter.

As she cleaned up the cut, Patricia didn't mention the other scars that were now visible. "Do you want to talk?"

Jennifer shook her head.

"Are you upset because Jethro spanked you?"

Jennifer shook her head again.

"Feeling homesick?"

Another shake of Jennifer's head. Patricia didn't want to push her away by asking too many questions, so left it there for now.

The cut did not need stitches and was now covered by a bandage. Pushing herself up off the floor she sat down beside Jennifer. Patricia had attended a course on self harm as part of her teacher training. Saying or doing the wrong thing right now, could have disastrous consequences. Patricia was well aware that she was going to have to leave the razor blade, no matter how much she wanted to take it away. At the moment it was Jennifer's only form of coping with what ever was gong on in her Patricia did the only thing she could think of. She put her arm around the girl and just held her, without saying anything.

At first Jennifer cried, then began to relax a little as she became used to being held. It was not something that happened often. She couldn't remember the last time her mother or father had hugged her. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Jennifer closed her eyes and fell asleep in Patricia's arms.


Taylor looked over at him when he opened her bedroom door. He didn't go in, instead he crooked his finger at her. "With me!" Finally accepting there was no escape from her fate. Taylor groaned and pushed herself up off her bed and followed him downstairs.

Not keen on sitting down, Taylor stood nervously in the centre of the room and tried to figure out how much madder she had made him by running. It wasn't easy, he was just standing in front of her, arms folded and saying nothing.

Taylor lasted about two minutes, trying not to squirm under his gaze. Then she had to speak. "What are you waiting for?

What do you think I'm waiting for?

She shrugged. Taylor didn't really want to think about what might be about to happen.

Jethro stepped back and nodded towards the kitchen. "Go get the spoon Taylor."

This time Taylor stepped back. "But mom isn't here!"

"I'm getting really tired of this Taylor. Go get it. NOW!"

Not liking the raised voice or the dangerous glint in his eye she edged carefully past her dad and into the kitchen to fetch the wooden spoon. He was still in the same place when she returned. "He held his hand out and Taylor set the spoon onto it."

"Now why couldn't you have done that earlier when your mom asked, and not made it harder on yourself"

Taylor shuffled her feet and stared at the floor. "My butt was already sore and I panicked." Her head shot up." Wait! What do ya mean harder?"

"You swore, disobeyed your mom and you ran. Do you understand what I mean by harder now? You think I can just let you get away with that?"

"Well you wouldn't like it if someone was tryin' to set your ass on fire!"

He folded his arms, so he wouldn't be tempted to strangle her. "Whose fault is that? It wasn't your mom's fault you decided to get yourself suspended."

Taylor chewed on her lip. "Can't we make a deal?"

"You know I don't make deals Taylor."

Taylor wasn't giving up that easily. "If you don't spank me I'll be good for the tutor."

"And if I do spank you?" He was curious about what she was planning.

She shrugged. "I'll make sure they don't want to stay. You wouldn't want to waste all that money would ya?"

Outwardly he remained calm. "Is that a threat?"

"Maybe." When her dad's eyes darkened Taylor took an involuntary step back. "I take it thats a no on the deal?"

"Uh huh." Jethro sat down on the arm of the couch. "Over here."

Taylor put on a brave face as she walked over to him. "Fine! Just don't try and tell me I didn't warn ya!"

Jethro grabbed his daughter as soon as was close enough and pulled her to his right side. He'd had enough of all the stalling. "Now you listen up Taylor. You'll accept your punishment, believe me its well deserved. As for the tutor, either you behave and do what you're asked to do or you'll just end up back over my knee again, and trust me Taylor you do not want that to happen."

Taylor tried to pull away, suddenly aware she might have made things worse. Instead of moving away she found herself lifted across his lap and her skirt flipped up. "Wait! This ain't fair! It's supposed to be mom spanking me not you! OWWW!" The spoon cracked off her backside. OWWWW! "DAD! Mom doesn't OWWW! Hit that HARD!

'You should have thought of that earlier when she asked you to get the spoon." Instead of easing up he spanked faster.

Not knowing where the spoon was going to land next, Taylor began to kick and wriggle, then managed to get a hold of the couch. She pulled herself forward and would have landed on the floor if her dad hadn't dropped the spoon and grabbed her round the waist. At least the smacks had stopped and Tay found herself on her feet again and facing her father.

"Are you trying to hurt yourself? Jethro demanded. He had only just caught her in time.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Taylor scowled at him. "I wasn't trying to hurt me, you were!

Jethro reached down and picked up the spoon, before moving from the arm of the couch to the seat cushion. 'Back over!"

Taylor started to cry harder. Well aware that her dad wasn't going to take any more from her, she obeyed the order, and put her butt into the firing line again. Only four more spanks landed before he stood her up in front of him. "Are we done?

"That depends." Standing up he put his hands on her shoulders and guided her into the kitchen. "Sit down."

"You're kidding! Right?"

Jethro opened the fridge. "Nope. Sit!"

"But …"

He peered round the fridge door at her. "We can always go back into the living room and discuss it further."

Taylor lowered herself onto the wooden chair and tried to shift her weight to find a comfortable position. It was no use. Her butt was still blazing.

Satisfied she was going to stay put, he took out the left over pizza and dropped it in front of her. "Eat!"

Opening her mouth to remind her dad that she was on hunger strike, Taylor changed her mind and opted for the less confrontational "I'm not hungry." Her stomach however did not agree with her statement, and growled loudly.

Jethro shrugged, and when he reached for the wooden spoon Taylor picked up a slice of pizza and bit into it. Satisfied, he poured himself some coffee and sat down opposite her. For someone who wasn't hungry, the kid was putting it away fast enough. The stubborn streak was still there though, he was certain Taylor wanted the last remaining slice, but she was still trying to make a point. It was one Jethro was determined not to let her make. "All of it!"

Taylor gave him a token glare before devouring the second piece almost as fast as the first. The whole hunger strike thing hadn't been as easy or effective as she had hoped. Now that her stomach wasn't screaming at her anymore, the throbbing in her backside seemed to return with a vengeance. "Can I go now?"

"Sure! Go put your pyjamas on, I'll be up in a few minutes to tuck you in." He watched her glance at the clock. It was barely seven, and he was expecting his daughter to protest. But it looked as if Taylor had had enough arguing for one day She left the kitchen and headed for the stairs without a single word of complaint. Jethro gave her ten minutes before following her upstairs. He found her in her pyjamas, elbows on the window sill, looking out.

"What are you watching?" He asked as he made his way over to her.

"Nothing, just thinking!" Taylor turned to face him and wrapped her arms around him. "Did Jennifer hurt herself on purpose?"

Jethro was not going to lie to her. "I think so yes."


"Only Jennifer knows that." Jethro tapped her under the chin to make sure she looked up at him. "Don't you go bugging her with questions. Jennifer won't want to talk about it, and I don't want you upsetting her. Understood?"

"Yeah, okay." Taylor was quiet for a moment. "Do ya think mom's still mad at me?"

"You know how seriously your mom takes your education. She's not happy that you were suspended. Now come on, into bed."

"I know. Ya just had to marry a teacher didn't ya!" Taylor climbed onto the bed and made herself comfortable on her tummy. Jethro pulled the covers over her, and tucked her in. Taylor mumbled, already becoming drowsy as her dad rubbed her back. "Couldn't have picked a bus driver or a bank robber. No…. You pick a teacher!"