Author's Note: This is just a fluffy PWP that entered my head one night when I couldn't sleep.

Prowl groaned. "What is it, Bumblebee?"

Bumblebee stood in the doorway of the Cyber-Ninja's quarters, silhouetted against the strong yellow light of the corridor. He was peering at his servos, which were busy twiddling digits to stave off fear. " don't think that, ah, little girls can really, ah, crawl through televisions, do you? Only I have quite a big one in my room and, ah, I think I saw it, ah, well, looking at me..."

Prowl sighed. "Get Bulkhead to smash it."

"That's...not exactly the solution I was hoping for."

Another groan. "How old are you?"

"Not old enough to ever consider watching that movie again. Wanna help me get revenge on Sari for suggesting it?"

Prowl sat up on one elbow joint. "No, Bumblebee, I want to recharge."

"Oh." Bumblebee looked disappointed. Then he brightened. "So uh, can I recharge with you?"

Prowl passed a servo over his optics. "If I say yes, do you promise to just go straight into recharge without any more talking?"

"Sure!" Bumblebee was already ambling his way across the wooden floor, looking nervously to his right and left as he hugged himself. Upon reaching Prowl's berth, he hopped in under the tarp - which Prowl was holding up for him - and nuzzled close to the older Bot.

One firm servo sent him nudging back to the other side of the berth. "Heh," he said. "Sorry. Um. Instinct? So, do I get a recharge cycle story, or what?"

The tarp on the other side of Prowl stirred, and Bumblebee was confronted with an irritated Elite Guard visor. The optics behind it were narrowed dangerously slim.

"Oh." Said Bumblebee. "Er. Hi Jazz. I didn't...didn't see you there."

"'Sup, Bee?" Jazz growled. The tarp slithered and Bumblebee felt the other Cyber-Ninja's strong arms snake around Prowl's waist. The visor looked angrier, if this were possible.

"Um..." Said Bumblebee. "I can, um, probably just, um, go back to my room..."

"It's cool," said Jazz, who was now almost burning a hole through Bumblebee's forehead. There followed an uneasy silence, which was eventually broken by Prowl.

"All right," he murmured, "which one of you has his servo on my crotch-plate?"

Bumblebee leapt out of the berth with an embarrassed yelp and stumbled blindly towards the door. "You know what, thanks, I feel so much better now, um, see you tomorrow, um, Prowl!" Most of this speech was made in the corridor, as the young Bot's hasty footsteps beat a retreat to the other side of the warehouse.

Chuckles ensued. "That wasn't very cool," Jazz snickered. "Poor 'Bee, he's probably scarred for life now."

"Good." Said Prowl. "Now, if I remember correctly, you were showing me exactly why you have an arrow decal on your...'lower torso'."

Jazz grinned. "Hey, cheeky! You got one too. Only..." The grin widened. "Well now, wouldya look at that! Mine's bigger."

The quiet chuckles reached the ears of the young human girl loitering around outside the doorway. She scowled. Stupid Bumblebee, she thought to herself as she trudged back to the small camp bed she kept in the lounge area for when she couldn't be bothered to walk home, when he came tearing out of there I thought he'd seen a ghost! What's so scary about Prowl having a sleepover with Jazz to discuss chassis painting?