Sorry I left everyone hanging for so long but chapter 3 is finally here.
Chapter 3:
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Martin cursed while in MOM's office. "Martin please I can explain." Diana pleaded. "And exactly how are you planning to do that, to explain that for a while now you have gone behind my back and turned your self into a creature." Martin yelled. "I had no choice but to go behind your back." Diana explained. "Oh so you had to keep it from me to go and turn your self in to a MONSTER!" At the word monster everyone in the room gasped with shock, even Martin.
"You think I'm a monster?" Diana said as tears began to well up in her eyes. "Diana, I didn't mean it like that." Martin apologized. "I made this choose because I never wanted to be living in your shadow again. And at leased I can accepted my self as what I am, which is less then what I can say for you. You may talk like you thing monsters are the coolest things in the world, but when it comes down to understanding them your no better then Octavia." Diana sobbed as she ran out of the room. "Diana wait." Martin said as she descended down the elevator.
"Diana, Diana," Martin yelled as he walked through the containment cell hallway. As he walked down the hall he watched the creatures in the cells, some of them he recognized, others not so much. "Diana, MOM said she was around here." Martin said just as he began to hear sobbing coming from around the corner.
As he poked his head around the corner he saw Diana in her creature form with tiers still running down her face. She was standing in front of the cell of the bird creature they had caught. Its beak poking through the bars as Diana stroked it, the gigantic bird cooing like a pigeon.
"What do you want?" Diana said. Obviously with her heightened senses, even Martin couldn't sneak up on her. "Diana I just wanted to talk." Martin pleaded. "About what, how I'm a monster" Diana sobbed, the bird nestling its beak against Diana's cheek. "I've realized something about these creatures after I became one my self." Diana said as she continued to stroke the giant beak. "Most of the creatures we capture aren't monsters but simply animals in nature that humans just can't accept as natural. So they think of them as monsters that should be exterminated. But these creatures were never meant to be monsters." Diana said turning to face Martin. "But the more one is treated like a monster the more they become one." Diana said looking Martin straight in the eye.
"Diana please, I didn't know what I was saying" Martin said as Diana walked by him. "No you didn't, but that doesn't mean others won't." Diana said as she walked past Martin and back down the hallway.
Over the next week or two Diana didn't speak a word to Martin. Even during missions she stayed silent towards him. And this just kept making Martin more and more depressed. "I can't take it anymore Billy it just keeps eating away at me, she's never going to talk to me again." Martin said siting on a park bench with Billy sitting next to him in his exo-suit. "I don't blame her Martin, you called her a monster. That's like you comparing me to 'Predator'." Billy replied. "I mean I've only seen her ones or twice this week, I wonder what she's up to."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" The guard asked as he led Diana down the prison hallway. "Yes, I'm sure." Diana replied as they arrived at the visiting room door. "OK they're ready for you, just hit the button on the desk if anything goes wrong." The guard said as he opened the door for her. The room was a plain grey, split in half by a wall of bullet prof glass, and a small table in the middle with a big red button on it. "I'll be fine thanks" Diana said as she walked in and closed the door behind her. "Out of all the people I was expecting a visit from you were definitely the last one on my list" Diana heard as she walked towards the table. "Well to be perfectly honest I didn't think I'd want to come her." Diana said as she leaned in to the glass. "Octavia Paine."
"So I'm guessing your not here to tell me they're moving me to a regular prison." Octavia hissed as she passed back and forth across the room. "No it's much more fitting you are here at the Centre where MOM can keep an eye on you." Diana replied as she removed her gloves and set them on the table. "So why are you here?" Octavia asked. "Surprisingly enough I'm here to thank you." Diana smirked. "Thank me, why?" Octavia scoffed, with a expression of disbelief on her face. "For opening my eyes, Because if it wasn't for what you did to me, I never would have gained this new understanding of the creatures we catch." Diana explained. "Really and how did you come across this understanding?" Octavia asked. "Simple, I became one." Diana said as she transformed. This caused Octavia to take a few steps back. "So thank you, and if you do plan on escaping just remember it won't be MOM you'll need to worry about." Diana said as she walked out the door. "It's me."
I'm Having a little writers block could everyone help give me ideas in the reviews.
It would be greatly appreciated.