Chapter 1: Surprise!
Chapter one: finding my way back: I belong with you
Sora woke up earlier than he was used to, normally he'd wake up at a solid six in the morning but of course that was because he had a new fangled thing called school to attend to and it – sadly wasn't something he could swing the keyblade at, The only reason he was up was because his gift was going off. He received a phone from or well rather was forced to get one the last time he was in radiant garden; Yuffie dragged him to the phone store even before he had a chance to complain
"Here, now…whenever you want to talk or just miss my awesome voice; you can reach any of us"
"…Who are Beret…and Vincent?"
"Oh whoops oh well, if you really need to get a hold of them tell them you're a friend of mine, Vincent may hang up but…" She stopped there
"Thank you Yuffie" Sora said with a warm smile
"H-hey don't thank me like that; it was a gift, even Cloud thought it would help if you had it…so no matter where you go…will always be together"
"You know that you'll always be with me in my heart and mind no matter what"
Yuffie blushed at the younger teen but soon started to giggle
"You're right…if we meet again we have to celebrate will put all of your birthdays on that date"
"What do you mean by if will meet again that's a promise will always be apart of each others hearts!" he said with a smile as he raced off to face his destiny
"If only you knew…how much of my heart you held…and how much I wish that' if' was the only real guarantee I can give…"
It'd been two years since the end of that fight…that hardship He'd normally get a text from Yuffie around this time. She'd text him at pretty much all hours of the day while Riku thought it was just fine, Kairi quickly became jealous when he'd say If I don't respond she'll keep sending messages until I do she gets worried easy if I don't respond
To her it seemed as if they were ether dating or they just wanted to make her envious, she of course would send him a text every now and again but he'd respond once or twice before he was flooded from messages from Yuffie. Which he had to afterwards remove the messages from his inbox…the same day.
Did he mind? Not in the least he'd on occasion send a message to Cloud trying to cheer up his glooming friend. He'd send him one at least once a week, he'd send one to Tifa asking her how her week had gone so far making sure nothing had gone astray (Cloud for instance) but he'd never get a straight answer he vowed to help the martial artist in her plight for the buster bladers heart since he looked to Tifa as some what of a sister figure as to Cloud like a protective older brother. He wanted her to be happy no matter what, but when Sora grabbed his phone it was a call from…Cloud?
"Hello…Cloud? Why are you calling you never call" Sora was bewildered
"Hello…" an unsure yet young voice answered the phone
"I knew it" he said under his breath "Who are you, what's your name kid?"
"Denzel, my name is Denzel please you have to help me!" He said his voice from what Sora could tell was racked with stress even for his young age
"Alright, stay calm where are you?" Sora asked completely sure where ever he was he was no help to the child
"I…I don't know please he-"
The phone fell to the ground Sora's breath caught in his throat he heard foot steps and from what he could tell someone picking up the phone.
"Hello" It was Cloud no mistaking it
"Cloud, is that kid alright!"
"He…has geostigma" Cloud said breathlessly
"Geo – what" Sora asked perplexed
"I have no time to explain I have to help him…he's bleeding" Cloud said in a monotone voice
"Cloud please let me help I want to help you with this!" Sora almost shouted
"You know you can't, I'm hanging up I'll have Tifa fill you in about the kid later"
"W-Wait Cloud!"
The phone on the other end went deafly silent nothing was heard the call ended right there, the only thing he could think of doing was calling somebody, anybody
"Yuffie…" He thought
He quickly scrolled down the list and selected her name it seemed like a good idea since she hadn't sent him a message yet and that concerned him, seconds after he called she picked up.
"SORA!" Yuffie squealed through the phone causing Sora to move his face away quickly he fell for it…every time
"Hey Yuffie…" He said in a subdued tone
"This is a surprise is it almost your birthday again?"
"If you forgot I'm not sure I should inform you on the date" Sora joked
"No, no I saved the date it was just a joke" Yuffie said in a joking tone
"But really, what's the reason you called before school normally you call later" Yuffie said concerned
"I got a call from Cloud what's more a kid picked up when I answered. His name is Denzel, Cloud grabbed the phone away from him mid sentence and said something about…Geo- something before hanging up"
"I KNEW IT!" Yuffie shouted
"Knew what?"
"Tifa and Cloud had a love child!" Yuffie squealed
"Yuff…I hate to burst your bubble but the kid sounded too old to be theirs and if it was they would've had to have him thirteen years ago" Sora said in a matter a fact tone
"Well~ I was wrong but what's that have to do with you?" Yuffie asked
"The kid…he sounded sick and I…I want to help him…them this time I…I don't want to be left out when I owe you all so much!" Sora said with conviction in his voice
"And of course as soon as I find a way to get to you and the others you'll be the first to know" Sora said quickly with a smirk as if he was actually speaking to her
"Duh, something tells me we talk more than you even talk to Riku" Yuffie giggled
Sora blushed softly
"Ye- Yeah well I'll call you soon as I figure out what I'm going to do I'll keep in touch Yuffie…Bye" He finished softly
"Yes Yuffie?" Sora asked softly
"Be careful" She finished not trusting the ability to finish her previous sentence
"Heh, aren't I always?"
"Remember when you decided to fight Squall?"
"Ok, besides that!"
She giggled
"Ok, ok but be safe if I lost you I'd go insane with boredom"
"I'll remember that Yuff!" Sora said before finally saying good bye and hanging up
"I don't want to lose…you I…" She thought as she was about to send Sora a message before giving up
"If I can't say it to him over the phone or even text him…I'll just have to tell him in person time to wake up Cid…if he needs a way here to help Cloud I may as well help him out…right?" Yuffie convinced herself
Sora put on a simple black zip up hoodie and slipped on the keychain he bought awhile back onto his keyblade before running out the door of his room; he was ready for school of course dispersing his keyblade while going down the stairs he still didn't want to worry her
"Leaving for school already Sora?" His mother asked
Sora stopped dead in his tracks slowly turning around to meet the eyes of his mother with a worried look etched into her toned skin
"Yeah…Riku wants to meet up to-"Sora started but was cut off by her slam a cup down
He could feel his mother tense up.
"You can't! I don't want to lose you again your seventeen Sora I lost you for almost two years do you know how worried, how scared I was that I lost you!?" She screamed her voice overcome with stress
W-What are you talking abou-"
"Does it have to do with that girl?" She asked
"Wh-What?" Sora asked perplexed
"I heard about her and those other people you were with from Riku and Kairi, those people were kind enough to help you and protect you…if they need your help you'd best do it…but say good bye before you go off again…please" She begged
"H-how did you even know I might…"
"A mother always knows, after last time I came to understand that you'd be going a lot more times than I'd like, I knew sooner or later…you'd leave me again but promise me you'll come back and sooner this time"
"I promise mom, I'll be back!"
He ran outside and off to school, he wore normal school clothes except for the hoodie and his fingerless gloves simply because he was still new to this school thing that he was attached to the clothing as much as he hated to admit it, the only thing he excelled at was gym as did Riku, but he was smart so everything clicked for him. He rushed into the building where he was met with his silver haired companion who was again surrounded by girls who wanted nothing more than for him to look their way. He quickly became popular the second he walked into the door everyone loved him. Sora was just seen as a lackey or something similar although Sora was one of the few people Riku associated with although girls have horrible assumptions of people who are hanging out with the silver haired teen but that wasn't and still isn't the case. Although that didn't stop his fan girls as they accepted the boy's friendship they still weren't too happy with him hanging out with Kairi.
Needless to say they don't get along at all.
Once Kairi came into the school the glares began as well as Sora zoning out from the array of text messages he was getting from the female ninja
"There he goes again texting again, who's he have to talk to that can constantly spam him at all hours of the day?" One of Riku's fan girls asked
"It's his girlfriend" Riku joked
Sora perked up looked over in the direction of the voice and with a glare walked over to his friend
"Yuffie and I aren't dating you know that" Sora sneered
"Oh, if you aren't dating then you must like her" Riku said sarcastically
"I knew it you do like her!" Kairi interjected
"Wh-What are you talking about I-"
Before he could protest the bell rang signaling Sora to give up and head off towards class
Riku slowly started to ease his way out the crowd the girls behind him groaning in displease as he slowly walked off to class Kairi and Sora in tow.
"Why…Would you think I like Yuffie?" Sora asked
"You talk to her everyday even more than you talk to anyone else and I'm supposed to be your best friend, remember?" Riku said nonchalantly
"Is that why Kairi's so upset?
"Bingo captain obvious" Riku said sarcastically before chuckling a bit with a playful smirk on his face that made the girls in the class room they walked into swoon. Sora ignored the girls and took his seat humorous enough as it was, Riku sat next to the brunette instead of the girls who'd do anything for him even if the reason was purely shallow at best and nothing more.
Halfway into class Sora's worst nightmare came in the form of his phone going off in the middle of class the teacher or as he liked to be referred to as the emperor just had the most wicked of smiles when he heard it.
"Well, go on Sora if they have the balls to interrupt my teachings go on ahead and answer it" He said with the most evil glint in his eye
Sora did as instructed and felt his gut sink.
"SORA!" A high pitched voice was heard over the speaker that he was forced to use just to embarrass the teen even more if they weren't laughing they were wondering who the girl was, Riku on the other hand couldn't help but let his hand reach the bridge of his nose as Kairi deadpanned
She had the same class too but remained stoic in class and refrained from anything considered procrastinating – she considered this exactly that.
"Yuffie…why are you calling at this time of day?" Sora almost hissed out
"Oh, wait your in school aren't you…CID TURN IT AROUND HE'S STILL IN SCHOOL" Yuffie screeched
Sora had a confused look on his face especially when he heard the older male say that he was already there much to her betrayal of words she jumped from the giant ship hovering above his class room directly into the brunette shards of glass flying around the room, although it didn't help when she almost threw up and Sora along with a few others almost got cut by glass. When she finally regained her bearings she hugged him as hard as she could.
"Sora! I missed you soooo much!" Yuffie said sweetly much to Kairi's annoyance
Sora couldn't help but smile…but at the same time had a confused look in his eyes all the while
"Yuff, why'd you come to my school?" Sora asked caught of guard
"Cid thought it'd be a great idea to surprise you but his idea of surprise and mine are completely different" She giggled
"You mean yours is to make people shit themselves!" Cid barked through the intercom
"Now hurry up bef-"She stopped when the door to the classroom burst open with a man in a red cape looking on at the scene
"Yuffie…you're interrupting his lessons you know better" The man spoke in an uncaring voice
"I'm sorry Vincent but- I missed him~" She teased
"That's irrelevant I'm not the one you have to worry about" He said staring directly at the two
"What…oh you have to be kidding me!" Yuffie shouted as Cloud walked into the classroom
"C-Cloud" Sora said softly
Now this would've been the part where they have a heartfelt reunion and Cloud actually shows happiness…well guess who has to ruin it
"Now hold on you can't just barge in here and start misbehaving out of the blue I demand you leave this instant" The Emperor demanded
"You heard him Yuff." Cloud spoke demandingly
She sighed which soon turned into a disapproving huff as she got up and dusted herself off as Cloud walked over to the hyper ninja he reached out a hand to the chosen one which Sora took, but what came next he wasn't expecting.
Cloud must not know his own strength because Sora was flung, directly into the highwind with a thud behind him was Yuffie, Vincent followed silently afterwards while Cloud turned to the emperor.
"Will be taking care of him for the time being, don't worry will bring him back" Cloud said stoically
"By all means keep him, the boy is only good with athletics he's not good in academics makes me think he's only good with his hands rather than thinking correctly" The teacher said without a hint of remorse
Cloud gave him a glare that'd easily rivaled one of Sephiroth's he quickly released his blade from its harness and struck the mans desk splitting it indefinitely down the middle and just as easily it went further than expected and went through the floor screams from the class rooms both current and below could be heard, Cloud turned away getting ready to leave gave one last warning.
"That was just a taste of what I'll do to you…if you continue to say things about my friend" Cloud remarked
"Oh?" The man asked almost dared to say
Clouds eyes went feral as he was about to attack the man but soon pain surged through his arm when it passed he jumped to the departing ship saying one last warning
"Don't forget what I said because next time you won't get words."
Riku, looking completely flabbergasted at the events that just occurred he slowly looked over to Kairi with a shocked look
"Did…he just leave without us again…no better question why didn't we get to go and what in the hell are we going to tell him mother?"
"Why should we even care Riku it's not our problem it's his!"
"Oh stop being jealous Kairi"
"I'm not jealous I'm-"
"SOOOO happy we got to you in time I thought we'd have to come to your house to get you" Yuffie exclaimed
"You know this was about the worst idea you've had all year, but the worst part about it was that I was involved when I don't even know the kid" Vincent remarked coldly
"Yeah well this gives you a chance to get to know him and I would've asked Barrett but he was busy!"
"I could've just met him when he got to the destination I was not needed for this endeavor, therefore you Yuffie; owe me"
"Hang on justa-"
"Uhm…I'm still confused on what's going on exactly" Sora said softly
"Oh, it's a surprise!" Yuffie squealed in delight