Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter characters that you recognize, I only own Abby and whoever else I make up (:
This story is set in the 5th year, and Harry has a sister, who he met in the end of the 2nd year. Her name is Abby, she has dark brown hair, almost black, and green piercing eyes, like her brother, like her mother. She has the scar on her neck, but what happens when she starts to fall for a certain Slytherin? Also, when she's 15, why does she feel different, like part of her personality changed when she was around certain people? I know this is done a lot ish, but this is my take on it. And I'm bored (:
ALSO! Lilly Potter was a veela, and Abby got someone it, except when she gets mad, she doesn't turn into a mutant bird (: and she's also a Metamorphmagi. (:
"Shh, let me write!" I whisper yelled at Harry. I met Harry Potter, my brother, second year, towards the end of the year. Somehow, he had convinced his-excuse me, our Aunt and Uncle to let me stay there for the summer. Harry and I both shared our cousin's extra room, which was filled with broken toys and presents from the past.
We were trying to write Ron Weasley to come to get us. The Dursley's refused to do anything to help us with the wizard world. I had no idea how Ron would come get us, but I'm sure he would find a way. "Don't wake up the Dursley's," he said slowly. I nodded and kept writing.
Dear Ron,
Help us! The Dursley's won't drive us to the train station since you called and nearly caused our Uncle to explode. I don't know how you would help us, but if you did, it would be great.
Abby and Harry Potter
I folded the letter and wrote "Ron Weasley" on the outside. I gave it to Harry who went to find a string. We both had owls but I convinced Harry to send mine. Hedwig was too recognizable. I held Kuwago, it's Filipino for Owl, and waited for Harry to finish tying. School started in a week, which meant our birthday's are in 6 days. Harry's older than me with a head start of half an hour exactly. He always teased me about it, but I just let it pass over.
"Go find Ron…" I whispered to Kuwago. "Open the window" I whispered to Ron, and Kuwago flew out. I sat on the floor while Harry closed the door, and then sat in front of me. "What if Kuwago can't find the Weasley's home?" I asked concerned.
"Don't worry, I trust her." Harry put a hand on my shoulder.
I sighed. "Okay…"
"Good." Harry smiled. He stood up and held out his hand. I lifted my arm and he helped me up. I glanced at the clock to see it was 2:30 A.M.
"I'm going to bed," I mumbled and climbed into the other bed.
"Goodnight," Harry whispered from the other side of the room.
I closed my eyes and thought for a bit. I was going back to Hogwarts, my 6th year. I pushed my bangs from my eyes, exposing my scar half-moon shaped scar, and opened them. I stared at the ceiling and began to make pictures with the cracks, before finally drifting off to sleep.
~-~-~-~-~-~-(6 Days Later, Their Birthdays) ~-~-~-~-~-
I woke up early, turning over to see if Harry was asleep. He was, softly snoring. I pulled my sheets off myself and tip-toed over to his bed. I sat down and shook his shoulder. I checked the time again; it was 4:37 A.M, three more minutes until Harry was 13.
"5 more minutes…" I heard Harry mumble into his pillow.
"No!" I whispered, "In 3 minutes you'll be 15." Harry raised his head a little and rolled over to sit up. "Happy birthday, bro." I smiled.
"Thank you. Yours is in a bit." Harry reminded me then hugged me. I hugged him back.
"I know, but yours is closer. Now get up," I smiled. I stood up and stepped outside the door so he could change. I sat on the floor and wondered when we were getting our Hogwarts letters. We both knew something wasn't right, until I heard a thud from inside, and a graceful swoosh. I smiled; I could tell which owl belonged to whom.
Harry opened the door and I can in. There was a brown owl fluttering on the bed, and a large grey owl sitting on top of Hedwig's cage. Kuwago tapped on the glass of the shut window with his break. I went over to open it and she flew in. I untied the parchment (I THINK THAT'S WHAT IT'S CALLED, if it's not, tell me pleaseeee) I unwrapped it to see Ron's messy handwriting
Abby and Harry,
Sure, we'll see you on your birthdays, about 11 P.M. Just stay in your room and keep the window open.
Fred and George's names looked scribbled, like they wrote it last minute. I smiled.
I read the note out-loud to Harry, and he began to pack, it wasn't much. I put more water in Kuwago's water in her bowl and gave her food. I finished placing my clothes in my trunk and went into the bathroom to change into black tank-top and blue skinny jeans. I didn't put any make-up on today, since it was only Ron, until I began to think about what he meant by "we." I shrugged and grabbed my make up bag and threw it in my trunk. Before closing my trunk, I grabbed my jacket and put it on and helped Harry pack.
"You can't pack any slower, can you?" I mumbled, not sure if he heard me.
"Don't tempt me," he smiled. Once done packing, it was 5:06 A.M., one minute until I was officially 15. Harry looked at the clock and realized too. "Happy birthday, sis!" Harry hugged me. I looked over his shoulder and hugged him back, and watched the clock change.
There was a chill up my spine which gave me goose bumps. My scar felt like it burst open and my eye sight flashed and green was everywhere. Screams filled my head, pleads for life. I heard crying from my right, and spells and zaps from left. I felt myself fall to the floor, but nothing changed. My vision flashed back to that night, when Voldemort killed our parents. My mother clutched me to her chest and kept pleading, refusing to let me go. My father kept yelling, "Go! It'll be safer for them! Take then and leave!" My mother kept yelling, "I won't leave you!" Their love was too much to leave. I heard our mother muttering a protection spell, as she did, the green light flashed toward her, and there was more screams, and we were left on the floor.
"Wake up!" a distant voice yelled at me. The scene drifted away from me and I jolted up. There was a pain in my neck, which was unbearable. My hand flew up to my forehead and pressed down on my scar. I opened my eyes to see Harry sitting next to me, looking worried.
"What happened?" I asked, confused to the hundredth degree.
"You passed out, screaming 'No, stop, don't kill them', I think you've gone bloody mad with age." Harry smiled. I pushed him playfully and stood up. I went downstairs to the broom closet to grab my books, broom stick, and trunk. Ron, Fred, and George Weasley had sneaked out last week to take us to Diagon Alley to get school supplies.
"Wingardium Leviosa," I mumbled and didn't blink as everything went in front of me as I walked upstairs. I opened the door and let everything go gently on the floor. I separated his stuff from mine and used depulso to push it to the wall the window is on. Looking at the clock again, I saw it was already 6 in the morning. Today was a Friday, so Dudley would have to get up in 2 hours. I slipped on my jacket and walked downstairs. I heard Harry follow me while I went downstairs to get breakfast. I poured myself some orange juice and asked Harry if he wanted any. He nodded and I grabbed another glass. I poured and handed him the glass, then went to put the jar away. I sipped mine and looked around the house. We had to wait all day until we could leave this horrible house. I sat on the counter and stared over at Harry while I thought. I began shaking my head slowly.
"What?" Harry asked, running his hands through his hair fast.
I laughed. "Nothing's wrong with your already messed up hair," I smiled at my brother.
"Why are you shaking your head?"
"I just can't believe we only have to wait today until we leave." I smiled.
"One day too long, if you ask me." He mumbled.
"Don't be so negative!" I told him sternly. I held up my half-full glass of orange juice. "Is this half full, or half empty?"
"Half-full." Harry mumbled.
"Then act positive! Were almost out of here!" I pushed him back.
I smiled and washed my cup. I glanced at the clock and say that it was 6:30; we still had an hour and a half before Dudley got up, great.
~-~-~-~-~ (One Hour Later) ~-~-~-~-~-
I ran back downstairs, not wanting to get yelled at during this great day. While running down, the scar I had on the left-side of my forehead began to sting. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't yelp, and looked at Harry, who was doing the same. It began to grow dim, so I began to run again to start making breakfast. Heating up the pan, I placed a little butter in the middle so it would grease the bottom. I began to crack the eggs and let the simmer in the pan. Harry took out the bacon and began making that.
Once breakfast was done and over, Aunt Petunia came downstairs, followed by Uncle Vernon. Dudley pounded down the stairs, sounding like an elephant. He threw a chair back and sat down. Harry quickly got out plates and glasses while I put food on each one. I grabbed juice from the refrigerator and poured. I grabbed 2 plates while Harry grabbed the other. I put one in front of Aunt Petunia, and the other in front of Dudley, who slapped by butt when I turned away. I turned back to yell something, until Harry saw me and ran over. He grabbed me and put his hand in front of my mouth, muffling my screams, insults, and curses.
Harry began to drag me back up to our room, but I was kicking to get back at Dudley. It's never good to live in the same house with a muggle 15-year-old boy with hormones. I bit Harry's hand to tell him I was done screaming.
"Ouch!" He yelped quietly and wiped off his hand. He began to suck on it.
"Sorry," I took his hand and pressed my hand where my bite was. Harry nodded and led me upstairs. I sighed and followed him. Glancing at the clock, it was almost 9 in the morning, 14 more hours until Ron was coming.
This was going to be a long day.
~-~-~-~-~-(14 Hours later. I'm trying to get as much as I can before school, I hate boring chapters, and I hate writing them! Trying to get it done in 1 chapter, sorry if you don't like that :( ) ~-~-~-~-
It was finally 11 pm, and I was rushing around to finish packing. I tip-toed downstairs to get our brooms back. When Fred and George got a hold of our brooms, they mini-sized them for travel, which we greatly appreciated. I grabbed Harry and I's tiny broomsticks and almost ran upstairs. I gave Harry's his while I placed mine on the dresser. I grabbed a Beetles faded t-shirt and bright green skinny jeans, and walks to the bathroom. I decided I would were at least some mascara and eye shadow. Once that was done, I quickly changed and walked back. I stood outside the door and heard the window slowly creek open. Slowly opening the door I saw Ron, floating in a car with Fred driving next to him. Harry was out the window, climbing in the back. I heard Harry's foot hit the window, making glass fall to the ground below, where our Aunt and Uncle's window is. I could hear footsteps run upstairs. I gasped and took my broom from my dresser and grabbed my jacket. Harry and George already got my bag and had it in the back.
I ran to the window, and saw the back seat had Harry, George, and Ginny in the back. I decided to be less cramped and crawl in the front. "Ron, move over!" I hissed.
"No!" He was being stubborn. I heard the door open, and could practically hear steam coming from an engine. The flying car slowly drifted away, and jumped. My fingertips barley brushed the car, but I grabbed onto the side of the car, trying not to slip.
"I'll get you! This isn't the end! You have to come back next summer!" I heard Uncle Vernon yell at us. Ron helped me up and I climbed over him. I sat between him and Fred, looking back at the house I called 'home' for a whole summer.
"Took you long enough! I was gonna die in that house!" Harry sounded aggervated.
"Harry, stop being mean! Were so glad you guys are here. I can't stand to be there anymore!" I smiled, looking around at the Weasley's.
"Our pleasure, love. Our house is much more exciting with the Potters around. "Fred commented, glancing over at me.
"Yea, Mum doesn't yell at us as much when company is there." George smiled. I laughed, knowing that was true. Fred and George, according to their mum, are too joke full, too playful, which I disagreed with completely, you should always have fun in life.
"Were getting closer to the more populated part of the town, you have to remember muggles aren't accustomed to seeing flying cars everywhere. " Harry reminded Fred.
"Right." Fred flipped a switch as the car became invisible to everyone.
"How's your summer been, have fun without us?" George asked me from the back seat.
"Of course she did, they only stay with the stupidest muggles in the muggle world." Ron reminded him.
"You might remember your phone call with our Uncle? He couldn't hear for a week, thanks. I got to say whatever I felt like." I smiled, and remembered standing there, hearing Ron's panicked voice from down the hall. "Best week ever."
"Sorry I got you locked in your room for a few hours." Ron apologized. Little did he know we were locked in there for almost a week. I put my hands beside me, and I had plenty of room since I was skinny as a stick. The Dursley's barley fed us, and Harry and I always looked for ways to get out of the house.
Suddenly, Fred swerved to the right, and I accidently hit Ron.
"What was that for?" Ron yelled at his brother.
"Well I'm sorry, but I like birds. " Fred replied as he began to go straight again. He began to go faster, and I guessed that they didn't tell their mum where they were going. We were flying over barren land for a while, until we came upon a tall house. Fred began to drift down, and land in the grass. Fred wasn't the best pilot, so the landing was rough. I hit my head on the roof, activating the ejection for my seat. I flew up screaming. I flailed my arms and legs, as if that would help me land softer. In the end, I ended up landing on my leg wrong. I heard it snap, and I gasped. Sitting up, I wrapped my hands around my leg. I stood up and began to limp over to the house, which was about 3 miles away.
I saw the lake becoming red around me. I took my hand off my leg and wiped it on the dry part of my shirt. I reached into my pocket for the phone I got, but it was ruined by the water. I sighed and put it back. I heard a two POP's and two set of arms grabbing each of my arms.
"What the bloody he.. happened?" Fred asked me, worried. (I don't cuss...But it was appropriate so I put dots (: )
"I landed on my leg, and it snapped," I explained.
"Mum is going to kill us!" George realized.
"I could DIE, and you're worried about your MUM?" I looked at George.
"Yes." He smiled.
"I would too." I laughed. I felt a pulling behind my navel as we apparated outside the house. I stumbled and almost fell, except Fred pulled me up.
"Mum might be up, plug your ears. Everyone's inside, Hermione came yesterday." George explained. He opened the door and led me in, and I was surprised to see Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione sitting at the table closest to the door.
"Abby! I was so worried you died!" Ron almost yelled as he saw me limp.
"Well thanks for your positivity." I limped over to the counter and got a paper towel. I poured some water on it and cleaned my leg. I sat on the floor and thought how this would work out. Mrs. Weasley would be able to help, but her kids would be dead.
"We have to tell mum," Ginny recommended.
"But we'll get murdered!" Ron shot back.
"None of us know healing spells, and I can't let my leg mend back the wrong way." I reminded him.
"Then we'll take you to the hospital, right now." Fred picked me up, very gently, from the floor. "We'll take the Floo Network."
"Ok, let's go." Harry took me from Fred and walked me to the fireplace. Two people couldn't go at once, so he put me upright, leaning on the back. I took some powder, and threw it down. "Mugo's!" I coughed from the powder, which made it sound like 'Malfoy'. Once Harry realized what it sounded like, he tried to stop the fire, but it couldn't stop.
"Abby!" I heard distant voices as I rose from the Weasley home to the Malfoy manor.
I landed on a fireplace with logs lined around the outside. There was white and green everywhere around the outside. The ceiling was high, and I heard footsteps from the right. I was covered in soot when I limped out of the fire place. I turned to the sound and saw Draco, hair messed up with his stone hard eyes staring at me. He was in a nice shirt with a black vest undone, and black dress pants. He looked like he just came from a dinner party, which I highly thought me did.
"What are you doing here, Potter?" He spat the last word.
"I'm trying to get to Mugo's, thank you very much." I glared at him
"Then why are you here." If looks could kill…
"I don't have to answer to you." I stood up when I heard someone coming down. I limped out and over to the side, only to see a blur of red hair fly down.
"Abby! How the bloody he! Did you get here?" Fred picked me up, stepping out.
"Where's Harry?" I looked back at the fireplace.
"Oh no, I'm not letting another Potter in here!" Draco stepped forward.
"Then goodbye Malfoy." I glared at him. "Come on Fred, let's go." I tried to get down but Fred shook his head. I pouted and crossed my arms against my chest.
"Sorry, love. You're not going anywhere." Fred began to walk out. I looked over his shoulder and saw Malfoy, with his trademark smirk as usual. I glared and looked back at Fred.
"Can we just apparate to the hospital?" I still tried to wiggle free.
"No can do, sweetie. We have to go back home." Fred walked outside.
I felt squeezing from all around me, and we apparated back. We ended up in the living room, but somehow my leg had gotten worse. Everyone swarmed around and I got to my feet. Harry wrapped his arms around me in a hug, and my arms went around his neck.
"I didn't think you would come back!" Harry whispered in my ear. I smiled and stepped—limped—back.
"Can we go to Mugo's already? Mrs. Weasley might wake up any minute." I kept reminding him.
"Of course, love." George came over to me and picked me up gently. "I'll take the Floo Network with crippled over here. I think people can take the Network with two people. Let's find out!" He stepped over to the fireplace and grabbed some powder. He stepped in and threw it down, saying loudly and clearly "Mugo's!" I smirked and though how I got Mugo's mixed with Malfoy's. We both got sucked up into the fireplace, zooming past others. Once we arrived at Mugo's George stepped out of the fire place and walked over to the counter. I zoned out as I was levitated to a room. I snapped out of my trance to find myself in a room, alone. I could hear footsteps come from the hall and saw the nurse. I sat up from my bed and leaned back on my elbows.
"Hello, dear. Can you explain what happened?" The nurse smiled sweetly, too sweetly for me, and sat in a chair next to my bed.
"Uhm, I was sitting in the front of a car, and my head hit the top, and I guess triggered the eject seat? I flew out and landed on my leg wrong." I looked down, realizing how stupid I sounded when I said it out loud. Not knowing the nurse stood up, she casted the healing charm on my leg. I bit down on my bottom lip as the charm began to break some of my bone that started to want to mend. The nurse watched to make sure it healed right, but quickly went to go get-what I guessed was- a non-pain potion. Once she came back, she put the glass on the table and had a brace in her hand.
"Ok, sweetie, you're going to have to wear this brace, if you would. Your healing is quite different, but a fellow nurse of mine has done research on muggle healing, so we got a pair of, what they say, crutches until your leg fully heals. That will take about, oh, 9 weeks at the most." I sighed as the nurse slowly lifted my leg to put the brace on. I threw my legs over the side and took the crutches. What were Fred and George going to say about this? They're probably going to steal them and run around. I stood up and immediately knew how to work them. I walked out the door and looked to the left and right. I didn't see anyone, but when I walked down to the Floo Network, everyone was sitting in chairs. Fred and George ended up playing with small sparks. Harry was mumbling to Ginny and Ron the same to Hermione.
I handed the nurse the Gallons out of my pocket and walked over to them.
"Let's get the heck out of here, I'm done with hospitals." I growled. Fred laughed and I sat in a chair next to him.
"What are these?" Fred grabbed one of my crutches and began to examine it.
"I don't know Fred, but they're creepy." George grabbed the other and I could see the gears spinning in both their heads. I knew there were trying to figure out how to prank someone with them.
"They're crutches; they help me walk since apparently I heal different." I grabbed the one from Fred and stood up. George reluctantly handed over his.
Harry laughed. "Let's go back, it's late, we should be getting ready for tomorrow." He walked over to me. "Are you ok?"
"Yea, fine, perfect, let's go!" I stepped in the fireplace and grabbed some powder, throwing it down.
"The Burrow!" I said loud and clear. I felt myself being sucked up and racing past different stops, until I reached the Weasley's. I grabbed my crutches and stepped out and turned. Fred came next, his spark ball landing on his head. I laughed and pulled him out. After him came George, who's spark ball disappeared. Everyone after came one by one, covered in ashes.
"I'm going to go to bed, goodnight everyone." I limped around and gave everyone a hug. I walked up the stairs to the room Hermione, Ginny and I shared. I shut the door and quickly, well as fast as I could with a brace, and changed into a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants. I sat on my bed and put the crutches on the ground. I lay down and looked up.
I was finally in the Burrow, with friends everywhere. Tomorrow was Hogwarts, and I had to get through another year with the prat Malfoy. Hogwarts was like a home to me. It was almost painful to leave at the end of the school year. Staying with the Dursley's wasn't the best living if you weren't their own flesh and blood.
I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier, until they finally closed. Black surrounded me until I fell into comforting sleep, making me forget about everything bad around me.
A/N: Done, finally done. So much homework and stuff, it's annoying, but I'm kinda proud of this chapter. It's like, the longest thing I've written. I'm trying to keep the chapters long, working on Ch.2 now (: 5 Reviews for the next chapter, which is ALMOST DONE, I just need to wrap it up!
R&R Plz?