So like, I kinda haven't updated in like... a while hehe OTL So I'm going to make it up by updating now! So, I've gotten into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies and I really liked them so, I wanna make a fanfiction of it badly. So, I decided to create this series just for the hell of it. And I'm sorry I never updated on my other stories ;; My teachers don't like me and give me a lot of homework to do so I can't update as quickly but I have the vacation at the moment so MAYBE I'll be able to! 8D So... here you go, new fanfiction, yayyyy~
Disclaimer: I owe nothing except the Wolf family 8D
I was in my room, listening to my rock music and drawing when I heard a car pull up into the house next door. I yawned and got out of my desk and looked out the window to see a U-Haul truck outside. New neighbors? That's a start. I thought to myself. I saw a car parked in the driveway as well as a family came out of it, a mother, father, and three sons, one my age, one in about 7th grade and the other in about kindergarten or 1st grade. I raised and eyebrow. The oldest brother caught my attention most, for he looked like the guy that was into my type of stuff, partying till 3 am, listening to metalcore, rock, etc, and all that jazz. I think the only difference is that he probably doesn't care for school and probably wants to be a rocker while I on the other hand am a very smart person and has to care for school due to my parents. Another difference is probably he's rude and impolite while I always am polite. As they settled in the house and the truck drove off, I heard my mother yell,
"Lacey, Jake! We have new neighbors! Let's go welcome them here!" my younger brother shot out of his room, dressed and ready to go. Me on the other hand was still in her pajamas because it's summer and I didn't want to change. But I did. I rolled off the comforts of my bed and went into my closet. I took out a shirt with a band name on it and put it on, trying not to get my angel wings necklace caught in it. I put on some white skinny jeans and went in the bathroom to put my contacts on, rolling my eyes to keep them in place. I then added some eyeliner on and went back into my room to put my boots on and comb out my hair. I then shoved on 8 rubber bracelets, four on each arm, grabbed my hood jacket and ran down the stairs.
My mother rang the doorbell of the new neighbor's house as we waited until a woman with glasses answered the door.
"Welcome to the neighborhood!" my parents greeted warmly as I smiled with a nod. My mom handed the woman a basket that she made for them before we came. The woman smiled.
"Oh, why thank you! Here, come in, come in!" she motioned for us to come in. We all walked in, waiting to be instructed to go elsewhere.
"Well, let me get the boys." she turned her head away from us. "Frank! Boys! We have company!" There was silence until a full grown man, obviously the father and a small boy came. The older man looked and smiled at us.
"Hi." he greeted. "I'm Frank Heffley, this is my wife, Susan Heffley," he gestured towards the woman in front of us. "This is one of my sons, Manny." Manny smiled at us and giggled.
"Hi!" he said with an absolutely adorable baby voice. My mom cooed.
"Aww, he's so cute!" she smiled. The Heffleys laughed.
"That's our Manny!" Mr. Heffley nodded.
"Least he's not a pain like this one!" I smiled and pretended to put my brother in a headlock. They laughed.
"Oh wow, I'm starting to like your children more than my own!" Mrs. Heffley chuckled.
"Speaking of children, where are ours?" Mr. Heffley asked. "Greg? Rodrick! Come up here now!" We waited for a little until we heard loud footsteps until they ran up here.
"Dad, Rodrick's trying to kill me!" the kid, probably Greg told his father. Another guy ran up the stairs.
"He tried to break my drumsticks, again!" the one that's probably Rodrick growled.
"Boys, settle down, we have company." the father looked at them sternly.
"Here." my father said, "Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Steve Wolf, this is my wife, Teresa," my mother waved. "My son, Jake." my brother looked up from the ground. "And my misfit of a daughter-"
"Hey!" I scolded him with a glare. He smirked.
"Kidding! And my daughter, Lacey." I looked at the Heffleys with a smile.
"How do you do?" I asked.
"Oh wow, you're children are so calm! How do you pull that off?" Mrs. Heffley asked my parents in astonishment.
"Well, they leave each other alone but they do interact with each other in a friendly way. I don't know how they do it but, they do it." The Heffley parents were shocked.
"Well, here, how about we talk in the dining room. How about the children hang out with each other?" Mrs. Heffley recommended. My mother nodded.
"Good idea. Now Jake, Lacey, don't get yourselves into trouble, okay?" we nodded.
"Yes, mom." we responded. As he adults went into the kitchen, my brother started talking to Greg and Manny and soon they ran downstairs to hang out with shocked me. So they left me and Rodrick alone. I decided to speak.
"So... you play drums?" I asked him. He gave me a one sided look.
"Why wouldn't I if I had drumsticks?" he asked me and showed me them.
"Well, I was kind of shocked someone else has musical talent. I play guitar and do a lot of vocal work."
"What kind of guitar?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Electric. I don't really like acoustic. I like to play along to the music I listen to. I keep my parents up all night with my music." I laughed a little. I watched him as he looked at me.
"You don't seem to fit the type of girl that plays that stuff." I nodded.
"I know, I look like a complete emo that likes to wail and cut herself but I don't actually. I just wear what I like." I took a closer look at his eyes. "Whoa, you wear guyliner? That's so cool!"
"Guyliner?" he asked me. "Is that what girls call this stuff nowadays?" I nodded.
"When guys wear it it's guyliner and when girls wear it it's eyeliner." he gave out a chuckle.
"That's a weird way to put it. And you mentioned about playing the guitar and..." he thought for a minute. "Vocal work?" I nodded.
"Yeah, what about that?" I asked him.
"What bands do you cover?" he asked me. My legs started to get tired so I shifted my legs inwardly.
"Mind if I sit somewhere?" he shook his head.
"No, but let's go somewhere away from these adults." I smirked a little.
"You're such an outlaw you can't be near adults, can you?"
"Nah, I just don't prefer to be around them." he said smoothly as he turned around to walk upstairs. I noticed him blush a little and I gave a small, self satisfied smirk. Even bad boys are softies when you play your cards right. I thought to myself as Rodrick turned left and opened a door, probably his bedroom. He turned on the light to show his very dark room, filled with posters of bands, most I knew and his drum set. I stood at the door frame and waited to be further instructed. He took notice and looked at me funny.
"What are you, a vampire? Come in!" he said sarcastically. I stepped inside his room and looked around.
"Wow, you got your room unpacked quick." I exclaimed. He nodded.
"No way am I sleeping until everything looks like how it used to.
"Mind if I say that I officially love your room." I asked him. He looked at me weird.
"Yeah, me nor my room is creeped out at that comment at all." I laughed.
"I'm sorry. Um... can I sit in your chair over there?" he shook his head.
"Sit on the bed, it's better." I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Trying to be a gentleman, huh?" he sat in the chair I was originally going to sit in.
"Nope, just think the bed is better." he told me. I climbed on the bed and sat.
"Let me take off my shoes then so I don't dirty up your bed." I told him and quickly kicked out of my boots and sat back down on the bed, Indian style. He looked at my socks and snorted a little.
"Why don't they match?" he asked, pretty amused at this.
"Oh, because the pack they are in you mix and match them together." he laughed.
"Girls are really complicated with what they wear." I couldn't help but to laugh a little.
"That's true, I mean, some of us spend hours getting ready while others take 5 minutes to get ourselves ready. You seem to be experienced with girls, so why would you state that?" I guess what I said got him embarrassed because he quickly covered up.
"Hah, w-what are you talking about? I just stated something I knew cause I had lots of girlfriends." I started laugh, making me rock a little on his bed.
"If you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't be talking like that!" I tried to block off the wave of girlish giggles but soon let them flow out of my mouth. I watched the embarrassment glow on his face with deep amusement.
Rodrick's POV
This girl, Lacey, I should say, I feel like I've known her since childhood. And I gotta say, I like her. Not like, like like her but, I wanna get to know her and maybe start a friendship. I mean, she sounds like a good girl friend for me to have, likes the same music, same interests, good sense of humor which I don't see in girls, etc. And now here I am, this girl laughing at me and my stupidity as I curse at myself. She's going to think I'm such an idiot! Well, she sounds and looks like a caring person so that hopefully won't get in the way.
"Well..." I started but stopped. Her laughter was intoxicating but it was quite... cute. I can't believe I just admitted that. Why did I just admit that to myself? I dunno why but I just did. "Well, I said that because I wanted to start a conversation." I said slowly, trying not to make any mistakes.
"On how girls present themselves?" she said in between giggles.
"Why not? You dropped the topic cause you wanted to sit down." I said, feeling a little braver. She raised an eyebrow.
"Okay then." she said and adjusted herself so she was sitting up with her legs and feet facing me. I looked down at them and watched her shake her legs. "Which do you prefer? Girls who take forever to get ready or only 5 minutes?" I gave her a questioning look.
"Me?" she nodded. "Well... hmm... probably the ones who take 5 minutes so that you can spend more time with them instead of wasting time to wait for them to get ready but hey, that's just me." it felt pretty awkward to talk to a girl about these things, especially if she's facing you and her feet are on your chair, her legs shaking so you can feel the vibration. She nodded her head a little and gathered all that information together.
"I see... so you don't like glamy or preppy girls, huh? Or cheerleaders and those stuck up sluts, huh?" I was quite shocked. She knew what types of girls I didn't like. Wow, she was good.
"How did you-"
"And you like girls that are into the stuff you like and that have your classification of "pretty" laughter." I was dumbfounded and lost for words.
"How did you-"
"You look like that type of person and you looked at me in a weird fashion when I was laughing, making it seem as if you didn't like my laugh."
"That's not true, I like your laugh!" I exclaimed. Realizing what I just said, I hit myself with my drumsticks. "I didn't mean it like that!" I yelled. She smiled a little and chuckled.
"It's okay, I get it. You just moved here, you're getting antsy, no problem." I sighed.
"Yeah, that's probably it." That or I may take back what I said about friendship and want to hook up with you. My mind spoke to itself. We sat there for about a couple of hours just talking about music, movies and anything else we could think off. I was actually able to exchange Skype usernames with her, which I was very proud of. I glanced at the clock to find it was 12:30.
"Oh wow, it's already morning!" she exclaimed. I nodded. "I love staying up late."
"It is fun, especially when you play really loud music and keep your parents up!"
"Oh my God, tell me about it!" she agreed. As we talked, I heard her mom call her.
"Lacey, we're going to go now!" Aww, it was fun while it lasted. I thought. That's when I heard my mom speak.
"If you want, she can stay over here for the night, I mean I think Rodrick and her have bonded really well and I don't he wants her to leave!" she exclaimed.
"Dammit, Mom." I mumbled and Lacey giggled.
"Hmm... I don't want to have to worry about my daughter, Susan..."
"Nahh, I won't have to, she's charming. C'mon, let her stay over. You won't have to worry about her!"
"Hmm..." I heard Teresa mumble. C'mon, please let her stay over, please! "Well..."
CLIFFHANGER, DUN DUN DUNNNN! So, I just got to say how proud of myself I am right now. I finished a whole chapter in about... 1 hour and a half? I am very proud right now. And I really don't like the chapter though, I thought it wasn't good enough to be submitted to the awesome and powerful but... I had to submit SOMETHING! So... I hope you liked it, more to come and please read and review! I like dem reviews big and small. Just gimme dem reviewsss~