What Draco Wants

JK Rowling owns it all. I just play with her toys.

Chapter 27

As soon as Draco saw the dizzying black in the amulet signifying the apparition he ran down stairs. He called out to Mrs. Weasley to get the first aid kit ready for Harry's arm. He had to reassure her that it wasn't to bad. She bought it until Harry landed holding his arm up with blood dripping down his elbow.

"Oh my sweet boy!" she wailed grabbing him up and ushering him into the loo with Harry scowling over his shoulder at Draco. Draco gave him a shrug as an apology.

Dinner was louder than usual that night. Everyone trying to regal how brilliant they were in the Harry Hunt as they now were calling the experience. Draco felt comfortable laughing and joking along with the rest. Harry sat back watching him, happy that it seemed as if Draco had been a part of the family all along. He slipped his hand onto Draco's knee and gave it a little squeeze flashing him one of his brightest smiles. Draco gave him a small wink before turning his head in a laugh while Ginny told the story of Ron's dramatic death scene.

"While you were all out this afternoon I went to Diagon Alley and got all your things for school. Do try to be up on time this year." Mrs. Weasley said wiping her hands on her apron before handing each one their letters from Hogwarts.

Draco watched as Harry's face fell, his eyes growing darker as he looked over his letter. He nudged Harry's knee with his own as if to ask what was wrong. Harry shook his head slightly telling Draco that now was not the time to talk.

After the dishes had been cleared from the table the boys made their way up to Draco's room. Harry flopped onto the bed holding his arms out to Draco making grabby fingers for his lover. Draco couldn't help but give him a soft smile as he laid on his back cuddling Harry's head into his chest draping one leg over his.

"What is wrong, Hun?" He ask tightening his grip around Harry's shoulders giving him a squeeze.

"I just... I don't want to go back to Hogwarts. For the first time ever I don't want to go back. What are we suppose to do?"

Harry rolled over onto his belly to gaze into Draco's eyes sliding his knee between Draco's as he did so.

"What I mean is, how do we act in public with each other? Do we act like we are still enemies or should we let everyone know how we really feel?" Harry's eyes were pleading for an answer that he could live with. He was perfectly happy to put this decision onto Draco because he really didn't know what would be best. He would miss this, laying in Draco's arms, being able to kiss him, talk to him.

Draco reached up his hand that was not full of Harry and ran it through his soft blond hair as he pondered what would be the safest course of action, not for himself, but for Harry. What if word got out that they were a couple? What was the worst thing that could happen? If the Dark Lord found out there was a way to bait Harry other than through his friends, what would he do? Draco knew the other Slytherins would sell Harry out in a heart beat hoping to gain favor in the mad man's eyes.

Pressing his chin to his chest he gazed down into Harry's worried looking eyes. Draco knew that Harry would not like his answer but he had sworn an oath to protect Harry at all costs.

"Harry, I think we need to act like we did before. I mean, it wouldn't be safe for either of us if they found out. If the Dark Lord knew about us he would have that much more to use against you. Not to mention it wouldn't be safe for me in the Slytherin dorms once everyone figured out I defected to the light."

Harry pushed up with his feet to bury his face in Draco's neck with a small whimper, his hands clutching at any part of Draco he could reach. His arm ached even though the healing charms did a wonderful job of making the gash into a slightly pink patch on his arm which was covered in a bandage from wrist to elbow.

Hearing the soft noises from his lover Draco tried to smile and be brave for him. "Think of it this way, it might be fun to jeer at each other in public knowing full well it's all just a game to us. Like having a secret from the rest of the world. Besides, we have the amulet we can use to communicate with so it's not like we won't be able to talk at all. Right?"

Harry nodded, which caused him to nuzzle Draco's neck. With a hidden smile he let his tongue tip caress at Draco's pulse point as he pressed his hips down raising his knee between his lover's legs. If he wasn't going to be able to actually see him while at school he was damn sure going to make the most of their last night of freedom.

Draco's back arched up into Harry, lowering his arms to the boy's back dragging his nails along the back of his shirt lifting it up to bare his tanned skin.

Harry raised his head to peer into Draco's eyes as he began to slowly slide his body up and down Draco's with the edges of his smile curling up. He let out a gasp when his hardness pressed against Draco's causing shivers to course through him.

"Want!" Harry said, his voice soft and husky from lust.
"Need!" Draco returned with the same tone in his voice.

"Gonna take! NOW!" Harry chuckled as he grabbed Draco's sides and rolled them both over so Draco was on top of him, wrapping his legs around the blond's waist tightly pulling Draco's hips down onto his own.

"Oh gods!" Draco whispered covering Harry's mouth with his, unable to control himself even if he wanted to. His hands raised up to dig into the silky black mane of Harry's hair as he nipped and licked at Harry's lips, his neck, his shoulder all the while rocking his hips against Harry.

Between kisses Draco growled "To" nip, lick "Many." moan, kiss "Clothes!"

Harry reached out his hand, raising his chin up to allow Draco access to the hollow in his neck, he called out "Accio wand."

When the tool snapped into Harry's hand he gave it a flick to remove all the offending cloth trapped between their aching bodies. The sudden cool air at Draco's back along with the warmth of Harry's skin on his front caused another moan and awarded Harry with a harder arch of his hips. Harry lowered the wand to his bottom and did the lubrication spell.

"Draco, now, please, I neeeeed you!" Harry called out scraping Draco's back with his nails eliciting a hiss of pleasure from his lover.

Draco lifted his body up just enough to guild his throbbing dick to Harry's sweet pucker and tried to slowly ease himself in. Harry growled and pressed with his heels on Draco's lower back forcing him in deeper.

"Oh FUCK HARRY!" He called out at the sudden tight warmth wrapped around him. Panting through his opened mouth, Draco closed his eyes and didn't dare move for a moment. He didn't want to hurt Harry nor did he want to get to excited and cum to soon. He wanted this to last but with Harry writhing under him, the nails scraping at his back and the urgent moans from the boy he knew it would be over way to quickly.

"H... Harry, please, oh gods!" He yelled as the primal need to fulfill them both made the room seem red at the edges of his vision. His hips snapped back then slammed into the tight bliss harder than he had intended. The battle between head and body raged within Draco.

Harry rocked his hips trying to urge Draco faster with a whimper of "Please Draco! MOVE!" and the battle of the mind was lost.

Draco wrapped his arms under Harry's back reaching around to place his hands on the boy's shoulders for leverage, he allowed the lust and passion take over. The slap of skin on skin and the moans coming from both boys filled the air.

Harry unwound his legs from Draco and pushed on his chest slightly before he rolled over onto his belly raising his ass up in the air slightly. A growl rolled from Draco's throat seeing his lover begging to be fucked like that. He parted Harry's cheeks and nipped at the tender flesh on either side with his teeth then mounted his boy again with ease.

The rough fabric of the blanket pressed against Harry's leaking cock with each push of Draco's hips made Harry's toes curl.

"Draco.. oh fuck Draco... so.. ungah.. cl close!" The dark haired boy called out when Draco started to nip at his shoulders and back.

"MINE!" Draco growled low into Harry's ear right before his sunk his teeth into the meaty part of Harry's shoulder wanting to mark him, claim him as only his.
"FUCK yes YOURS Draco!" Harry screamed, his balls raising and emptying out onto the bed making his body clench around Draco even tighter sending him over the edge as well.

Draco fell onto Harry's sweaty back panting harshly unable to catch his breath for a long moment. Harry loved this part of their love making. He felt so connected, so close to Draco with his spent cock still buried deep inside him. They laid like that for what seemed like a long time, neither wanting to move and break the delicate spell they were captured in.

Harry squeezed his internal muscles around Draco's member with a soft giggle.

"Mmm, do you want me to get up?" Draco asked with a dreamy voice.
"More." Harry purred

Draco nuzzled at Harry's neck then saw the bright angry looking mark of his teeth on Harry's shoulder.

"Oh gods, Harry, I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" He looked worriedly down at his bruised lover.

Harry tried to turn his head to look at the bite on his shoulder.

"Not so much. I like it there but I think you need one from me too." He said trying to roll over onto his back. The loss of fullness creasing a frown on his lips which quickly turned into a smile when he saw the expression on Draco's face.

Draco was beaming down at Harry, his bangs framing his bright gray eyes so full of love. "I'd like that." He said softly sitting back on his heels so that Harry could move.

Harry crawled around behind Draco, who was kneeling in the middle of the bed keeping his hands in constant contact with the milky white skin. He thought that a dark red mark on such pale skin would have to be the sexiest thing he would ever see. His mark on Draco Malfoy of all people. Once behind the blond Harry wrapped his arms under Draco's caressing his chest, bending his head down to lick at the long neck hungrily. Finding just the right place Harry pressed his lips to Draco's shoulder where it met his neck and began to suck gently. His fingertips ghosting over Draco's rose colored nipples.

Draco tilted his head to the side with a soft sigh caressing tenderly at Harry's arm that didn't have the bandage on it.

"Gods I'm so in love with you, Harry" he whispered.

Just then Harry latched onto his neck, sucking as hard as he could as his fingers squeezed both of Draco's nipples firmly.

"OH FUCK!" Draco called out, his penis suddenly hard again, trying to stay still for Harry who had command over his body.

With a satisfied inhale of breath through Harry's nose for the response he had gotten from Draco he still refused to let go. He parted his knees pressing the tip of his hardened cock to Draco's back to let him know just how much he was loving putting the mark on The Draco Malfoy's perfect skin. Harry raised his mouth up slightly with a minute turn of his head and latched on again just as hard as before.

"Awww Harry!" Draco moaned. Harry let his right hand graze down Draco's creamy belly until he found his twitching cock. Slowly wrapping his fingers around it he gave long leisurely strokes arching his own hips in time pleasuring himself at the small of Draco's back. His left hand alternated between both of Draco's nipples caressing, rolling, tugging on them until Draco whimpered.

Harry lifted his mouth off of Draco's neck and gazed down at his handiwork. He smiled, happy that his idea worked. "Accio hand mirror" he called to the dressed and handed it to Draco.

"Oh my gods, Harry, that is brilliant!" Draco smiled at him. Harry's mark was a bright red heart shape. "How did you do that?" He asked bewildered.

"I just moved a little bit to the side and kept sucking." Harry beamed.

"Vamp." Draco teased

Harry puffed up his chest placing his fists to his bare hips "You know it and love it."

"Yea, yea I do." Draco teased.

Harry crawled his way in front of Draco for a kiss still on all fours. As the kiss deepened with both boys moaning into open mouths Harry pressed forward until he was laying on top of Draco wiggling his way between his lover's legs. They both were hard again from the sense of truly belonging to each other, also from the teasing of the giving of the mark.

"Your turn now, Malfoy." Harry said in a voice so laced with lust it made Draco's cock twitch against Harry's belly. Harry bit and nibbled under Draco's chin all the blond could manage to say was "Uhng!" of assent.

His lips never leaving Draco's Harry did the quick lube charm on Draco as the boy raised his knees for Harry. Harry leaned onto his good arm using the fingers of other one to smooth out the slick fluid. He opened his eyes while kissing Draco to watch his response when Harry let the first finger slide into the boy's body. Draco gasped through his nose gripping the bicep of the arm Harry was leaning on. Draco opened his eyes staring into Harry's when he slid the second finger in beside the first.

"I love you, Draco." Harry murmured "I will never let you go again." sealing this vow with a passionate kiss, pouring all of his emotion into Draco.

Draco answered by greedily parting his lips and moaning into Harry's mouth, His hands started to roam all over Harry's taunt body raising his hips slightly asking for more.

Harry raised up onto his good arm looking down between their bodies. He smiled seeing both cock heads lined up next to each other, both leaking from the slits. He loved the contrast between their skin, even the swollen heads were perfect in their nest of soft curls and moist skin. He lifted up his hips taking his own member into his palm to guide himself to Draco's entrance. He turned his eyes to Draco for visual clues so he didn't rush and hurt him. Draco had only taken him once back at the Manor. As slowly as he could he pressed forward.

Draco gave a nod signaling for Harry to keep going. He wanted this more than he ever had. He wanted Harry to claim him fully. He needed to feel Harry in his body as well as his heart and soul. He looped his legs around the small of Harry's back and pressed softly with his heels to let Harry know he could go further.

Harry bit his lower lip, his eyes intent on Draco's who had closed them when he inched further inside of him. Reaching up Harry began to stroke the hair away from Draco's forehead soothingly.

"You are so beautiful." Harry cooed
"I know." Draco drawled peeking out with one eye to see Harry's reaction.

They both gave soft giggles which moved their hips making both of them gasp at the unexpected pleasure. Draco nodded again so Harry pressed himself fully into Draco's body holding as still as he could, panting through an open mouth. Every nerve in his body was screaming for him to move.

"Harry!" Draco sighed, taking Harry's face in both of his hands leading him into a kiss. He bowed his spine and pressed at Harry's back as a signal to move, to make love to him.

Harry moaned into Draco's mouth and did just that. Their bodies rocking in rhythm with each other, hands roaming over sweat covered bodies unable to get enough of each other. Their kisses a mixture of nips and licks mingled with gasps and moans and professions of love. Tears fell from Draco's eyes, sliding into his hair.

"Am I hurting you?" Harry worried.

"No, no. I just love you so much." Draco gasped covering Harry's mouth with his own right before his back arched up showering Harry's belly as proof.
"Draco!" Harry moaned into the boy's mouth as his climax shook his body.

Darkness filled the room as the candles burned themselves out with Harry still laying within Draco's body they slept.