15 Ways to Not Say 'I Love You' (And One Way to Tell For Sure)

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, WB, etc. I am making no profit for this. All rights reserved.

Summary: An almost love story until it is. Teddy/Victoire.

A/N: This was written in response to the Halls of Hogwarts Challenge over at the HPFC Forum. There are 15 prompts; one chapter for each and maybe a bonus chapter at the end. The prompts are in bold. I'm intending for these chapters to be relatively short and sweet.

Chapter One: Not Quite a Love Letter

Teddy sighed and leant back into his four-poster bed. The first two weeks of school had passed without incident and for that, he was very grateful. The first night had been nerve-wracking, to say the least, with all eyes on him as he sat underneath an ancient babbling hat. Harry had finally told him, before sending him off on his way with Gran, that his mum had been in Hufflepuff but his dad had been a Gryffindor. He had been anxious waiting to see just where it would stick him.

Apparently, red and gold had been his colours all along.

His two roommates, Mikey Derflex and Christopher Clearwater were downstairs in the common room, undoubtedly doing their Transfiguration homework. Looking around for one final confirmation of his solitude, Teddy let his hair turn his favourite shade of turquoise. He and Gran had agreed that at Hogwarts, it was probably best to keep his special and unique abilities to himself, for now. His Gran had recalled the way she had had the same conversation with his mother, so many years before. Teddy was happy to run onto the train and escape his Gran's tears for a mother he loved and he missed but never really remembered. He leant over and stuck his hand under his bed, pulling out a small, wooden box. It had been a gift from his Aunt Ginny. He opened it as delicately as an eleven-year old boy could, and removed a photograph, a quill and some leftover parchment. He held the photo close to his nose, taking in the smiling faces of his parents. He kissed the photo and quickly shoved it back into the box, tossing it aside for now.

It had already been two weeks, and as quickly as they had flown for Teddy, he was positive Victoire was probably distraught over the lack of correspondence. He smiled as he thought of his best friend, undoubtedly following Aunt Fleur around their house, begging to go to Hogwarts. He had meant to write to her sooner. It wasn't as if he didn't miss her. He did. She was his best friend, but she was also a girl. He remembered his godfather's words to him, the night before he left for Hogwarts. "Make sure you don't forget to write, especially to Victoire. Girls are funny creatures, Teddy. They want loads of attention but remember, they'll never ask for it."

Sighing, he put his quill to parchment and began to write.


Hello! I'm sorry I haven't written. I've been very busy here! I'm sure you've heard but I've been sorted into Gryffindor, just like my dad! I've made loads of friends, even one in Slytherin. McGonagall keeps looking at me funny, like she's expecting me to sprout another head or start howling at the moon. Uncle Neville, or Professor Longbottom rather, is the Head of Gryffindor House.

Some of the professors are absolutely mad! The History of Magic teacher, Professor Binns is a ghost. A real ghost, Vic! Charming bloke, he is. I can honestly say that Professor Binns is absolutely the BEST teacher I have ever had the pleasure of knowing...

Anyway, Gran told me I can't tell anyone about, well, you know, so it looks like you and I still share a really big secret!

One more year, Vic!

(I miss you.)

From Teddy


Victoire squealed as the morning post was unceremoniously dumped onto the kitchen table. She barely noticed her mother's scowl or her father's smirk as she reached across the table, past the toast and sausages to snatch the letter from the top of the pile.

"It's from Teddy!"