Author's Note: Okay my first 'Black Butler' fanfic. I just started on the manga (so far the anime was much better-more Grell) and I read the scene where Grell kills Madam Red quite a few times. Now this might just be me talking but, I felt that Grell might have had alittle bit of sadness in his heart for killing her, despite his words. And while he may fawn all over Sebastian and William, I'm pretty sure that he's straight. I'm not sure how correct this information is-cuz it's from Wikipedia-but it said that Grell had a FEMALE wife, Kathleen Sutcliff, which has since been removed (just checked to see if her name was right) and switched to, "madly in love with Sebastian". O_o Umm, anyhow, if this is a drama CD or something of the sort that would reveal if Grell truly had a wife, please do let me know! They did also change that Grell never reappears in the manga (that made me sad) to he reappears in chapter 55! Someone please help me with the truth on this! Oh, and please enjoy the fanfiction~ :D (Sorry for that Grell-rant .)

It was a rather peaceful day at the Phantomhive manor. The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Nor was it too hot or too cold outside. A truly gorgeous day! Or, so it seemed...

Sebastian and Ciel went into convulsions when they saw a certain person at the front door. Who, of course, the helpers of the mansion willingly-and excitedly-welcomed the familiar face with wide open arms.

Ciel pointed demandingly at said person. "What the hell are you doing here, Grell?"

Grell sighed. "Well, as you may know my master, Madame Red, was murdered by Jack the Ripper. And it's just way too sad to live there and take care of that mansion all on my lonesome," he began to feign tears.

Sebastian smiled. It seemed that behind that smile, he had some dark and evil intentions behind it. "Grell, would you be a dear and please follow me?" he motioned a 'come, come' with his index finger, the kind that says that, "You're in trouble. But I'm not making a scene in front of everyone".

Since Grell was blind when it came to Sebastian, he agreed without a second thought or hesitation.

Sebastian lead Grell to his bedroom. Grell entered the room with a thumping heart. He was in HIS Bassy's bedroom! He was finally able to see where his beloved slept each day, how he kept things in this room, how organized he was, Grell was on cloud nine! That was until Sebastian slammed the bedroom door angrily. This sudden rage made Grell flinch. He turned around slowly to see a dark expression on Sebastian's face.

"Why the hell are you here?" he growled.

Grell smiled innocently. "I believe that I've already explained that Bassy~ But to be honest, I also came here to be by your side of course!"

Sebastian trembled with rage. "I told you time after time that I do NOT want you to say such disgusting things while in my presence...!"

"How cruel! All I want is your undying love!" Grell lached himself around Sebastian's waist and snuggled against his hips. This only angered Sebastian farther.

"Someone like you obviously does NOT understand what it means to ACTUALLY be in love!"

Grell stopped snuggling Sebastian and for one reason or another started to get angry, not just angry but extremely enraged!

"Don't know about love...? Don't know about love? You have no idea!" Sebastian was taken aback. The usually infatuated Grell was yelling at him! "Do you have any idea at all what it's like to lose a person who you love so dearly...? Not to mention having that happen twice?"

Sebastian became surprised again. Twice? Did he just say twice? Sebastian just couldn't believe his ears. What the hell is he talking about?

Sebastian just made a cocky, "Hmph". "I don't really care about you, your unrequited love, or your past. Nor do I give a damn," he opened the bedroom door. "Oh, and if you do choose to stay here, you better make use of yourself and work. Screw up and you may just be fired." he closed the door and began his daily duties.

Grell fell to his knees in anger. "You...! Don't know anything...!" he shouted. And before long, Grell had found himself breaking down into tears that flowed as freely as the blood that he adored so much. However Grell loathed tears, they were an emotion; a sign of weakness. Something he despised so much that he killed his master for experincing such a thing. "What a waste..." Was the only thing that Grell thought as he wallowed in sorrow. It was such a waste that she had to die, that is. His beloved crimson red woman, a woman who was just as him, 'two peas in a pod' as he had once said. Both wanted desperately to experience the joy of birthing a child, but could not, for both it was an impossible dream. For the woman had lost her womb and he was a man.

Mey-Rin, the Phantomhive's maid, walked by Sebastian's room-door still open-to see Grell on the floor in those unsightly tears. She rushed to his side. "Are you okay, Grell?" she asked.

Grell looked up at Mey-Rin with the most pitiful look that he had ever made in his life. At that point he just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Someone saw his unsightly pitiful face! Tears running down them, smudging his make-up, and making his beautiful green eyes become pink and puffy. But those tears just did not want to stop, no matter how hard he tried.

It was then that Mey-Rin embraced Grell and held his head close to her chest. She stroked his lovely red locks as a mother would to a son. Accepting Mey-Rin's kindness, Grell hugged her back clutching at the back of her dress as his tears continued to fall freely.

Sebastian knocked on the door of his young master's study. He then turned the handle, opening the door while pushing a tea cart with fancy china and hot tea placed on it. He closed the door behind him. Ciel looked up at his butler.

"I have brought you your afternoon tea," he gently placed the fragile china in front of his master. He carefully picked up the teacup and slowly raised it to his mouth and took a small sip.

"What's Grell breaking now?" Ciel asked. The first time that Grell had worked at the Phantomhive manor he broke many things, such as china, he spilt tea, and even destroyed the garden's trees and bushes by shaping them like skulls. Ciel could only imagine what things that Grell was destroying at this very moment.

"He's currently in my room."

Ciel cocked an eyebrow. "In your room?"

"Yes, in my room."


"I decided to yell at him, but something was off about him today."

Ciel wasn't too interested, but it was better than doing work. So he decided to ask some more questions. "What do you mean, something was off?"

Sebastian put his hand near his face in a thinking pose. "Well when I told him that his love wasn't real love and that he couldn't possibly understand true love, he got really angry for one reason or another. It wasn't his typical childish tantrums, but a more serious anger."

Ciel folded his hands together and rested his chin on top of them. "How interesting, we finally found a way to seriously push his buttons. Having him here might not be all that bad after all," Ciel smiled deviously.

"So you plan to exact revenge for the death of Madame Red?" Sebastian smiled.

Ciel frowned. "Wipe that silly smile off your face. I'm not doing this for Madame Red's sake, I'm doing it for my own enjoyment. This is one game that I'm simply dying to play, and win of course," his evil smile returned.

Finny entered the manor after a full morning of tending to the plants in the garden. He wiped some sweat and dirt from his brow and looked around the manor. He spotted Bard walking by and called him over.

"Have you seen Mey-Rin? I haven't seen her all morning, I'm worried."

Bard thought for a moment. "No, I can't say that I have. We should probably go and search for her though."

Finny nodded estactically.

Grell and Mey-Rin sat on Sebastian's bed, Grell began to tell Mey-Rin why he was upset in the first place. It wasn't just Sebastian, there was a hidden meaning buried within.

"Today is the anniversary of my wife's death. You see, we've always strived to have a child but it never seemed to work out as planned. Then we got lucky and my wife was finally able to conceive. We were so happy. And 9 months later, she went into labor. However, there were complications during the birthing process. The child's head became wrapped around the umbilical cord, strangling him. The doctors were fools! They tried to pull him out, for he was beginning to crown. They did get our child out, but he was already dead from being strangled and my wife ended up dying from all of the blood that she had lost. Everything became stained with scarlet red. The colour was frightening but oh-so lovely at the same time. It was enough to make you want to stain yourself with it as well. With that thought in mind, I tried to commit suicide by slicing my slender neck wide open. That was when I met him, William T. Spears. He offered me a job so I accepted it willingly, as long as I would always be able to see that brilliant colour again, which he assured me that I would."

Mey-Rin removed her glasses to wipe tears. "I'm glad that you would share that with me."

Grell looked over at Mey-Rin puzzled. "What happened to your voice?"

Mey-Rin looked over at Grell with her hazel coloured cat-like eyes. "What are you talking about? I always sound like this!" she giggled. That wasn't entriely true. When Mey-Rin has her glasses on, she has a very strong British accent that tends to crack and whine from time to time. But when she takes off her glasses, her voice is more lower and her accent isn't as strong, it is still there though. Despite all this, Mey-Rin never really seems to notice the change in her voice.

Grell looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder... if the reason why I want to give birth to a child is because I want to do it for my wife."

Mey-Rin held Grell's hand tightly. "I can understand that. Your master was in the same boat, right?"

"You could say that. It's not like she was a man, she just lacked the most important and valuable piece of a woman. Her womb."

Mey-Rin squeezed Grell's hand. "Um, I know that we barely know each other but... I would be willing to carry a child for you!" she clutched tightly at her heart.

Grell became surprised and couldn't help but blush a little. "Mey-Rin..."

Just behind the door, Bard and Finny were peering inside with stunded faces. The ones that make your eyes bludge wide and make your mouth either open wide enough to look dislocated, or clentch your teeth so tightly that they might shatter. Someone needed to pinch them and wake them up. Unfortunately for them, this was no dream!

Bard and Finny took their shocked faces and turned them towards each other. "Sh-Should we tell someone...?" Finny asked in a nervous tone.

"Who should we tell?"

"The master of course! Shouldn't he know if two of his employees are, um, "hooking up" Finny made air qoutes.

Bard grabbed his chin in a thinking pose. "Well, I suppose that's true... Alright, let's go. But we have to tell the master as calmly as humanly possible."

Finny nodded. "Got it!"

"MEY-RIN'S GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" Finny shouted. Which probably wasn't the best way to break the news as calmly as possible as Bard had instructed about two minutes ago. It also probably didn't help that they stormed down to Ciel's study either.

Now it was time for Ciel and Sebastian to make their shocked faces. They looked more stunned rather than shocked, really. It's the face you make when your eyes bludge but you furrow your brows and keep your mouth in a perfectly straight line. In other words, completely and utterly speachless.

Finny flailed his arms like a bird flapping its wings. "And you're NEVER going to guess who the father is!"

Ciel straightened his face back to normal. "You?"

Finny blushed and scratched the back of his head. "N-No, I wish. Well, I would actually want to have a child with Angela to be quite honest." That line made a chill go down Sebastian's spine. If only poor Finny knew the truth.

"Actually it's even more unbelivable than Finny actually having a kid." Bard's sentence kind of crushed a bit of Finny's self-esteem.

"'s Grell." Bard finished. Ciel and Sebastian had looks on their faces that made them look like they just-excuse my French-shit bricks.

Ciel stood up from his seat. "GRELL?"

Bard took his cigarette out of his mouth and replied with a simple, "Yeah."

"Grell, Grell?"


"As in Grell Sutcliff?"


"As in the one currently in the manor?"


Bard looked over at Sebastian. "By the way, I think that they're having intercourse in your room right now. That was where they were the last time that we saw them anyway," and without a second delay, Sebastian-simply one hell of a butler-quickly made his way towards his bedroom.

He swung open the door to find... no one. He looked around the room confused. Not only was no one in here, it looked as though no one had even been in there at all. Leave it to Bard and Finny to make up tall tales. And with that in mind, Sebastian made his way back to Ciel's study.

Finny and Bard ran up to Sebastian with sparkling eyes. Sebastian looked at them confused. "Well?" Bard shouted. "Well... what?" asked Sebastian.

"Are they, or not?"

"Ah, that. Well not only was no one in the room, but it appeared as though no one had even been in there to begin with."

Finny and Bard looked at Sebastian with confused visages. They almost looked like disapointed children that just got told, "Hey guess what? We're getting a puppy! Nah, just kidding!" I guess it could even be discribed as disbelief.

What Bard and Finny didn't know, was that the conversation continued after they stormed away to Ciel's study.

"I'm honored Mey-Rin, really I am but, I don't think that it could ever satisfiy my real heart." By real heart Grell wasn't talking about Grell Sutcliff the butler, but Grell Sutcliff the reaper's heart. No matter how much he wanted a child, he wanted to give birth to it himself. Even if he decided to let Mey-Rin carry a child for him, he felt as though his heart would still not be satisfied enough. Ever since the death of his wife, Grell has always thought this way, and probably always will.

"I understand. But if you ever change your mind, I'll be here for you," Mey-Rin put her glasses back on. "Now then, let's get to work, shall we?" Mey-Rin stuck out her hand for Grell to grab. "Let's be friends alright?" she smiled. Grell grabbed her hand and went to work.


"Thank you my lovely fans for making me the main character! In the next chapter Lady Elizabeth pays the Phantomhive manor a visit. How nostalgic! But it seems as though she is beginning to distrust me. I can't imagine why... And what is she making Bassy wear this time? Although I have to say, he can make anything look good! Next time on Red Butler, 'Her Butler, Suspicious'. And I'm one DEADLY efficent butler!"

Was it good? I liked writing it, no matter how many tangents I went on! XD And yeah this is pretty much a spin on Grell being the main character, but with the usually Saki twist! :3 And for those unaware Grell IS the one doing the preveiw, though I'm sure that I made it DEADLY obvious! (Eeeeeee, I said Grell's catch phrase!) Also please keep in mind that I only like to watch dubs, so I used the dubs speach patterns and mannerisms, so don't bitch about it please! :/ Hope to see you all next time! :)