Okay, so I just got a Fansubbed set of the Sailor Moon Stars season and (after sitting for 12 & 1/2 hours straight and watching the whole dang season ^.^;;) I've become VERY pro Usagi/Seiya. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Mamoru- I dunno', I just really like Usagi and Seiya together. Same with Minako and Yaten, and Ami and Taiki....ah, but anyway. So here's my latest Sailor Moon fanfic, and (big surprise? Nah!) it pairs Usagi with Seiya. Hurray!

Hee, hee....the chapter titles are s'posed to echo the way the Japanese episodes are titled; long and stating the obvious. It's going to be harder to name each chapter than I think, though....*shrug*....I'm gonna' try anyway!

Oh, the title? It's two words from my Spanish/English dictionary; 'Umbroso' which means 'Shadowy', and 'Estrella' which means 'Star'....it kind of pertains to the story, but not in a really concrete way. I guess I just liked the way it sounded. ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, k? I just use the characters for my amusement and the (hopeful) amusement of others!

~Umbroso Estrella~

~Shooting Stars To Earth! Three Lights Return!~

It had been a long time.

A very long time.

Well....no, not so long actually. Only a year, if he was honest with himself. For the others it wasn't that long. But to him....to him, it seemed like forever. Yes, he was happy to be home with his brothers....with his Princess....to be rebuilding the planet they had lost....



Seiya sighed and looked toward the shining planet they were approaching. He- or rather, SHE, as she and the others were in their senshi forms for the purposes of traveling the distance from their home planet to Earth- wasn't sure how she felt about returning to the place they, or at least SHE, had come to know and love....to the CITY she had come to love....to the person she- not as Sailor Star Fighter, but as the young and distinctly MALE heartthrob, Kou Seiya- had come to FALL in love with....

Glancing to the side at her comrades, Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker, she couldn't help but marvel at the indifferent way they were handing their return to Earth. But then, Healer and Maker hadn't fallen in love with residents of the blue planet.

Or did they? The thought struck her, as it had many times in the past. My love for Odango aside, there were times I was fairly sure about them and the Inner Senshi....Aino Minako and Mizuno Ami. They may not have been obvious about it, but I could see....

She hadn't mentioned it, though; she was afraid of Yaten's wrath....and rightfully so....


"Hm? What?"

"You remember," Maker said to hem, putting emphasis on the words; "that Tsukino Usagi is off limits...."

Fighter scowled, "shimatta, Maker! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't be an ass." Healer said with her usual lack of manners, "Tsukino-san is the future Queen of Crystal Tokyo. She has a destiny and YOU aren't a part of it." She raised a silver eyebrow, emerald eyes glinting. "So don't go declaring your undying love for her or something stupid like that!"

Sailor Star Fighter....Kou Seiya....glared at her partners with all the loathing she could dredge up, which wasn't all that much.

They're right, damn it....

"Fighter? Are you listening?" Maker asked, looking at her intently.

"Yeah, yeah," Fighter snapped, "no declarations of affection. Fine."

"Good." The brunette senshi nodded, "because we're almost there-"

"About time." Healer snorted in contempt.

....neither of them showed it, but Fighter could tell they were looking forward to the visit with their old friends....

Unfortunately, Princess Kakyuu had been unable to make the trip; she had pleaded being busy with rebuilding their planet and the lives of it's remaining inhabitants. The Starlights had immediately mentally canceled their plans, as their job was to stay at Kakyuu's side and protect her....but their kindhearted Princess had waved off their concern and insisted that they go anyway. And she had sent them with a message; "tell them 'thank you'." She had said with a smile, "and tell them I send all my love."

So they carried her message with them....

"I can't believe Kakyuu-hime let us go," Maker said thoughtfully as they approached their landing destination; one of the balconies near the top of Tokyo Tower. "I thought she would have wanted us to stay with her. Especially after all we went through to reunite with her in the first place."

"Hn." Healer made a face; "what I can't believe is that she let SEIYA come...."


"Healer, that was uncalled for."

"Exactly." Fighter agreed, then immaturely stuck her tongue out at the silver-haired senshi who was a foot to the left of her. Healer glowered and opened her mouth to reply, but before she could say anything, Maker interrupted.

"Focus or we won't land properly." She told them sternly.

....and despite Star Fighter's immaturity....and Star Healers stubbornness....they both shut up and focused on Star Maker. Immature, stubborn or both, neither of them wanted to miss their landing zone and fall from the top of Tokyo Tower....

Which would suck. Fighter thought to herself as her boots touched the ground. It was GOOD to feel something under her feet again, especially after so long traveling through the darkness of space. With a stifled grin, Seiya's transformation was reversed. Then, himself once again- not that Star Fighter wasn't a part of him, he really did treasure that side of his personality- he stretched his arms over his head and looked at the others. Both had transformed back, and were standing nearby.... "it's good to be back!" A blink; "uh, what's wrong?"

Taiki and Yaten were standing, shock etched into their features, eyes wide, staring past him and out across the city-


"What?" Seiya spun around to follow their horror-filled gazes....and stopped when his eyes landed on the city beyond. "Shimatta!"

....the city....Tokyo....the beautiful, thriving city that he remembered....

....it was no more. The buildings were dark, windows shattered....any plant life within eyesight was wilted, brown....dead. The whole CITY was dead. And the people....they were gone. Just gone. Seiya's blue eyes darted frantically across the ruined landscape and he felt his heart leap into his throat.

No, no....everyone....Odango!

"Taiki....Yaten...." he managed, his voice coming out as a whisper; "what could have happened?"

"I...." Taiki replied softly, "....I don't know."

"We have to find out." Yaten snapped, stating the obvious. "We should- hey!" He glared at Seiya, who spun and brushed roughly past him, heading for the elevator behind him. Black ponytail waving, Seiya hit the call button.


He hit it again.




"Shimatta!" He snarled, slamming his fist into the wall. "Fine!" Turning sharply, he ran toward the staircase. Jerking the door open, and without so much as a glance at his comrades, he began to dash down the stairs.


The sound of Taiki and Yaten's footsteps behind him was the only reason he knew they were following. Not that he cared; he had come to Earth expecting to find it as they had left it....to have a happy reunion with his friends....maybe to sign a few autographs in his spare time....but what they had found....

I have to find Odango! He thought frantically, his heart screaming at him to make sure she was safe; despite his promise to Taiki and Yaten, he couldn't pretend that he didn't love her with all of his being. She has to be alright! Please, Usagi-chan! Be alright-!

And so he ran.


Me: There's probably not going to be a lot of ending notes in chapters of this, but I just wanted to ask if I should continue this. It's just kind of an idea right now so I'd love some input. ^_^ Arigato nasai! Ja!