
Here's the Epilogue. So, it's really the end, huh? More blabbering at the end notes! Again, thanks to Cloudy for his help :3

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the Potters, not me. I'm just playing with them. Don't sue!




Two years later


Harry leant against the taut wall of the marquee, smiling as he watched Ginny and Gavin dancing. She deserved every drop of good in her life, and Harry didn't feel a tiny bit of bitterness about not being the one to offer her that. Gavin was a kind, solid man, yet he had a sense of humour that Harry approved of. He hadn't even flinched when Ginny had told about being a witch. However, they had decided to withhold the information from his family; that was the reason behind the non-magical wedding party at the Burrow; at least, no magic was to be seen.

Harry loosened his tie and sipped some Scotch from his glass. Returning to the Burrow had felt weird. It was like a childhood home for him, full of warm memories of a loving family, but on the other hand... it made him remember Ron.

He emptied the glass and winced.

Two weeks after the row, Harry had written a long letter to Ron but had never gotten an answer. Perhaps Ron had ripped the envelope into pieces before even opening it — Harry didn't know. He hadn't had the nerve to approach Ron, not after his bitter words, until one late autumn day, he had finally given in to his desire to see Ron. Harry was sitting in the shadow of the same bush, across from Ron's apartment, for hours, and it wasn't until a young couple had got in through the green door that Harry had realised Ron must have moved away who knows how long ago.

Since then, Harry had just tried to forget.

He lived a shadow of a life, keeping his wits by working around the clock — he even slept on the sofa he'd magicked in the coffee room at the Ministry. It had taken a year before Harry had gotten over it enough to even meet with some of his friends. Next winter had been better.

The wedding invitation had surprised him. During all these years, Harry had seen Ginny just a handful of times, and even during those occasions, they never spoke more than a few words to each other. But perhaps Ginny had been able to forgive him, even though he never got up the nerve to ask for her forgiveness aloud.

At that precise moment, Harry and Ginny looked at each other. Harry raised his glass to the bride. Ginny smiled, and Harry smiled back in a natural, relaxed way. Smiling had become easier lately, and now, as almost two years had passed from that catastrophic morning, Harry was a little less in pieces.

Now he could at least rejoice for his friends' happiness.

He put the glass on the table and stretched his legs. Inhaling the bubbling, almost sparkling atmosphere, Harry smiled as he noticed that the guests had formed a jig-circle. Maybe he could join the dance, too.





End Notes:

Rori Potter: I agree, on both accounts. Well, what do you think now? There's no Ron but still, Harry is at least semi-happy...

Katzenmond: First of all, I enjoyed immensely reading your reviews! It was like you were commenting in Real Time, as you actually were! at the same time as you kept on reading :3 About Hr/Fred. I think it would have been very OoC if they hadn't thought of Ron's feelings. He's an important figure in both of their lives. Haha, I don't know if you can say that in English, but nevertheless, I understood it! :D English is not my first language, either. Oh, Ron meeting Harry at the match, that would have been interesting, wouldn't it! :D Unfortunately, it didn't happen. Molly and her questions. I think that Molly just wanted to gossip. She didn't know about Hr/Fred atm but just thought that maybe Hermione would know about Fred's girlfriend. Ofc she did, but couldn't really say it, could she :P I'm sorry I was mean and it took so long for Harry to appear, but there's more Harry in the sequel, TICTAC, so you'll be able to have your fill on him then :) About Ginny. I think that she was holding a candle for Harry even after all these years. She hadn't quite let him go and couldn't really love Gavin without some kind of a closure with Harry. I don't think she reallyreally loved Harry, just the idea of loving Harry, the first true love of hers :) Haha, I have no idea what Harry would have said if Ron would have let him in (Chapter 8). Something stupid, I guess haha :D "Maybe he got together with men subconsciously because of Harry?" There you have it. Or, more precisely, he's gay and since he can't have Harry, he has to take what he gets. Ron's suppressing very much of his emotions here. And yeah, Cal is straight, really :) Again, thanks for letting me know how you felt about the story :3

HoneyandChai: All will be revealed! Not in this epilogue, but later :P Sorry! But I'm glad you still love the story :3

lialovegood: Sorry :F Hey, it didn't end like that! This is the epilogue, it ends here! :D Hope you're still with me when the sequel starts :)

Topsy crets: He's so deep in denial that he needs a huge ladder to climb up. I guess the epilogue didn't quite answer to your questions (or did it?) but like I've said many times: that's why there's the sequel :P

makaykay15: I'm so glad that you feel that way about this story :3 Ron couldn't have done it, could he? Ahh, your kind review also made me quite nervous :D I hope I can deliver with the sequel, and that I haven't taken too many shortcuts with the plot :F


HUGE thanks to you all for reviewing (and reading, too) :3

I think the reason for this epilogue is to give the story a serene ending. It's been two years, and Harry has learnt to live without Ron. One must, mustn't he? Hey! Tell me what do you think? Was the story horrible? Fun to read? Absolutely fantastic? :P Any opinion is good opinion :) If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them. I will answer them when I post the sequel.

Ah. The sequel. TICTAC. The prologue will appear in a few days. I was supposed to post it the same day as this epilogue, but alas, plans changed :E To make it up, I posted this one a day early. Kudos for me? :P