A/N- Alright y'all, this is my second DOAWK fic, but my first DOAWK chapter fic, so I hope I do a good job. I hope it's not a cliché idea, but I thought it would be funny, you know, some good old Rodrick humor.
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Diary of A Rocker
Tuesday, September 1
Oh God… Mom liked the idea of Greg writing in that stupid journal so much that she decided to up and get me one too. I knew it was for me when she walked through the front door with it because she just bought Greg a new one last week, since he filled it up so fast. I don't understand how that boy can write in there all the time. What's so interesting in his life to write about? As soon as Mom made eye contact with me, I flat out refused to accept it, I man seriously, a freaking diary? I'm a senior in high school. Then why am I writing in said journal now? Because Mom offered to pay me Mom Bucks if I write in it, so here I am. Don't go thinking I'm a pansy-ass, I'm just doing this for the cash.
Today was the first day of school, and I already have senioritis. Greg thinks HIS school is full of idiots? Just wait till he gets to high school. The teachers are the biggest idiots of all, I mean, are we ever going to use the Pythagorean Theorem in real life? If you ask me, they're the ones who need the teaching. They may be book smart, but us students are street smart, and that'll get you further in life than trigonometry and the effects of the Cold War. Why don't they teach us stuff we actually need to know? Like how to skydive, and what to say when a girl asks if her jeans make her look fat, because if she has to ask, then she obviously does, but what the hell are you supposed to say?
Anyway, it really sucks, because as a senior I'm supposed to be getting noon dismissal, but I'm getting 2:00 dismissal instead since I'm behind on credits and have to make up classes. The worst part is that I'm making up Algebra 2, so I have the same teacher that I had my sophomore year, and that dude hates me. He used to send me to the office everyday, every time I did something that wasn't related to math. If someone sneezed, and I said bless you, I got sent to the office. The guy didn't even know me! As soon as he knew who I was, he hated my guts, I mean I've never given him a reason to dislike me. He probably got warned by the other teachers. Unfair, I must say, because for all they know, I could very well have changed.
The only good part of today is that I got to practice with the band after school. I'm telling you, Loded Diper is gonna be huge, we'll be famous in no time with all our combined talent. Ever since we added Bill to the band, our awesomeness has increased by like, a million. Dad doesn't like him, but Mom supports me, as always. Greg was at Rowley's today, so she didn't have to bug me to "spend more time with him", thank God. I can only handle so much Greg at a time, and living with him is already stretching it.
So, there's like, this flamboyantly gay dude at school, and he was hitting on me all day.. I don't know what it is with all these gay dudes, but they constantly hit on me. Am I flattered? Of course. Am I creeped out? For sure. I don't have an issue with gay dudes, don't get me wrong, as long as they're not all over me all the time. The last thing I need is all the hot chicks thinking I'm gay, especially the girl I've got my eye on, Heather Hills. You know Holly Hills, that chick my brother is in to? Well Heather is her sister, and she is smokin'! My plan is to get her to go out with me before homecoming that way we can go together, and hopefully she'll fall so madly in love with my charm and hotness that we'll go to prom too. If that doesn't work out, I at least wanna get her in bed so I can keep up my player image.
Oh, and Mom started a swear jar today, which sucks, because me and Greg are swearing machines. Every time we swear we have to put a dollar in the swear jar. The worst part, is that all the money goes to MANNY. What the hell is a three year old gonna buy?
Oh Jesus, Greg is home. I'm gonna conclude this before he sees me writing in this thing because God knows he'll give me plenty of hell for it.
FINAL SUMMATION: Bag Heather Hills, control my mouth, never let Greg find out about this journal, and find out why gay guys like me so much.
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A/N- So how did I do? Did I keep Rodrick in character? And was it as funny as I hoped? Haha, leave me a review telling me what you think!