I was terribly confused when I got home from school today. My brother walked up to me and said, "Sarah Jane passed out,". I started laughing, and asked him if she saw Justin Bieber or something. Mom realized that he'd meant "passed away". I was startled, and rushed to my computer to confirm the news. Unfortunately, Lis Sladen passed away today (April 19, 2011). She had been suffering from cancer for awhile now. It pains me to think that she had to run around with Danny Anthony and Anjli Mohindra while she was diagnosed. I then went to to read a few of the tributes as I did with Nicholas Courtney. They were all depressing and stuff, so I've decided to write happy tribute. RIP Elizabeth Sladen, one of my favorite of the Doctor's companions!

"Sarah?" a deep voice lulled, walking over to a figure shaking in on the floor of the TARDIS control room. "What's wrong?"

"I—I just had—a nightmare," was all she said. "D-Doctor, I-I'm fine, really."

"I never said you weren't," the Doctor pointed out, almost tripping on his long, striped scarf. "tell me about it—the nightmare."

Sarah looked up at the blue-eyed man. He was so different than his previous incarnation—with the cape, and the voice that was rough with age. Now he was all 'teeth and curls', equipped with his scarf (which had proven itself useful on many occasions) and various other items, all hyper and bouncy and just plain eccentric. She knew that she could trust him—with her life; with her heart.

"Well," she started, grabbing onto the Doctor's offered hand and hoisting her discombobulated self up. "I don't remember it much, but it seemed to take place in the future. There were people rushing around this woman who couldn't have been more than forty. She seemed so week…I think she was dying. Someone mentioned cancer. It was awful. The woman said my name. I know it, Sarah Jane Smith. They called with woman Lis, at least, the man standing beside her did—probably her husband. And then, she just…died. It was terrifying! And … the—the worst part was…" her voice grew so faint, that you could almost hear the tears falling off her chin. "she looked just like me. Sure, she looked older, but it was obviously me. Same nose, eyes, hair color…you weren't there, though, which makes me wonder if it really was me. You wont leave me, right, Doctor?" her voice was pleading, and full of sorrow. The Doctor knew that she was to leave him someday, but he hoped it wouldn't be any time soon.

"It's all right, it was only a dream," he assured her, patting her on the back and making their way into the kitchen. "you're not going to die, not for a long while, not if I can help it!"

If Eldrad must live, why can't Lis? It's sad, though, because the last SJA episode was titled, "Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith". But Sarah isn't dead, right? I'd murder BBC personally if they have some sort of funeral for Sarah on the show. That's just like killing off the Doctor just because the person who plays him dies before the film the regeneration scene! I suppose my story isn't too sad, or, at least, I hope it's not. I just read TheDoctorAndSarah's tribute, and bawled my eyes out. If yall are reading this, my computer isn't letting me comment, and I just want to say that you two are among my favorite authors :)
