A/N: Guess who is a bit of a fail? Me. Durr. I posted the unfinished document. I'll post it as a new chapter and delete the old one so ya'll don't get confused. I'm actually in the middle of a writer's block right now, so please excuse the delays of updates -.-

"A gap year?" Rachel and Mercedes exploded, and Kurt was all but cowering.

"Yeah…" he muttered. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Kurt, you've been after this scholarship since you began school…why are you throwing it away?" Mercedes cried, and he flushed.

"I…I'm not throwing it away. I'm postponing it!" Kurt kept using the same excuse – it was starting to get old with him.

Mercedes glared at Kurt, both hands on his shoulders. "Are you sure?"

Kurt nodded. "Definitely,"

The two girls simply nodded. "Then it's okay with us,"

Kurt sighed in relief. That was one hurdle that he managed to lightly bound over.

Rescue me! He sent a sneaky text to Blaine.

Blaine (12:30) Are they not taking it well?

Eh, I don't really need help, I just wanted to talk to you.

"All right, everyone, take your seats," Will walked in, a marker in his hand as he made his way to the board. "We have three more weeks until the end of the year…now most of you are leaving…"

Kurt glanced around at their somewhat larger group. They had four new members – freshmen that that started the year they would all be leaving. It was up to these four to carry the New Directions.

Their chances didn't look good.

"So our new members are going to have to work extra hard to keep New Directions in top shape for sectionals." Will grinned. "Now, those that are leaving this year, I have a simple request,"

Kurt brightened up.

"Come back," he said with a grin, and Puck raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Mr. Shue?" Mercedes asked, leaning forward in her chair.

"I mean, I want you to come back next year if you're not busy. Stop in for a few classes, maybe give some hints and tips to these guys. You could even promote the club…" he grinned, "How many of you are willing to do that,"

Rachel, Tina, Artie and Mercedes' hands flew up, followed hesitantly by Santana, Quinn and Brittany. The boys were even more hesitant, but eventually everyone had agreed to return.

Except Kurt.

"Kurt…?" Will looked surprised, and Kurt sighed. "Don't you…"

"I would love to come back, Mr. Shue," Kurt said softly. "But Blaine and I are going around most of the world next year…"

There were a few miffed mumblings beside Kurt, and even Will looked surprised. "Oh,"

Kurt let out a tiny frustrated squeak – not that anyone heard it. Why is everyone so baffled?

"Well, you guys can return until the day you die – I'd love to see you all," Will continued brightly.

There was a small performance for the end of year ceremony, and they held a quick rehearsal. Kurt knew his moves backwards – all he wanted to do was go home. Thankfully, they didn't have long.

During a break, his phone buzzed.

Blaine (2:45) Do you want me to come over and help you study?

That'd be excellent


Kurt glared down at his homework. Shapes and angles glared back at him.

A knock on the door threw his concentration and he growled irritably.

"What?" he hissed, turning it into a growl.

"Kurt…it's just me," Blaine's voice floated through and Kurt sighed.

"Thank god…" Kurt let him in and gave him a hug. "I'm dying here,"

Blaine laughed and headed to Kurt's work desk. "Oh!" he grinned. "This stuff is really cool when you know what you're doing,"

"Obviously I'm lacking in the humour department," Kurt grumbled, sitting down.

Blaine leant over his shoulder, his lips tantalisingly close to Kurt's ear. It took Kurt a while to realise Blaine had started talking.

"You're very distracting," Kurt breathed, turning his head to quickly give Blaine a kiss. "Can you repeat that,"

Blaine grinned and stepped away, resuming his explanation. Kurt tried to listen – he really tried, but his eyes kept wandering to Blaine's chest, the way his t-shirt curved in all the right places. The way his pants hung low around his hips, exposing the tiniest sliver of stomach. It made Kurt want to touch him.

"Kurt," Blaine cried exasperatedly.

"I was listening!" Kurt flushed.

Blaine laughed, "Sure…that doughy look on your face certainly proved that."

Kurt sighed. "I'm sorry. Geometry and me isn't going well today,"

"You don't go well any day," Blaine laughed. "Isn't your final in like, two weeks?"

Kurt nodded sulkily. "Everyone seems so confident, but we're freaking ending high school. We're leaving forever…these grades are going to be one of the most important things ever – it'll reflect on our lives forever,"

"You think too much," Blaine kissed his forehead gently. "You're acing every other subject, you're going to get an awesome score. Don't worry!"

Kurt shook his head. "Yeah, but acing everything and getting a C in geometry won't get us on this road trip,"

Blaine just laughed. "You worry too much as well,"

"If I get this C…"

Blaine fumed. "No!" he growled. "Don't think about the C, think about getting the A – think about all the shopping we've done. Think about Australia…think about…spending each and every day with me…side by side, enjoying the company of each other…"

Kurt was gazing dreamily at Blaine as he talked.

"But the only way that'll happen if we study together!" Blaine grinned.

A/N: Nothing really significant, just some character growth. Next chapter should be the tests etc.