The Doctor doesn't look back as the TARDIS leaves the sprawl of dust, asteroids and gas that will someday become Venus. Instead, he looks at them. He can see bits and traces of Sarah Jane's personality in all of them. Her team, brilliant and ready to take on the world, facing dangers that would make adults scream. No weapons, no secret base or brilliant technology. Just a robot dog for firepower, a Xylock for research, and a sonic lipstick for a weapon. Four teens and his old friend saving the world from an attic. Even without a time machine, he knew they would all explore the wonders of the universe, never content with ordinary life—a nine-to-five job, telly, chips, and bus fare.

Maria Jackson. Curious, caring…and had to leave all too soon. If Sarah had told anyone about how it felt to leave the TARDIS, it would have been her.

Rani Chandra. Investigative, planning—so many of the traits that had led Sarah onto the TARDIS.

Clyde Langer. A bit cocky sometimes, susceptible to brainwashing and mind control, but no one's immune to the ancient lights…or the berserker's pendant…or Androvax… Also the target of several slimy alien explosions.

Sky Smith. Naïve, a weapon built to destroy the Earth who ended up saving it. There were too many weapons in his world, and not enough little girls. Like Amelia Pond, he thought to himself. If she hadn't become Amy between fish custard and Prisoner Zero, maybe he'd be traveling with a little girl who thought he hung the stars.

Luke Smith.

And that is where he can't think about it too long, because he can see so much of himself, as well as Sarah Jane, in Luke. Young, academically brilliant, alien origins, but a bit unskilled at social interacts. But also dedicated to friends, unwilling to abandon his family, willing to accept amazing wonders without blinking…

Luke may not be Sarah's biological child, but in every way that matters, Luke was Sarah's son. And Clyde, and Rani, and Maria were her family. She found a family after all.

"You act like such a lonely man. But look at you! You've got the biggest family in the galaxy."

Family. These hearts don't ache as easily as his last pair, but the word still stings sometimes. At times like this especially.

He didn't make a habit of strengthening family ties, but maybe this time—he looked up and met Luke's eyes; like a carnival mirror, one saw something that was both you and not you—maybe this time, he'd make an exception.

Clyde, Rani, Maria and Alan had already filed out of the TARDIS into the attic, while Rory and Amy had found an excuse to make themselves scarce. "Change out of these clothes into something more…active," Amy had said, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Want a lift back to Uni, Luke?" The Doctor offered.

"No thanks. I think I'll take next term off." Luke stared at his shoes. "I can get the car later, maybe have one of my mates drive it down."

"Righto. Well…then…I promised your mum I'd look after you. Keep you safe. And I'm sure I'll end up breaking one of them because, let's face it, anything with me involved is bound to be trouble, but she'd understand if you came along for a while."

"You're inviting me to come with you?"

"Wherever you like. I think it's time I let someone besides Amy pick the destination."

" Me first!" Sky bounces up and down. "I haven't been in outer space before!"

"You were born in outer space," Luke teased. "And I'm older, I should pick."

"I'm properly alien, you're just people bits."

"I'm older than both of you, and I've got the time machine. Don't bother packing, I've got loads of cool stuff. Bring K9 if you want, been a while since I've had him on board."

"What about, well… all this?" Luke gestured to the attic.

"Rani and Clyde can look after it, can't they? And bring your mobile, they can call us if something goes wrong. Come on, it'll be great. And besides," he lowered his voice. "Rory and Amy have gotten a little boring since the honeymoon. All the kissing."

Luke grinned. "Just give us some time to pack."

"Send me a postcard from Mars, Sparky." Clyde dropped Sky's bag on the TARDIS floor. "And don't blow up too much of the TARDIS."

"Are you sure you want to leave K9? I mean, he's yours now," Rani asked.

"Nah, I've got the lipstick. Besides, he's got the TARDIS coordinates in case you need to get ahold of us."

"You've been at Uni two years; the world hasn't blown up yet." Clyde lowered his voice. "We'll be fine, mate."

Alan stood off to the side with the Doctor. "I have some vacation days saved up—think I'll stick around a bit, for Maria. She could do with some friends right now. And they need an adult with some experience anyway."

He nodded.

"You know what you're doing, right?" Alan looked the Doctor in the eye. "It's all a bit much for them right now, but when it really starts to sink in—"

"Trust me, I know." He swallows. "I'll look after them. Cross my hearts."