Disclaimor: I don't own twilight, Nor a grammar brain. Please forgive any and all mistakes in the future. Ill try as hard as possible to minimize the !

Bella POV

September 2008

I had seen the new arrivals coming. About 4 months ago I had the vision. Well there not really visions, just descriptive insights. Unlike popular TV shows, my vision doesn't cloud over when I get these, shall we call them premonitions, I can still see and concentrate on the things and people around me. I get the new information like I'm listening to two conversations at once, and I'm really good at this. I saw a doctor taking the chief of staff position after he had been here only six months. By then I was apart of his adoptive family and celebrating with them. My visions became more confusing. My mind kept telling me things about the family, the Cullens, that I didn't like. I didn't even believe it at first. Then, I asked If people like myself could get visions of the future. Why couldn't there be vampires. I saw how much I would grow to love the family when a particular vision hit me while doing some homework one night.

Vision: I was bundled up in a winter jacket even thought I knew it was spring. I also knew I was among trusted friends. I saw a familiar male face come into view with a smile. He was a young blond guy with a stethoscope around his neck. I felt comfortable and so safe with him. "I'm just going to draw some blood today Bella, see what else we can discover" He started and once he had the needle in and the blood was flowing out, I saw his eye color change. I already knew at this point and believed that this young doctor was a vampire. He and I shared a family of vampires. I also have a deep understanding that the scent of my blood is the only one to affect him since he was a newborn. From the vision I understand these vampires don't usually feed off humans.

I could tell I trusted this man and I even knew these vampires wouldn't hurt me. But ever since I was little and realized not everybody has visions of the future, I've wanted to be normal. Accepting this vampire family would be a step back for me.

Weeks and a couple visions later I had learned more of this family, I would soon call my own. Through more visions I learned that some members of the Cullen family had special abilities: like mind reading and one special vampire could also see the future. I also knew that in the beginning most of the members would have a more difficult time with my scent. Even the patriarch Carlisle.

I went about school as usual. No one knew of my ability so I didn't share the news with anyone. My dad Charlie only believed the I was a little to insightful at times. He questioned me about the new family two weeks prior to there arrival. I told him that I heard nothing of them at school. I hated lying so, I tried to do as little of it as possible.

Present : January 2009

Now I sit in the cafeteria the scene of where I first lay eyes on the Cullens. I get developed into a conversation with Angela Weber and Mike Newton over a philosophy club when I notice they have already entered. I look over to see them all staring at the blond male I know to be Jasper. I remember from my visions that he will have the hardest time with my scent. Then I get a weird look from Edward.

"Bella do you agree with Angela?" Mike asked shyly. I tried to zone in on what they where talking about before but couldn't remember. Then I saw Jasper being escorted out by Emmet.

"I'm sorry what was I suppose to agree to Ang?" I asked looking back at my friends.

"Mike here seems to think philosophy isn't meant to be modernized. Just studied from a historical point of view. I didn't agree with him."

" No way Mike philosophy can be modernized and changed." I said before the bell rang.

Upon entering biology I got a brief vision of a new classmate. I walked in a little more confident than usual. The new girl would be partnered with me and Jessica since all the other groups where paired up. We would be the only group of three. After the formal introductions to the class I spoke briefly with Alice Cullen.

"Hello I'm Bella, Its Good to meet you."

"Hello Bella" she stated a bit stiff. She seemed a bit miffed with me. I guess she blames me for her boyfriend having to leave school so soon. Jessica was quick to engage her in conversations of past schools and wardrobe choices . So I was left to stare at the right side of Alice's profile. Not that I mind much. All the Cullens are beautiful. But for some reason after every vision Alice always stood out. I didn't like that she was upset with me. I had hoped we could be great friends seeing as how we share a similar ability. That class ended with out another word passed between Alice and I.

My next class was American History. I walked in without any new visions, but was greeted with two new faces. Edward and Emmet stood at the front of the class to see which seats where taken. The boys sat on a row right behind me and didn't saw anything. I was a bit put off by my earlier situation with Alice so I decided not to push it with the guys, especially Edward.

School was let out at 3 like usual and I went home to study and prepare food for Charlie. When He got home there was little conversation and only one question directed at the Cullens.

"Do you have class with the new kids?"

"Yes dad I have three of the new kids in my classes."

" Good why don't you make them feel welcome" He said a little to neighborly seeing as how he was on his second Vitamin R.

I ended the night with no new vision, which didn't make me feel to comfortable. I really relied on my visions even if I saw things I didn't like. I preferred to be normal, but my visions were all I had sometimes. So I decided to do something I hadn't done in a really long time. Forcefully look into the future. Most visions came to me naturally. Some more important than others. I could also decide what I see. I didn't understand how it worked really. I just knew if I wanted to see how school would go the next day I would think about it then see the next day play out for me. I could chose to be more specific like which classes would have pop quizzes or just in general, like to see if I would have a good day. I saw that Alice and Jasper wouldn't be at school at all tomorrow. I didn't like that my scent had run them off, but there was nothing I could do now.

This will be an Alice/Bella paring. It might take a few chapters to really develop there relationship though. Thanks for reading. Please leave a small review if you liked it.