Author's Note: Right, a lot of people was confused by how I address Haku; whether or not Haku's a he or she. The answer is she. It's just that Haku managed to fool everyone, except Zabuza in the story so well that they thought Haku is a he. It might get confusing in the story but that's because the characters didn't know of Haku's true gender.

Put it this way, in A/N, I'm able to indulge anything including fourth wall breaking stuff and talk to you guys. In the story, my narration is quite limited to the character's perspective. So unless Haku herself reveals her gender, the story will address Haku as he. But don't worry, it won't last long.

And some people actually thought that Naruto was going to get raped. And I was like...wha? What does she actually get from doing that? Aside from babies, but no...Haku at this point wasn't interested in making babies...yet.

And to answer a few questions:

Lednacek: Although they can walk on fours, they preferred bi-pedal, so the cats all walk on two legs.

Junky: Not everyone will get zanpakutos and yes, it's Nekogakure's forbidden technique.


Forest somewhere in Wave

Zabuza and Haku were miles away from Team 7 after their first fight and they decided to stop and rest to attend to Zabuza's wounds.

"Damn, fucking Sharingan," Zabuza said and sat down while leaning against a tree. Haku kneeled and took out his medikit to patch Zabuza.

"And you, what happened? How did the blonde brat managed to find out about you?" Zabuza said while taking out a kunai. Blood started to flow freely now that the kunai that was acting as its plug was removed.

"It looks like the team had more capable members than we thought," Haku said while working on the bleeding wound. "I didn't know much about the rest but it seems that the blonde kid is someone to watch out for. If the rest were on his level, we might have to reconsider the mission,"

Zabuza 'tched'.

"Still, he told me that Yagura the Fourth Mizukage was dead for over a year now," Haku said and Zabuza's eyes immediately went wide.

"Shit, he's finally dead, huh? Never thought that anyone could pull it off," Zabuza said while thinking his next action.

The reason why Zabuza was a missing ninja in the first place was because of the Host of the Three Tailed Beast, who is also Fourth Mizukage; Yagura. Yagura, though he was young when he became Mizukage, there was something wrong with him. Most of Kiri's bloodied history was because of him.

The Genin Massacre, the Bloodline Purge, the Civil War. It's all thanks to him.

Zabuza tried to assassinate him but to no avail. With the failed assassination, Zabuza either has to be executed as a traitorous Kiri ninja or live as a traitorous missing ninja. He chose the latter of course.

Ever since then, Zabuza had been gathering his strength and resources so that he could attempt another coup against that homicidal maniac kid. And now...all of it has been for nothing.


"Did he say anything about the new Mizukage?" Zabuza asked and Haku shook his head.

"So what are we going to do now?"

"I'm not sure that the Kiri I left behind is the same as it is now. Regardless, whoever is the new Mizukage now isn't going to just pardon me easily, especially a Kage assassin. They won't be able to sit tight if I'm hanging around in the village," Zabuza stated and Haku nodded.

"So, finish the mission first then?" Haku ask and Zabuza nodded.

"How fast?" Zabuza asked nonchalantly.

"That Kakashi did a number on you, plus you're suffering from chakra exhaustion. So three days," Haku stated.

"Any chance of you assassinating one of them? Or even the target?" Zabuza asked.

"There is, but you have priority," Haku smiled and Zabuza sighed.

"What'd I do without you," Zabuza said.

"You'll die of course. Simple as that,"

"Cheeky brat!"


For two days, Haku took care of Zabuza, bringing him up back to his prime. Until Haku was sure that Zabuza was well enough to survive on his own until the next day, was Haku ready to try and assassinate one of Team 7.

Haku then changed his clothing, from his usual hunter ninja attire with mask and headband to his casual...girl clothing.

The truth is...Haku was a girl, but disguised as a boy. Why? The answer is simple, deception and protection (from this point, Haku will be referred as a girl).

Protection because a lot of power would want to get her to revive the Yuki Clan. If the world knows that Haku's a girl...well, why do you think that Kumo ninja tried to kidnap Hyuuga Hinata?

It was because girls are a much simpler target after all. Simpler to subdue and simpler to be used. Power hungry people would chase after her to turn her into a brood mother for their own Ice user army.

If the world thought that Haku was a boy, they would think twice in trying to do anything to Haku. Heck, she even might enjoy the Clan Protection, Resurrection Act (CRA) and some higher ups would offer their daughters to Haku. Hah! The look on their faces if they knew the truth!

Deception because Haku could use her status for various situations. Assassinate a guy? Just use her gender to approach and kill the bastard before he could do anything. Assassinate a woman? Pose in as a bishonen and kill the poor lady. After all, some women tend to like bishonen guys. And sometimes he didn't even need to use her real gender against guys as some of them...preferred young handsome boys.

Somewhere in Sound Village, Orochimaru sneezed when he was dissecting his experiment, causing a lot of contagion to defile the experiment. "Fuck! Who the hell is badmouthing me?" Orochimaru cursed. Normally a lot of people does that but this must be a strong one!

Anyway, sometimes, Haku loved the reaction on people's face when she told boys her gender, especially when Haku said that she's a boy. They would go like "Wha?" and then they would back off, feeling guilty for liking a boy.

And some turned gay on the spot because of her.

And then Haku would reveal the truth that she was indeed, a girl all along.

Then they would have really mixed feelings. And that would be priceless!

And of course, this wasn't limited to boys, mind you. Girls would confess to her too. Toying with girl's heart was harder to do, as she was also a girl.

Anyway, Zabuza himself told her to hide her true gender. Believe it or not, in spite of his nickname, Zabuza was actually a nice person.

Not once did he use Haku for his sexual needs. If anything, Zabuza hated undercover missions that would involve sexual acts and would order Haku to kill the target slowly and painfully.

Zabuza Momochi was like a father to her. Probably an even better one than her biological father. At least Zabuza didn't try to kill her, or her mother.

Yes, some of you would say that Zabuza used her as a murder tool. But at least he gave Haku the ability to defend herself in this unforgiving and cruel world. At least Zabuza didn't turn her into a brood mother.

Someone much worst could have picked her up instead of Zabuza.

And for all that Zabuza had done for her; Haku was grateful and would willingly die for him as her life belongs to him anyway.

After her 'disguise' was complete, Haku took her basket and set out to Tazuna's house, ready to make her move.


Trying to kill either one of them was hard. Tazuna always had the blonde kid and the red headed girl protecting him while the Copy Ninja was always with rest of him team, training them. She didn't want to attack Tazuna in broad daylight as well in the company of his bodyguards. The blonde was strong, sure but the red headed? She wasn't sure.

So Haku secretly observed the blonde and the red head, waiting for at least one of them to break away from each other so that Haku could atleast take one down. But they stuck together like glue!

So she couldn't strike during the day. No matter, there's always the night.

The second night would be the time when the team will not do any training to rest properly for tomorrow's big fight. Haku counted on that; when all of them are sleeping, she could strike.

But her chance came much earlier. It seemed that a fight occurred in the house as she could hear the blonde talking angrily and the sound of a little kid crying. The blonde then stormed from the house and into the woods.


Haku then entered the wood with her basket in hand. In the basket contained two bottles. One has a powerful sleeping chemical and a cloth that was already doused with said chemical. The other one is for killing of course. She just need to play the lamb before revealing the wolf beneath.


The blonde kid turned out to be rather interesting. He was more matured than most Konoha Genin that Haku usually meets.

Konoha, having experienced an age of peace had somewhat reduced their ninja's skills, especially the younger ones. Haku, by the age of six had already gone through much hardship and it has hardened her. Most Konoha Genins at age six was still playing jumping ropes and other kid games.

The Genins from civilian families are the worst. They think that ninjas are a 'cool' profession and only wanted to become one because of the benefits entitled to it. They didn't have strong reasons on why they wanted to become a ninja.

Most casualties are Genins from civilian families after all.

Anyway, the kid knows the meaning of becoming a ninja, a tool. However, he also had people that he wanted to protect, and that was always a good sign of a good ninja. It saddens Haku that she had to remove him from the equation.

But it was unavoidable. War and fights in the ninja world happen because of one side thinking that their priority is greater, that they are right and the opposing force have to obey to it.

Haku won't say that Zabuza's goals were right, nor say that Haku was innocent and has the right to kill. No, she already accepted that her hand was tainted a long time ago.

"You're definitely strong. But in war or a battle; it isn't about who is right, but who is left. I'm not going to apologize as you should have known this," Haku said while standing over Naruto's unconscious body.

After all, history is written by the winner. The one left standing is the one that would decide what is right and wrong, because there is no one to tell them otherwise.

"And I'm not sorry for what I'm going to do either," Haku said in a calm voice while eyeing Naruto. Haku then took out the bottle that contained the poison and uncapped it. Haku then opened Naruto's mouth and pour one tenth of the bottle's content into Naruto.

Haku then dragged Naruto's body deeper into the woods and hides his body in a bush. Should Haku and Zabuza achieve their objective of killing Tazuna, and if the Konoha ninja's would stop, Haku would tell them the location of Naruto's body for proper burial.

Haku looked at Naruto's face one last time. His face paled, foam was forming in his mouth and purple veins appeared on his face and arm. Signs that the poison is doing its job.

Haku then left Naruto's body and went back to Zabuza. Having killed one is enough. She could use it to demoralize the rest of his team or even better, sent them to uncontrollable rage that could cloud their judgement. Besides, she also needed a good rest for tomorrow.





Naruto slowly opened his eyes at the sound of water slowly dripping to his face. "Wha?" Naruto groggily sat upright and realised that he was wet.

Naruto groaned and looked around. It looked like he was in a sewer. A large sewer. "Where the hell am I? Damn, that Ice Guy must have dumped me somewhere...strange, why didn't he just kill me?"

"That's because he almost did kill you, idiot!"a voice said from one end of the sewer. Naruto turned to look at the source of the voice. The voice seemed to come from at the other end of the sewer, which has large bars, as if it was a prison. It's as if this place wasn't a sewer, but rather a corridor to a prison.

At the middle of the prison bar was a seal with the kanji word 'Seal' on it and Naruto could make a visage from behind the bar. The sewer's lack of lighting didn't help much.

Naruto then walked to the prison bar and saw two pairs of red light; one pair was huge! The other pair was smaller and was the size of a human's...eye.

The red lights are actually eyes! The smaller pair was on top of the big though, as if...the owner of the human eye was riding the owner of the larger one.

"Okay...who are you? Where am I?" Naruto asked.

"Silly me, you're me, of course!"the voice said and the darkness that covered the prison was cleared and Naruto could finally see the owner of the eyes.

The owner of the large eyes was none other than the Kyuubi No Yoko itself and it was in a bad condition. Its body was suspended in mid-air by chains that were wrapped all over its body and what's worse was that it wasn't normal chains, but thorn chains.

The Kyuubi's body had numerous laceration wounds, deep cuts and gashes all over its body and there's more. Numerous large demonic looking swords were embedded in the Kyuubi's body; in its hands, feet, tails, spine and its mouth, effectively clamping the mouth shut. The swords have numerous eyes and mouths all over its body and each eye has numerous pupils inside it; all of it was moving around frantically, reacting badly to the disappeared darkness. The swords also have the thorn chain from the bottom of its hilt, and the chains, including the ones that were wrapped around the Kyuubi seemed to originate from the prison walls itself.

Naruto tried to find the source of the thorn chains when he saw that the chains wasn't hooked to the walls but instead was wound up on pulleys. Naruto traced the chains back and found himself staring at the human red eyes.

The owner of the human red eyes was sitting on top of Kyuubi's head like it was a throne. The 'human' resembled Naruto himself except that he was covered in dark liquid like aura, making him looked like a shadow.

Naruto then realised something; the shadow has numerous thorn chains sprouting from its back and that the shadow was the source of the chains!

"Hello me!"the shadow smirked, his voice sounded like a growl, as if his voicebox was badly damaged. "Dude, you suck! You let that effeminate boy get the drop on you! And now look what happened!"

Naruto's face scowled at the horrible sight. Sure, the Kyuubi was a demon but this was too much. "What the fuck happened here? Did the seal do this to the Kyuubi?"

The shadow laughed hard, with every movement caused the chains to move a little and in turn, moving the other chains around Kyuubi. Kyuubi growled a little but the shadow's laughter was louder.

"Name's Yami by the way, and no, the seal didn't do this, we did! Or rather, I did!"Yami grinned.

"Wha? Why?" Naruto was horrified. If Yami is who he claims himself to be, than what happened to Kyuubi was his doing too.

"He's serving his time of course! Just sitting here isn't punishment enough! And I'm doing my part as the jailer, the warden,"Yami said with glee.

"What the fuck? This is downright torture! He didn't deserve this!" Naruto said with venom.

Yami shook his head. "Had it been any other person, like a Konoha resident for an example, they would have cheered. But with you it's understandable. You're able to think and feel that way because we're separated. Human rights don't apply to demons, my dear self. And yes, he deserved this more than anything,"

Naruto was confused now. 'Separated?' he thought. "It wasn't his choice to attack Konoho! He was-"

"Controlled? Yes, yes, that's true. I watched the fox's memories like a movie after all. Quite interesting to watch something from other's perspective. Anyway, that was the first part, the start of the story and the truth. Did you know what happened on the other part?" Yami smirked, taking in the delight of knowing something that others don't, especially his other self.

"He could have just walk away to his freedom. I'm sure that Konoha wouldn't mind as they were recovering from the attack. But nooooo, he chose revenge! Like a fucking Uchiha! That action alone causes the death of our parents!" Yami said with venom and put his left hand back and twist it around a thorn chain before grabbing it. He then yanked down, hard, causing the large demonic blade that was embedded in Kyuubi's left hand to be pulled upwards. Kyuubi's hand couldn't move as the chains wrapped around it hold it tightly in place but the movement caused deeper cuts into his arm.

Naruto winced as the Kyuubi let out a small muffled roar, no doubt having no strength to let out a big one. Naruto had the feeling that this had been going on for a long time.

"And that's not all. He was also responsible for my birth. In fact, he created me! He hoped that we, together would go nuts and release him to exact revenge on Konoha!" Yami said and Naruto looked into Kyuubi's eyes.

He couldn't see any malice in it...just suffering, and sadness. He couldn't believe that the Kyuubi really did do those things.

"Oh yes! Look at into his eyes, his soul! You would think that it is the eye of an innocent, don't you? That's because I'm doing a fucking good job in reforming him! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yami laughed hard.

"The thing is...his plan would have worked. Had it not for certain people that showed us kindness in the last moment. Or the breaking point; you going to Nekogakure for training! Had you not tried to get your Zanpakuto, we wouldn't have been separated and-" Yami yanked the chain harder, causing Kyuubi to roar in pain.

"he wouldn't be like this. It's kinda like karma. Or retribution if you want to use strong words," Yami said with a grin.

Naruto's eyes widened. "It's you! You're the reason why I didn't have a zanpakuto!" Naruto said and pointed to him.

Yami raised his head while looking at Naruto, looking down on him. "I am your zanpakuto. I am your power,"

Naruto was horrified to learn that his power could be so dark.

"Don't blame yourself. Or me for that matter. We are like this because of the choices made and imposed to us by the people who could only think of themselves. We are the product from the adult's fucked up choices," Yami said with an angry look. "They say that a person's personality is decided by the nature in which they grow, and the nurture given to them. So really, this isn't our fault to begin with!"

Naruto looked away. It was the truth. Although he had a good second six years of his life, his first six years was...horrible. Had things been different...had the people see what he really is...

Yami looked at Naruto with a neutral face. "So now here comes the part about us. Truthfully, you aren't really Naruto as I'm not really Yami," Yami said and Naruto turn to look at him with a confused look.

"We are incomplete beings. Two different pieces of the same whole. Much like the Kyuubi. One day, we will be whole again," Yami said and Naruto was about to ask what he meant about the Kyuubi when Yami raised his left hand to silence Naruto. "When that time comes and I proved to be stronger than you, the real us...will be a monster. Like the one in front of you," Yami emphasized this by spreading his arms wide.

"So you mean that I have to defeat you?" Naruto asked.

"In a way yes. Defeat or stand on equal grounds with me. The thing is Naruto, you can't defeat me with power, skill or physical strength. No. That's because I am your power! You getting stronger physically or hurt either physically or emotionally, will only feed me, and make me grow stronger," Yami explained.

"What the hell? What am I supposed to do then?" Naruto was flabbergasted. It means that almost everything that he does will contribute to Yami's strength.

"I'm not going to answer that. 'Cuz the answer's cheesy," Yami smirked and Naruto frowned at him.

Naruto thought about it for the moment. If Yami gets stronger with Naruto's increase in physical strength and emotional pain, then to defeat him he has to use the opposite. Which means...

"You are lucky that some shred of good is still in me that I could still think rationally and not given to mindless negativity. If not, I would not be telling you this," Yami said.

They both stared at each other and Naruto understood that somehow, Yami can still be saved, no, he wanted to be saved.

"I will tell you this, there will be a time when you cannot use Kyuubi's power and will have to use mine. Don't. Let. That. Happen," Yami said with a grave voice and Naruto nodded.

"Good, then let's hope that we won't be meeting again soon," Yami said and the darkness consumed the whole of the Mindscape.


Naruto woke up to the most unpleasant wake up ever! His mind was spinning, his body wrecked with intense pain, bright blinding light is threatening to burn his eyes out and some liquid was blocking his windpipe.

Immediately he sat up and vomited the liquid, which was a mixture of his dinner, blood, foam and some dark liquid.

If this is how hangover's going to be, then he swore he's not going to get drunk.

Naruto then got up to his feet with difficulty and collected himself. Looking around and using his time judging skills, he realised that he was late in accompanying Tazuna.

"Shit! I hope that Zabuza hasn't attacked yet! If they did..." Naruto said and instantly Body Flickered away.

He needs to get there fast! But then he realised something was odd in the forest...


Tsunami was just doing her daily chores when the door to her house was sliced to pieces.

Some people just don't know how to use doors. One Yakuza looking and one clown looking samurai entered the house.

"Excuse me? Haven't you used a door before? Or was it too complicated for you? Guess you knowing nothing without your blade, huh?" Tsunami said and put her hands on her hips.

The two samurai's twitched. This isn't what they had expected. Tsunami knew that it would be bad to badmouth her potential killers but she's going to get a few kicks before she goes down.

Yakuza then in a flash drew out his sword and point the tip to Tsunami's mouth. "Got quite a mouth there bitch, wanna lose it? 'Cuz I can help,"

"Don't damage her. Boss wants her intact," Clown said.

Tsunami perked up at hearing this. "What for?"

Both samurai's grinned lecherously. "Not to be a hostage that's for sure," Yakuza licked his lips and pointed his sword lower to her chest.

Tsunami paled at hearing this.

"That's right. Why do we need hostages when your dad's gonna die anyway? If not by Zakuza's hands, by the other killers we prepared," Clown said.

"Think that we can get some fun from her? I'm sure boss wouldn't mind. I mean, not like she hasn't been touched before," Yakuza smiled and moved forward while Tsunami backed herself.

"You shit heads!" Inari jumped from his hiding place to tackle Yakuza but the differences were too big and Yakuza slashed at Inari.

"No!" Tsunami screamed but to their surprise, Inari was replaced by a log that has a tear gas bomb stuck to it.

The smoke bomb went off and consumed the house with tear gas. Inari and Tsunami found themselves out of the house and was carried by Naruto in his hands.

"You okay? Sorry you have to deal with those creeps," Naruto said and dropped them. He then looked at Inari who was shaking and pat his head. "Good job kid. Looks like you got your guts back huh?"

Inari stopped shaking and smiled. "Yeah! I'm Kaiza's son after all!" Naruto returned the smile and faced the house back.

The two samurais appeared from the smoke, coughing up a storm. "Looks like there's a good point in me being late after all. Luckily they decided to show off their swordsmanship on helpless objects and animals," Naruto said.

"Seems like you guys are used to the idea of raping women, don't you?" Naruto said with a grim tone.

The samurais managed to collect themselves again and drew out their swords. "Yeah, done it a few times. A sure fine way to break your kunoichis. Heh. And we're not going to stop either. 'Cuz nobody, including you is gonna stop us!" Yakuza said.

Naruto didn't say anything but bit his lips until they bleed. "Looks like we hit a nerve," Clown smirked.

Naruto nonchalantly wiped away the blood with his left thumb and casted his technique. "Summoning Technique!"

In a puff of smoke, Soi Fon appeared in front of Naruto. Everyone except Naruto and Soi Fon was shocked at seeing the large cat in front of them. "In a fix?" Soi Fon asked.

"No, just want you to handle these two scumbags," Naruto said with venom and Soi Fon understood that the two people in front of them wasn't to be killed easily, but painfully and slowly.

"How much of a scumbag?" Soi Fon asked in a business like tone.

"Rapists," Naruto simply said and Soi Fon narrowed her eyes while releasing a massive KI that caused the two men to shiver a bit.

"I see," Soi Fon said and slowly drew out her short sword, Tsuzumebachi. "Well then, scumbags, let's play, shall we?" Soi Fon said and in an instant she was gone.

Tsunami and Inari blinked once and both samurai's were gone too in a scream.

Naruto then turned to look back at them. "It's not safe here. Even more might come. Go and round up the people and stay with them. If we fall, Gato will come. Decide then among your people on what to do," Naruto said and smiled at Inari before turning back.

"Wait, brother!" Inari said and Naruto turned face him. "Sorry...about yesterday," Inari said with apologetic eyes and Naruto flashed his large grin.

"Well, as long as you learn something from it, then it's okay. If you learn something from your mistake, then it is a mistake worth made," Naruto patted Inari's head once again and disappeared.


Things weren't going so good. Kakashi was in a fix. He wanted to fight against Haku but Zabuza kept him busy. It didn't help that Zabuza knew of the Sharingan's weakness and executed the Hidden Mist Technique. Immediately, chakra laced mist covered the whole area, making him unable to properly see Zabuza's chakra signatures.

Haku was fighting Sasuke while Karin and Sakura were protecting Tazuna. Luckily, Haku didn't use his (this is Kakashi's perspective) ice ability yet and was gauging Sasuke's strength.

"You're...weaker than Naruto," Haku said, dancing around Sasuke's attacks.

"Naruto? What did you to him?" Karin asked while readying herself to execute an earth technique in case Haku comes to them.

"I killed him, with poison," Haku said nonchalantly, as if it was the normal thing to do. Immediately Karin and Sakura dropped to their knees.

'Naruto, dead? No! It's over! Sasuke's going to get killed and then...' Sakura thought.

'! How can you simply die like that?' Karin thought.

Sasuke was fuming, but not because of Naruto's death, but because of Haku labelling him weak. Sasuke focused his chakra on to his leg and kicked Haku's face. Haku however simply placed a kunai in the kick's path and Sasuke's own speed does the job of piercing the kunai to his leg.

"Argh!" Sasuke writhed in pain and pulled back his leg.

"Enough games. From the reaction of your teammates, I could say that the pink head is the weakest of your team. The red head might provide a challenge but I can see that fighting isn't her forte," Haku deducted.

It was true. When the fight begins, the pink head and red head didn't help the boy at all. That would either mean that they are medics, couldn't help in the fight or was solely assigned to protect Tazuna. However, from the pink head's lack of stance and shivering; it looks like she was more of a liability. The red head clearly had combat potential but seeing her stance was still lacking, she's more to a medic.

"I will now kill Tazuna. What you do after that is up to you. I just hope that you will be wise about it," Haku said and disappeared.

In an instant, Haku appeared in front of Tazuna and with a kunai in hand, thrust her hand forward straight in between Tazuna's eyes.

In an instant, Naruto appeared in front of Tazuna and stopped the kunai in its track using his own kunai's ring. "Your disguise was something, Haku-san," Naruto said.

Karin and Sakura's head went up at Naruto's arrival. "Naruto!" both girls chorused.

"Get. Up!" Naruto said through gritted teeth. "Mourning is for after a battle, after you survive it! Lest you join the dead and have people mourn you instead!" both girls quickly got up to their feet.

Haku's eyes went wide and she immediately jumped away. "You! How the hell?"

"Sorry, I have super resistance to poison," Naruto smirked.

"Bullshit! I gave you more than lethal dosage! I watched you die!" Haku growled. She didn't like a dead man walking. That says a lot about a botched job and it didn't help that they tend to be vengeful. "I should have cut your head!"

"That and cut out my heart. That's the sure way to deal with pesky immortals, especially a dead man walking," Naruto smirked does a handseal and a puff of smoke later, was clothed in his ANBU gear.

Haku growled at this. "I'll take your advice then. Both,"

Naruto smirked. "Karin, do what I told you,"

Karin nodded and flashed her handseals. "Earth Technique: Earth Dome!" Karin then spew out mud in a circle around herself, Sakura and Tazuna and a dome emerged from it and encase them in a protective earth shell.

"I see...from the looks of it, you're the only threat," Haku said and turns to look at Sasuke. "I couldn't afford any possible distraction so I have to weed out the weak first. Ice Technique: Ice Floor!"

Haku flashed her handseal using only one hand and Naruto nodded. 'Shit, no wonder he's so strong!'

The bridge's floor immediately was covered in ice and Sasuke slipped a bit before regaining his footing. "Chakra on legs, now!" Naruto ordered and Haku skated forward towards Sasuke.

Sasuke jumped upwards and casted his Grand Fireball at Haku which consumed the ice covered floor but Haku has already jumped on the railing and threw six ice senbons at Sasuke. Sasuke slashed the ice senbons away while falling to the ground again, his fire didn't make much difference to the ice covered floor.

Naruto got down to his hand and raised his feet in the air and started to kick furiously, sending waves after waves of Storm Legs at Haku. Haku immediately casted her Ice Shield and wear it on her left hand to weather the attacks and charged at the attacking Naruto. The shields this time, has numerous ice spikes.

Sasuke landed and casted another smaller Fireball this time, not wanting to hit Naruto. Haku saw the incoming ball of flame and used her free hand to cast another Ice Shield to defend against it. Unbeknownst to her however is that Sasuke immediately throw an exploding kunai. The fireball hit the shield and has no effect as usual but the kunai stuck to it.

Haku realised that the kunai stuck though.

Naruto pushed his hands hard against the bridge floor to jump away from the charging spiky ice shield, and Haku throw the shield that has the exploding kunai at Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened as the exploding kunai and shield exploded in front of him.

Sasuke was horrified. His attack was used against him and had caused the death of his teammate! Haku slowly turns her face towards Sasuke. "Well, I didn't expect for him to fall first, but thanks,"

Sasuke growled and charged at Haku. Haku skated forward with such speed that it caught Sasuke by surprise and slashed horizontally at Sasuke using the shield; its edges were sharp enough to function as a sword. Sasuke's eyes widened as he saw this and saw no other way to dodge.

Until the world seem to slow down for him and enable him to see clearly what he needs to do. He then slid down on the floor using a sheet of chakra to propel him forward and Haku's slash missed him. Haku was surprised as she saw Sasuke slide beneath her shield and threw a kunai directly at her face.

Unfortunately, Haku had her mask and she positioned her face so that the kunai would hit her forehead where her forehead protector was in place. The mask shattered and hit the forehead protector and bounced harmlessly. Haku then used her free hand and lunged at Sasuke's neck, effectively stopping his slide and pinning him down.

"Sharingan, huh? Doesn't matter, it's useless in Zabuza's chakra laced mist and you certainly can't copy bloodline ability," Haku smiled. "And I got you anyway,"

Haku's grip tightened and Sasuke feel his life fading away. Sasuke tried to resist by taking out another kunai but Haku kneed him in the gut, stopping his move.

Suddenly, Haku realised something and bring her shield to her back as a large meat cleaver clashed against it.

"Getsuga!" a voice said and a blue explosion consumed the shield and destroyed it and sent Haku flying backwards from the explosion and releasing Sasuke in the progress. Haku skidded a few times before standing back again.

The explosion cleared and Haku could see Naruto and a large orange cat wearing an ANBU uniform with mask and he was holding the giant sword. Haku tilted her head a bit. She never saw a cat summon before.

"A summon huh? Well, time to take this up one level then," Haku said and flashed her handseals.

"Ice Technique: Freezing Mist!" Haku said and the mist that surrounded them dropped in temperature so badly that it started to snow. Sasuke started to shiver uncontrollably.

"Damn, a good skill. We tend to move slower and use more energy to generate heat to protect our body from the cold," Naruto stated.

"Oh boy. It's like fighting Rukia again," Ichigo said.

"Except that she's Rukia upgraded 10 times," Naruto said next.

"Speaking of which, you should summon her," Ichigo massaged his shoulders a bit.

"Yeah, gimme time. Careful not to hit the earth dome," Naruto replied.

"Right, as usual," Ichigo said and charged forward. Haku flashed her handseals and executed her technique.

"Ice Technique: Frost Diver!" ice spikes raced towards Ichigo but he was ready.

"Getsuga!" Ichigo slammed down his blade and sent a vertical beam at the ice spikes. The techniques cancelled each other and Ichigo resumed his charge.

"Ice Technique: Demonic Ice Mirror!" Haku casted and 21 ice mirrors formed around the bridge. Haku immediately jumped into one of them and disappeared.

"What the? Okay..." Ichigo said. "That's new,"

All of the mirrors contain images of Haku and moved through the air while circling the bridge and sending out a hail of ice senbons .

Naruto was forced to stop his summoning and defend himself from the barrage of ice needles. Sasuke tried his best but a few got through, pinning his back and arms. Ichigo covered himself in chakra to deflect the needles and jumped at one of the mirrors but it moved away.

"Annoying!" Ichigo said.

Sasuke knew that he has to destroy the ice mirrors and seeing that his flames had failed him again and again, he decided to throw another exploding kunai at one of the mirror.

The Haku image grabbed the kunai from the mirror and throw it at Naruto using another mirror from Naruto's back. Naruto saw this and Body Flickered away with Sasuke. The explosion rocked the bridge and destroyed much of the ice that covered it.

"Dammit Sasuke! Didn't you learn?" Naruto scolded and dropped Sasuke. Naruto saw that the ice needles are spreading around the wounds. "Focus your chakra on the wounds to stop their spread!" Naruto ordered and flashed his handseals.

"Earth Technique: Earth Dome!" Naruto did the same technique around Sasuke but smaller. "Stay and get the needles out!" Naruto said before the dome closes and he could see the hated look in Sasuke's eyes. He couldn't care less about his stupid ego now.

"Summoning Technique!" Naruto immediately casted while more ice senbons hit his chakra covered body.

A puff of smoke later and Rukia appeared. Haku however, was ready and immediately, all the ice mirrors converged on her and formed an ice dome. "Rukia!" Naruto and Ichigo screamed as Naruto saw Rukia's horrified look.

"Ice Technique: Frozen Maiden!" Haku casted and Naruto immediately dispelled Rukia before the attack could hit. "Smart move," Haku said and the ice mirrors parted again and revealed ice spikes protruding from it. Had Naruto didn't dispelled Rukia, she would be spiked to death.

"Fucking bitch!" Ichigo said and jumped at the mirror and slashed a Getsuga at it. The attack as usual, missed and the mirrors went to the other side of the bridge and Haku stepped out from one of the mirrors.

"Ice Technique: Demonic Ice Swords" Haku said and four of the ice mirrors changed shape into the form of a large sword with blades on each end.

"Fuck," Naruto and Ichigo said. The sword hovered for a moment before flying towards them. Ichigo clashed with one of them but it proved to be a mistake. His sword hit one of the bladed ends before it spun and hit him with the other end, causing a deep cut that was soon covered in ice. "Fuck" Ichigo said again.

Naruto quickly used his Wind Enhanced Tools technique on his kunai, creating a kunai wind blade and clashed with one of the ice sword in the middle and managed to cut it through. That also proved to be a mistake.

The split ends were still active and speared at him. Naruto immediately Moon Flashed upwards to avoid it. Another sword including the split swords flew at him and speared Naruto. However, the swords found itself embedded in a log covered with exploding tags.

The log exploded, destroying the swords with it. Ichigo faced another sword and prepared himself. The sword came flying at him in a thrust and Ichigo flared his lightning chakra through his sword and thrust it at the sword too. Both swords' tip met each other but Ichigo's lightning coated Zangetsu proved superior and speared through the sword and shattered it into million pieces.

The last sword came flying at him from his back but Naruto landed on it with such force that it shattered completely.

"Very good. But not good enough. It's over though, as you won't live through this," Haku said. Ichigo and Naruto turned to look at her and realised to their horror that Haku had finished another technique.

"Ice Technique: Ice Forest," Haku casted and the snow that was falling to the battlefield immediately grow to balls of spiked ice. Each of them didn't stop growing and continue to send spiky ice tendrils all over the place.

In an instant, the area where Haku and Naruto was fighting was covered in numerous sharp ice tendrils and made the whole are looked like it was covered in a forest made of ice.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Naruto could hear himself saying. He has already dispelled Ichigo before the attack could reach full maturity but he himself wasn't fast enough to avoid it. Naruto managed to cover himself with chakra but the ice tendrils keep coming. He soon found himself speared with hundreds of tiny sharp ice tendrils all over his body and he could feel the ice spreading.

Naruto broke free of the ice tendrils and could feel the freezing pain setting in. If he doesn't finish this quick, he will be dead for sure. Naruto then flared chakra all over his body again to stop the spread when large icicles crashed on him.

Naruto barely dodged it as the ice tendrils in the makeshift ice forest made it harder for him to move around. Naruto then Moon Flashed upwards, breaking through the spiky tendrils in the process. To his horror however, Haku was waiting.

As soon as he got out from the ice forest, Haku was on in front of him with an ice sword in hand and speared him through the gut. Naruto's mouth started to bleed and he was about to grab Haku's neck when Haku pushed him downwards, sending them crashing downwards into the floor below.

Naruto was soon pinned to the floor by the freezing ice sword and Haku was standing on its hilt while looking down on him.

All Naruto could see was Haku's calm eyes before darkness overtook him.





Naruto found himself back in front of the prison bars again and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Do you see what's happening Naruto?," Yami said. He was struggling with himself as the damage that Naruto received in the physical world appeared on him. Numerous ice wounds are all over him, including the fatal wound he got from Haku's ice sword.

"YoUr pain...IS...mY STRENGTH!" Yami said with difficulty. "as My strENGTh gROws, mY COnsCIoUS ERODES!"

Naruto ran towards the Kyuubi, hoping to at least help his other self.

"STOP! YOUR PLACE IS NOT HERE!" Yami screamed and pulled various chains that caused the Kyuubi to lunge forward and crashed his head on the prison bars, sending Naruto backwards by this sudden movement. The Kyuubi roared in pain but Yami paid no heed to it.

Yami then let out a roar as the ice wounds now disappeared; however, Yami's shadow seemed to increase in volume. Yami then seemed to calm down and took a few deep breaths before continuing.

"I'll give you more of Kyuubi's power, so stop fucking die already!" Yami said and he gripped a number of chains using both hands. Red chakra then started to flow out from Kyuubi while he grunted in pain. The chakra then travelled along the chains and into Yami himself.

"Go out there and kick that girly boy's butt! Don't make me come out and do it!" Yami said and Naruto nodded.


Haku dispelled the ice forest and got off from the sword's hilt. She then gave Naruto one last look. His torso was almost frozen completely and soon, his heart will be completely frozen, and blood won't be able to flow to any part of his body. The brain later will be starved of oxygen, leading to a slow and painful death. It looks like that decapitation isn't needed after all.

Haku turned around and walked towards the earth dome that was protecting Tazuna. She hoped that Kakashi wasn't giving Zabuza a hard time. She was a bit worried, considering that Kakashi did almost kill Zabuza last time.

She didn't want to admit it, as it would make Zabuza sound inferior but yes, Haku was stronger than Zabuza. It wasn't very surprising, considering the advantage Haku had. Had it not for her bloodline, Zabuza won't pull her from the darkness that plagued her in her early years.

It was ironic, that her ability is what caused her much pain for the early years of her life in the first place. That it had caused her her family. Yet, it also gave her much strength that it allowed her to meet with Zabuza.

Had it been any other person, they would have hate the ability that caused them suffering, and made them being used as a weapon. Haku felt that way at first. But life had to move on, and it doesn't care whether you're coming along or not. Life is 10 percent of what you give, and 90 percent of how you make it; of how you deal with what is given to you.

Haku was past that point of grief. If life decides to give her lemons, then she'll make lemonades, lemon pies, lemon juices and she'll even create a religion based on lemons if she had too.

And, from the look of it; she used her 'lemons' quite well.

The Ice ability is without doubt, one of the strongest ability there is. What made it strong? Well, to answer that, we have to answer another question; what made a species strong?

What made Mother Nature kill one species yet let the other live? What was the factor?

It wasn't strength. If that was true, then giant animals would have ruled the earth.

It wasn't speed. If that was true, then the fastest animals would have been untouchable.

It was versatility, the ability to change and adapt. That is what made human rulers of the earth.

In fact, Mother Nature is about change. She was cruel and will not hesitate to kill her children that aren't able to fulfill her expectations.

But alas, humanity; Mother Nature's most successful child yet, managed to turn the table around. Instead of animal adapting to nature, nature has to adapt to humanity.

Humanity was also, the epitome of change. A human would be crazy doing the same thing over and over again. Like hearing a joke; it was fun the first time, but after that?

And that was what made the Ice ability so strong. It was versatile. Her ice was able to change to any form according to the situation. Fighting against Fire users? Drop the heat until their fire is pathetically weak. Need a protective shield? Fashion yourself a shield. Need to capture an enemy? Make an ice prison.

In fact, Naruto wasn't able to use much Earth techniques as they were on top of a bridge were there wasn't any earth on it to use. If you wanted to use earth techniques around here, you have to first convert your chakra to earth and then use it for your technique. Something that would be time consuming and a luxury Haku didn't allow.

And versatility was Haku's forte. She was like a good magician; never be a one trick pony. That and distract your audience's attention away from what you are doing so as to fool them.

And that was what Haku did. While her enemy was busy fighting one of her style, she changes it. When the enemy was about to get used to it, change it again.

Had Haku were gifted with other ability, like the Byakugan; maybe, she would have lost against Naruto.

Haku was about to reach the earth dome when she felt a massive chakra spike behind her. She turned around and saw a spiralling tower of red chakra around a crouching Naruto; his wounds were healing and her ice sword in his left hand.

"I really, really should have cut off your head," Haku said with cold venom. Another botched kill? She was lucky that it was the same person, if it were many people; they would have plotted her murder by now. "So it wasn't super resistance to poison, huh? Probably a bloodline ability that gives super regeneration,"

Haku also realised something that was a bit odd with Naruto. His blue eyes were now red with slits and his fang grew longer. His whisker marks are more apparent and what's more, he was coated with some sort of chakra cloak with a tail behind him.

This is bad. Naruto then crushed the sword ice and with a loud roar, charged at Naruto.

'I'm on my end here!' Haku thought about her chakra reserve. "Ice Technique: Demonic Ice Armor!" Haku casted and all the remaining ice mirrors converged on her and formed an ice cocoon. A second later, the ice cocoon breaks and revealed Haku clad in complete samurai like armor made of ice.

The armor had a samurai helmet with a crescent moon as its symbol and an oni mask covered her face. Her armor's chest plate also sports the same oni mask. Her shoulder guards had two curved horns each. On both of Haku's hand were two large crescent blades, easily as long as a katana and it looked like a large talon.

"Come on!" Haku charged at Naruto and slashed horizontally using her left blade at Naruto but Naruto grabbed it. The strength of Naruto's grip was unbelievable! The blade was already cracking. Haku then used her other blade and stabbed at Naruto's head but he avoided it.

Naruto then used his free hand to punch at Haku's chest but ice spikes sprouted from the oni's mask and pierced Naruto's hand. Naruto however, wasn't fazed by this as the chakra cloak reduced the damage and the punch still connected and sends Haku sliding backwards a bit. Naruto however, managed to peel off her left blade from her hand.

"Tch!" Haku grew an ice shield to replace the left blade. A mini cyclone form at Naruto's left hand and this surprised Haku. "Without handseals?"

Naruto then leapt and punched Haku's shield. Haku felt like it was being hit by a drill. The cyclone was trying to spin Haku's shield away but Haku glued herself to the floor by freezing her ice armor to the floor.

Naruto felt that his technique won't break through so his instincts improvised. He back away and casted Cyclone Fist again but this time, instead of the normal cyclone covered fist, it was a cyclone shaped in the form of a drill.

The Cyclone Drill was spinning so fast that a loud sucking sound could be heard. "Shit" Haku said and Naruto leapt again with a roar and stabbed Haku's shield. The drill was starting to bore through Haku's shield.

Haku gritted her teeth and ice spikes sprouted from the shields and speared Naruto, but it wasn't too deep; courtesy of the chakra cloak again. Haku's shield started to crack and Haku knew it was futile holding on to the shield.

A part of her armor on her hips parted away and Haku released her shield while grabbing an explosive tag from her hip pouch. She then tagged the shield and jumped backwards. The explosion consumed Naruto but a long hand shaped chakra shout out from the smoke.

Haku slashed at the hand; destroying her right blade but managed to deflect the arm away before it went back into the smoke. Naruto charged from the smoke again and Haku casted Frost Diver. Naruto however, just charged through the ice spikes like an angry bull.

"Fucking demon!" Haku screamed and fashioned ice gauntlets on both of her hand. Haku punched at Naruto but he grabbed it and she tried to punch again but the result was the same. Now Naruto was grabbing both of Haku's hand.

An ice blade sprouted from each of Haku's knees and Haku kneed at Naruto, trying to spear him using the knee blade. Naruto roared and countered with his own knee kick and broke the ice blade. Naruto then pulled his hands backwards and Haku was pulled forward by this action and he head butted Haku's ice helmet hard.

"Gah!" The ice helmet cracked, sending Haku backwards a bit and made her dizzy for a second, but it was a second too long. Naruto then released his right hand and cocked back. He pulled Haku in again and elbowed her helmet.

The helmet cracked again but still held together and she was sent reeling back but Naruto wasn't finished. He released his left hand and grabbed Haku's helmet and brought it down to his chest level. Naruto then delivered a devastating right knee kick and right elbow chop to her helmet, breaking it completely. The helmet was strong enough to stop both attacks' momentum from reaching her head though.

Haku was momentarily stunned and was somewhat bowing dizzily in front of Naruto. Naruto didn't press on his attack and Haku took this chance to jump backwards but Naruto appeared in front of her.

Naruto held both of his fist in front of Haku's chest and chanted, "Rokuogan,"

A devastating shockwave rocked Haku's chest armor and send her flying backwards and she bounced along the bridge floor a few times before finally stopping.

Haku didn't move instantly as chakra exhaustion is catching up to her and the damage from the Rokuogan was quite painful. Naruto panted a bit before the chakra cloak recede and he slowly made his way towards Haku.

Haku also slowly got to her feet and her shattered and destroyed ice armor fall of her by pieces. She coughed a little blood before wiping it away. "You...really is a demon. I've never seen someone took that much's just, unreal!" Haku said and coughed again.

Naruto winced at this. It was true, as he now held not one, but two demons inside him. It was ironic, that he wanted for people to see him not as a demon, not the other way around. "Are you alright? I used the weakest Rokuogan as to avoid destroying your organs," Naruto asked.

Haku laughed a bit and caused her to cough again, "Weakest? I felt like someone put an exploding tag inside me! And why are you being kind to me? I almost killed you two times, remember?"

"But you didn't," Naruto said simply. Truthfully, he didn't want to kill Haku, but he wasn't sure why. It felt like, there's something that prevented him from killing him.

"I couldn't," Haku said with a little venom.

"And? I'm still alive, and you couldn't defeat me, so I see no reason to kill you," Naruto said.

Haku laughed harder at this. "But I have the intention to!"

"So? If laws were to judge people by merely intentions, then there would be nobody left," Naruto said.

"Then I could have just come back and try again to kill you and Tazuna!" Haku said with venom. She didn't like his thinking; it was naive. And naivety kills.

"Then I will stop you," Naruto simply replied.

"What the fuck? I don't get you! From your eyes, your fighting ability, I could see that you've murdered before! So why the mercy now? Is it because I'm the last of my clan? You're going to bring me back to your village to breed your own Yuki clan?" Haku said harshly.

"I want to know...why are you with Zabuza when you could have just left? I know and you know that you're stronger than Zabuza. So why?" Naruto asked.

Haku stared at Naruto for a while, thinking what ever had made the boy like this. You don't just give mercy to the person that managed to kill you two times just like this. Haku then decided to answer, "Because I choose to. Because he is the person I wanted to protect. He gave me reason to live. He made me accept my powers,"

"I see..." Naruto nodded.

"What is it with you?" Haku asked.

"I don't know. You saw my abilities back then. I had enough strength to go wherever I wanted to, yet I choose to stay at the place that doesn't want me, but...I guess your answer...sort of answer mine too," Naruto said with a smile.

"What?" Haku raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, you could have left but just for a single person, you choose to stay. Even though almost everyone at my place hates me, at least there's a few that doesn't, and for those few, I'll stay," Naruto replied.

"I always say to myself that the opinions of the people that hated me don't matter. But no matter what I do, I can still feel their hate. It still hurt and I almost gave up but seeing you, make me steel my resolve again," Naruto said again and smiled.

"You're really strong Haku-san, and all of it because of your devotion to a single person," Naruto said. "You'd make a good husband,"

Haku blushed at this. If only he knew...

"So you got your answer. What now?" Haku asked.

"The same answer; I won't kill you. I don't want to kill unnecessarily. Besides, I know you're a good person," Naruto replied. "You also tried to kill unnecessarily like how you went straight to Tazuna and not killing my team mates first,"

"But...if you forced my hand, then I will do what is necessary," Naruto death glared at her and Haku flinched a bit and looked away.

"Fine...I'll stop now. Not sure about Zabuza though," Haku said and then suddenly, the mist cleared. This could mean one thing...the fight is over.

Haku turned around to find Zabuza being caught by ninja dogs and Kakashi was about to deliver the finishing blow with a Chidori aimed to his chest.

Haku's heart raced at seeing this. "No!"

Kakashi was already in motion; his hand speared at Zabuza's chest and was inches away until...

"Water Technique: Water Encampment Wall!" A man appeared and stood on Zabuza's shoulder and released a torrent of water that consumed Kakashi.

Kakashi's charge was stopped and what's more, his lightning Chidori hit the water and caused the whole water to be charged with electricity. Kakashi was jolted by the electric current and was pushed backwards until he was a few feet away from his starting point. To make things worse, Kakashi's nin dogs was dispelled, leaving Zabuza free again.

"Who are you?" Kakashi asked through gritted teeth. He was still trying to regain control of his body from the paralyzing electric. Being stung by your own electric was a norm in trying to learn lightning affinity.

"The name's Ao, and I can't let you kill Zabuza," the eye patched man said while crossing his arms.

Thought that it was already over don't you? There's a little more!

"That's fine and all, but Get. Off. Me," Zabuza said with killing intent laced in his words at the man that was standing on his shoulder.

Ao didn't move a muscle but he turned his head at Zabuza. "Hmph! In the old days-"

"Get. Off," Zabuza said again.

Author's Note: And bam! Now you know why Naruto doesn't have his zanpakuto yet.

And you know, although the fight seemed long in words, when I imagined it, it turned out to be quite short. But oh well.

Jutsus used:

Ice Technique: Ice Floor – Coats the floor in ice, making it slippery and hard to move. To move properly, one must have the proper boots or use chakra. The aim of this technique is to disrupt mobility and constantly drain enemy's chakra. However, the ice floor can also be used to increase mobility by sliding and skating across the surface.

Ice Technique: Freezing Mist – Hidden Mist's upgrade. It lowers visibility and at the same time, decreases temperature to reduce mobility. It will make the body lose energy quickly through shivering to generate more heat to warm the body. It will also create snow for the next technique.

Ice Technique: Ice Forest – Creates an instant ice forest that is filled with sharp spiky ice tendrils using snow in the area.

Ice Technique: Frozen Maiden – The Demonic Ice Mirrors converge on a target and trap them in a dome of ice. Ice spikes then sprout from the ice dome to stab the target.

Ice Technique: Demonic Ice Swords – Creates a double ended ice swords (think Darth Maul) that is capable of flight.

Ice Technique: Demonic Ice Armor – A ninjutsu where the user is coated in an armor made of ice. The downside to this ability is that depending on the weapon used in hand (shield, blade, gauntlet) the user isn't able to cast any ninjutsu as there is no room space for handseals. However, without any weapon, the user can then use ninjutsu normally. The advantage of this technique is that, the user is able to sprout ice spikes anywhere over the body.

Wind Technique: Cyclone Drill - An advanced version of Cyclone Fist. Creates a sharp cyclone in the shape of a drill that is able to pierce and drill through target.

Rokuogan (Six King Gun) – The Rokushiki's ultimate attack. The user place both fist in front of the target with both thumbs facing each other. A large of amount of chakra is used in an instant to create a devastating and explosive shockwave that could damage internal organs.