*smiles* first off, thank you for coming to read this fanfic. I really do thank you. Now I don't know much but what a friend of mine tells me about Touhou. *sweatdrops* but I will do my best! *fistpumps* anyways, enjoy…
Disclaimer… I don't own Fullmetal Alchmest, Nor Touhou. Hiromu Arakawa owns FMA and Zun Owns Touhou. Thank you.
Note: This is Manga version of FMA. Also… Thanks to my friend Kaede, she found this map of Gensokyo. .
Gensokyo. A place where fantasy and illusion become real, this world where magic triumphs over technology, almost a world without such things. It is trapped and sealed away from the outside world. Whatever the outside world calls impossible is real. Mythical Creatures... Vampires, Kappa, beings known as Youkai exist here. But enough of this explanation, you came for a story.
A long haired silver haired girl dressed in a white shirt and red overalls with seals all over the clothes and tied in her silver hair lets out a sigh as she stepped out of the human village. She stared at the magical forest ahead and started on her way there.
"why is it I am only called on life threaten things… first it was that scarlet devil with her younger… insane sister.. now Marisa wants my help." She says in a dull tone to herself. She remembers as she heads down the almost unused path.
"Hey Mokou! Come out will ya, Da Ze!" Shouted a blonde hair girl dressed in a Witches outfit and hat. Her hair put in a braid on one side and holding on to a broom in one hand. She had entered the bamboo forest in search of the only person who lived in this place other than wild Youkai, Mokou, the silver haired immortal Phoenix. She had been searching for an hour and a half now, shouting at the top of her lungs. This had gotten the attraction of the Youkai who made this place home. They watched over her, some licking there lips at the human witch just walking there. Non of them dared to attack though, they knew who she was, Gensokyo's Number 2 incident solver, Marisa Kirisame. Marisa sighed and got on her broom to sit. "where is she? Man I hope I didn't get lost for nothing…" she says to her says herself, not noticing the person coming up behind her.
"Jeez Marisa, are you trying to wake the dead or something?" Mokou says as she steps out of the darkness of the bamboo. A cigarette hanging out the side of her mouth as she says this as she watched Marisa looks over at her happily. "What do you want of me that you get yourself lost?" the silver haired woman asked Marisa, staring a look of boredom.
Marisa smiles as she jumps off her broom. "Well I need your help with something ze." She says as Mokou stares at her still.
Mokou sighs as she puts out the cigarette. "Is this a very Dangerous thing you need help on?" asking Marisa.
Marisa nods as she speaks. "Yea maybe, I need someone who can test it before I do it myself, so I though of you ze."
Mokou stares at her, looking as if she is thinking about it.
"please please! I really want this to work out!" Marisa pleads to Mokou. She finally hears her sigh again and looks up at her.
"Fine… just tell me when and where." Mokou finally says. She knew when ever someone wanted her help outside the bamboo forest, it ment something that would normaly get her killed. Other than her best friend Keine, most people asked for stuff like this.
"Thank you!" Marisa says as she grabs mokou's hand and jumped up and down in happiness. She then stops and asks for another favor. "Can you lead the way out of here, Da ze?"
Mokou shakes her head out of the flash back and looks at a map Marisa made for her. She intently sweatdrops as she finishes unfolding the piece of paper. "is this really a map?" she shouts to herself, spooking the birds away as she looks at the poorly drawn map. "I'll never find my way with this…" speaking to herself again as she continues down the path.
"Are you looking for someplace?" a short haired blonde girl with a red hair band in her hair replies to Mokou. The girl wearing a light blue dress with some patterns on it, tilted her head abit at the immortal girl. Around her some dolls that was floating and carrying bags of stuff for her.
"Yea, I'm looking for Marisa's place. She asked for my help for something." Mokou says to the girl. She knew who the girl was, Alice Margatroid, the seven color puppeteer. Alice is well known for becoming a Magician Youkai when she was younger as well as her master over control of her dolls.
Alice smiles a bit and holds out her hand. "I can lead you there, Mokou." She says as one of her puppets take what was in her hand for her.
"Thank you, Alice" Mokou says as she takes her hand, knowing it best to do so not to get lost.
After a small bit of time, Alice and Mokou get to Marisa's place. Alice bows to Mokou and heads back toward the human village as Mokou goes to knock on the door. Marisa opens the door and happy drags her in.
"Thank you for agreeing to help me again Da ze" Marisa says as she brings Mokou to the a empty room. In the middle of this room was a large circle drawn, with lots of unreadable words and signs along it. Inside it was a larges triangle with three circles to each flat side, one with something that looks like a horseshoe in it, another with a smaller circle with lines going to it, And the third with a U shape with two lines going to the outer edge of the circle that it is inside around half way on the U.
"What is this? Mokou asks Marisa who was setting up a makeshift blast shield.
Marisa smiles as she picks up one of her many stolen books. "It's called alchemy. I learned it by studying this book I 'borrowed' from Patchy." She proclaims as she put the book down and gets out some materials, placing them inside the circle.
"Patchouli don't like to be called that by others than-" Mokou being cut off by the sound of Marisa flipping over the only table in the room and pushing it into the corner of the room to help for her blast shield. "There's a chance this will explode.. Isn't there…" she asked to witch hat that was bobbing behind the table.
"dunno, maybe. I'm not sure." She says as she gets out a soul mushroom and puts it with the materials. "That's why I asked you here, to activate it." She says smiling as she gets back behind the blast shield.
"How can I activate it? I don't know Alchemy…" Mokou asks, not sure what to do.
"It's like using Danmaku. Just use the same energy to do so." The witch's hat replied as it peeks over the side of the table.
Mokou sighed once more as she goes to put her hands to the circle. She admitted to herself, doing stuff like this was a great change of the norm. Most of the time she was bored, so doing this was something to not be bored. She places her hands on the circle and pushes some energy into it. Doing this causes the circle to glow as the materials and the middle start to disapate and change into something else. The light show however shocked Mokou, she wasn't expecting this. For a moment the though it to be beautiful… till the color change to a reddish hue. Mokou looks around as Marisa pokes her head up enough to see. Marisa yelps and ducks behind her cover as a bolt almost hits her. Mokou, shaking a bit as the energy flies over the place, felt weird. She winces as she looks back to where her pain was coming from. As she lays her eyes to where the pain is, her eyes widen.
"my Leg! GahhhhH!" Mokou screams as it kept disintegrating. Falling to one side, she goes to grab a hold of it when she notices something more… the little black arms that is grabbing her leg, disintegrating it. The arms reached up all around her, grabbing every part of her as she tries fighting back. It being no use, as every little hand that touched her, took a part of her. Mokou screamed loud as it finally took all of her, ending the transmutation.
Marisa looked from her barrier of stuff over at the circle. "Did it work? Mokou?" she says to an empty room. Frantically looking for her friend, she looks to the middle of the circle. There lay a small doll, moving around like a fish out of water. A smile twitched up along her mouth as she gets out from it. "it did work… Mokou! Where are you? It worked! Come se-!" she stops yelling as the doll, who's eyes stareing up at her yells out a sqeakish cry of pain as a fire comes from nowhere, burning it to a crisp. "no.. no. No!" Marisa crys as she scoops up the remains of the doll. Her attraction then turned to the lack of response of Mokou. She began looking though her house, calling out to her though her tears of failing to make her gift for Alice.
Mokou finds herself standing in a white void and looks around, she sees a large black door, with some weird stuff one it… and behide her, a pure white figure. It looked up at her and smiled.
"Well hello." Said the figure, sitting in a crouched position, with one foot blocking anything to be seen of the nether regions… that being there was nothing to really see. The other leg was bent up enough to rest one arm on it.
Mokou steps back from the figure, ready for anything to happen. "who are you?" she askes carefully.
"Oh I am so glad you asked." It said cheerfully, raising its arm above it's head. "I am what you would call 'the world' or 'the universe' or 'god' or 'truth' or 'all' or 'one' and…" it pauses, raising a hand toward her and pointing. "I'm you." As it finishes saying that, the black door like thing floating behide her opens with a large eye stareing out at her and the black arms coming out to grab her. The figure watches as Mokou struggle to get away. "Welcome …you arrogant fool." Mokou screams as she claws her self toward the out ward parts of the doors, the little black hands all-round her now. "Hush little one. This is what you been longing for, isn't it?" it says, not moving a finger. "I will show you the Truth." Being the last thing it says to her as the doors close.
Pure Information. Information poring into her head. Mokou yells out in pain as she sees it all, everything that is and was. She looks ahead and reaches out for something, anything. Her body starts to disengage as she searches for something. Something then grabs her wrist. Mokou looks up to see what it is and her eyes widen. The thing that had grabbed her was forming... and not into just anything, it was her. She starts to yell as it takes her head, shutting her up. Then as like it all started, it ended. Mokou was standing in the white void once more. She looks around in shock and surprise.
"How was it?" the figure asked.
"It..it was like I understood everything… wow.." Mokou says going to her knees. I saw something there.. I-I Have to go back, let me see it again!" she yells, getting back to her feet and puts her hands to the door.
"Nope, I can't." it says.
"Why not?" she yells at it, lighting her hands on fire.
"It's all I can show you for the toll you have paid." It says to her calmly.
"What toll?" she says to it. She then feels a sharp pain in her legs. She looks down, letting the flames go out as she sees the horrible sight of her legs disintegrating again. She falls to her face as it quickly eats them up. She looks up as she sees the figure getting her bare legs… and more, her hips was just taken and appearing on the figure.
"It's called equivalent exchange." It says grinning at her, it getting her chest, then neck.
The last thing Mokou see's it it get her face. She had turned to nothing.
"It's sad. She had such a nice figure for a human." It says about to turn toward the gate. It stopped though and looks back at the left over clothing, seeing something not even it expected. Mokou was reforming, just as quickly as she disappeared to nothing. "Well this is interesting." It says sitting down, it's new silver hair blocking view of its new puffy bosom. "Not very often is it that someone comes back.. Are you immortal?" it asked as Mokou coughs and chokes for air.
Mokou looks at her at it and shivers, catching her breath. She blushes a bit, seeing now a naked woman… no just any naked woman, it was her. She couldn't wrap her head around it. How could this be?
"You are wondering how? I wonder too. You have to be immortal to have come back. Now I can't send you back though. It's to dangerous with the info you have in your head." It says shifting her hand to block the view of her lower half.
"What? You won't send me back?" she yells in a coughing wheeze. She claws her self up to a standing position and glares at her look alike.
"Yes, with the information you have, you could throw everything off in gensokyo." It says quietly."But I can't very well send you anywhere else with your powers as they are. Oh! I know." It snaps it's fingers and then opens the door again. "I do hope you enjoy this place."
"Huh?" she says as she feels weird. She then looks and see the hands of the door come out at her and grabs her. "Gahhh! No!" she yells as she gets dragged into the gate, the figure waving at her as she goes. She closes her eyes, not wanting to feel the pain again… but nothing came. She opens her eyes again, and finds herself in an alley. She looks around and sees a man, stareing at her.
"Well now, not everyday a lovely lady pops out of no where." The man says about her.
Mokou stares at the man; he was wearing some black shaded glasses with hair spiked upward. Having on a sleeveless jacket on with fully stuff on the shoulders, it being open showing a skin tight shirt with black jeans. His wrists seem banded with a belt or something and on his Left hand a tattoo with a wing snake eating its tail. "w-who are y-you?" she asks the man.
The man grins, holding a hand out to her. "The name's Greed." He says to her.
To be contused.
Well thank you for reading; I hope this was entertaining for you. Please come back for chapter two n.n