Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai examined the machine 12th captain Mayuri had created.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Mayuri asked as he approached the head captain. Mayuri paused to examine his creation. A large tube, full of liquid attached to a very complex machine that had a smaller tube on the other end. Inside of the larger tube was a person, unconscious.

"Tell me," head captain Yamamoto said, "the process of what you're about to do. You know I'm still very skeptical about this… experiment of yours. If it wasn't for Aizen and the Arrancars causing so much damage then I wouldn't have allowed you to do this."

"Of course," Mayuri said, turning to the door for a second, "Nemu! Bring it in."

Mayuri's lieutenant stepped into the room holding an object in her hands. It looked like a large figure, about one foot in height in the shape of a red dragon of some kind. On its head was what almost appeared like a hollow mask with two horns protruding to the sides and one on the nose. The figure sat attached to a hexagonal base. "As you know, this artifact was discovered a few days ago and brought myself for study. I must say I've never seen anything like it. After studying it I've found that is radiates huge amounts of high density reitsu. The reitsu that comes from it is unique; my assistants become drawn to it. I've managed to capture a very small part of the reitsu that was expelled from it and it seems to be able to bond with other reitsu. It's very picky though, of all the reitsu I've exposed it too, it's only this young man here that it reacts positively too. While he does have high spiritual pressure, fine material for the Soul Reaper Academy, he was offered a chance to be a part of this experiment, to wich he volunteered. He has received no training as of yet and doesn't know how to use his spiritual pressure, while he is strong there are no signs of a zanpakuto spirit within him yet. With this machine the artifact will be completely bonded to his reitsu, hopefully creating a soul reaper with a never before seen type of zanpakuto and more power than ever before."

"And if he should get out of hand?" Yamamoto asked.

"Then we have this," Mayuri said, retrieving a pen like object from within his robes. Along the side of it was a small red button with a larger green one at one end. Mayuri handed it to Yamamoto, "I've placed a bomb inside of the boy's skull. It is small but will get the job done, should we lose control of him, just press the red button to arm the bomb and the green one to detonate it.

Yamamoto examined the detonator for a moment before putting it with in his shihaksho, "Alright Mayuri," he said, "Begin the process."

Mayuri stepped up to the control panel of the machine as Nemu placed the artifact into the small tube at the end of it. Mayuri pressed several buttons and the tube closed off. The machine hummed as it generated power. The hum grew louder as the display monitors on the machine showed power levels rising. The artifact began releasing more and more energy as the process began. Power levels suddenly went off the charts and the machine exploded, throwing smoke and debris into the room. All three of them were knocked off of their feet.

It took a second for the smoke to clear as Mayuri and Yamamoto got up and dusted themselves off. "I never said that my theory was fully proven," Mayuri said as the smoke cleared and he saw that the artifact was gone. The tube containing the boy was smashed and the boy lay on the ground in front of it, in his hand was a zanpakuto. It had a red handle with a black sheath with a small red segment toward the middle. Mayuri smiled, "On second thought, maybe it was a success after all."

Author's Note: This was a kind of vague idea I had, feel free to make suggestions. Depending on what people think about it I may update it more than I plan to, my Godzilla fanfic is currently taking up most of my attention but we'll see. I apologize for misspelling some terms feel free to correct me. I wanted to describe the zanpakuto in more detail but it ended up kind of lax. Just imagine Takuya's digivice from Digimon Frontier as a sword.