Author's note: Hey guys, this may be a bit crappy since I'm hopping back on the writing wagon. R&R would be AMAZING. Also, I don't own Leverage or any of their characters. I do own the OC's such as Skye and Lisa Jenson. I wish I owned Eliot Spencer :P. Enjoy!

"Alright guys, here are the portfolio's of a few possible clients." Nate tossed down several folders onto the coffee table, glancing at the familiar faces of his team. Eliot lounging back in the dark chair, wearing a dark blue buttoned down shirt with the cuffs rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans and his normal choice of brown boots. Sophie in her casual wear which consisted of skinny jeans and knee high boots, a purple blouse underneath a black vest. Parker wearing the usual black skinny jeans with her favored converse shoes and a white tank top. Hardison had his usual gray shirt with comfortable jeans, not to mention a black beanie cap over his shortly cropped hair.

"Okay, here we have a Mrs. Williams, a widow and.." Hardison glanced around after hearing the sound a ringtone going off. Eliot checking his pockets as well as the rest of the team until they all spotted Nate staring blankly at his phone.

"Nate?" Sophie's face turned to concern, placing her coffee cup down as she moved to stand.

"Wait.. I have to take this." Nate paused before putting the phone up to his ear. "Hello-" Instantly his head jerked to the side as a loud noise emanated from the speaker. "Skye, Skye, calm down." Nate shook his head as he tried to make sense of what the woman on the other end was saying.

"They killed Lisa!"

Nate froze as the sentence was formed and the shock took over him. He glanced at his team, all of them on the edge of their seats as if ready to pounce into action. He turned away, staring at the blank televisions in front of him. "Where are you." He felt himself moving, ignoring the jacket as he snatched for his keys.

"Nate where are you-!" Eliot snapped as he and the others jumped out of their seats to follow him out the door.

The group managed to find him just before getting into his car and noticed him now off the phone, but muttering something.

"Hey what's going on?" Parker asked, hopping into the back seat, placing herself between Hardison and Eliot. Sophie sat up front with a stunned Nate.

"Going to the hospital." Nate swallowed hard before backing out of the parking lot and sped out onto the surface streets of Boston.

"Why? You don't like hospitals." Hardison tilted his head to get a good look at Nate.

"It's not for myself, and plus. There's a good chance I don't have to go inside." Nate shrugged as he steered them easily around the city.

At the speed they were going, it didn't take long for them to reach the city hospital. Throughout the ride though, Nate was silent. He didn't give any indication to the rest of the team as to why he was going to the hospital. The inside of the car was silent, yet he still heard the cry of the woman on the phone. It haunted him all the way to the city hospital, the image of the woman in tears popped into his head and it nearly killed him to see her like that again. He managed not to wreck the car before pulling into the parking lot.

"Is it Maggie?" Sophie asked hesitantly as Nate found a parking spot.

"No." Nate quickly turned the car off and immediately stepped out of the black vehicle with no hesitation to nearing the hospital.

"Then who is it?" Eliot questioned as he came up beside Nate in his quick stride.

"You'll see." Nate's eyes were focused on the hospital doors as they neared. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a woman push through those doors. Black hair swinging from side to side as she ran the other half way to them. Wearing a midnight blue tank top, worn out jeans and he even noticed a par of boots similar to Eliots'. His mind kicked into overdrive and he didn't let her finish running the other half as he moved up to her quickly. Blue eyes rimmed with tears as she collapsed against him. "Easy." He whispered.

"I haven't seen you in five years and this is the reunion I get." Nate muttered, clenching the girl in his embrace.

"Lo siento." She whispered. She pulled away, wiping away the tears of mourning from her pale blue eyes.

"No, no, it's alright." Nate assured, shaking his head at her apology.

"Nate?" Sophie asked, her voice hesitant as she didn't want to barge in on them.

Nate's head jerked up, remembering that his team was behind him. "Ah, oh, sorry." He turned around, one arm wrapped around the woman's shoulders. "Everyone, this is Skye."

"I did not know you would bring visitors. Did I call at a bad time?" Skye asked, her voice having a heavy Spanish accent.

"No! No, you didn't." Nate turned to look at Skye. Tears had stopped falling but the redness around her eyes were still vivid.

"Actually, we were in the middle of a meeting-"

"Parker!" Eliot snapped, cutting the blonde off from continuing her sentence.

"Oh. I'm sorry, thank you for coming Nathon." Skye pulled out of Nate's embrace, letting his arm fall to his side.

"No, sweetie." Sophie instantly came up to Skye. "Whatever happened here is probably a little bit more important than a little meeting."

"Skye.." Nate looked at her. "Who did-" He stopped and noticed the faint bruising on her cheek. His eyes narrowed when she took a step back, letting her hair fall forward to cover the abusive marking.

"It is nothing. I.." Skye inhaled deeply to calm her overwhelming nerves. " I have to go finish filling out paper work." She closed her eyes, trying hard to hide the trembling.

"Shouldn't you have done that before-"

"I know you hate hospitals and I wouldn't want you to be in the same state as you were when Sam died." Skye cut Nate off quickly. "So I came out here when I saw you. I'm almost done."

"Is there anything I can get you? Coffee?" Nate's voice trailed off, taking notice of her physical state.

"How about the largest bottle of Bruador you can find, then we'll talk." Skye breathed before turning around on her heel and walked back.

Nate watched Skye disappear through the hospital doors. He had taken noticed that she placed a cover over her when she saw that he wasn't alone. He knew very well that if he was alone, she would still be in tears. He glanced over at Sophie when he felt her hand gently touch his arm. "I'm gonna go find her a Bruador." He said turning around.

"No, man. I'll go, you look like you need to stay here." Eliot piped in, the look he gave Nate warned the older man to not argue. "Come on." He tapped Hardison and the two walked off towards the nearest liquor store.

"Who is she, Nate?" Parker asked as she came up beside the mastermind.

"An old friend. Went to school together until we went our separate ways." Nate shrugged, not giving any more information out than needed until Skye was okay with him telling the crew who she is. He shook his head, regretting what he was about to do, but headed towards the hospital.

Skye closed her eyes one last time as she filled out the rest of the paperwork. However, her eyes opened to look at whoever sat next to her. "I thought you hate hospitals."

"I do. But that doesn't stop me from entering one." Nate said softly, placing a hand at her back. "Have you called-"

"They're dead too. I tried contacting you, but you were on a business trip somewhere over in Europe." Sky interrupted, a habit she hasn't been able to stop even after five years. "They died two years ago." Skye leaned back in her seat, her head bowed. "I've lost everyone. I failed my job, I was suppose to protect her." She covered her face with her hands, doubling over as she mourned the loss of her younger sister.

Nate sat speechless, unknowing what to say to comfort her. He instead tried with actions as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, letting her cry against his. Memories of their past went through him as he gazed around the hospital. Watching Skye and Lisa grow up with an acceptance towards each other that most siblings rarely have. He remembered Skye taking the vow to watch over Lisa when he saw her standing with black and blue bruises over her frame. However, as expected, Lisa was behind Skye with not even a scratch on her.

"What happened?" He asked quietly, and shifted when she removed herself from his embrace.

"Where's my Brador?" Skye looked at him with tears in her eyes, making her pale, bright blue eyes stand out more.

"On it's way." Nate assured.