Warnings: MAJOR OOC-ness, AU, language, citrus/lime (that scene isn't detailed, really. XD)

Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, I wouldn't be writing in this segment now, would I?

A/N: thank you to all those who faved and/or reviewed on either of the last 3 chapters! they did a lot for my confidence. :D

: i also decided to switch to first person POV here. i think it'll come out better that way.

: and since this is POV style again, emphasis is on italicized words. *asterisks* are used for emphasis when talking. :3

: this is also the going to be last chapter for the Consequences series. Thanks to all those who supported and encouraged me to get on with this! it's the first multi-chapter story i've EVER finished. \(^w^)

: with all that said, Chapter 4, SUTAATO! ~\(^O^)/~

[ Shinichi POV ]

And Kaito did disappear from my life after that.

I never saw him again, and a part of me was pretty sure that he had transferred schools. Or, at least, he was avoiding me.

What bothered me the most was the feeling of... emptiness in me. It was like a big hole had been ripped out of my heart when he scrammed from my place that day. I tried to remedy it, and I actually tried to make friends, and it was okay and all, a good way to kill time...

But they weren't Kaito.

The days seemed to just pass by, and I wasn't even aware of the date anymore. It felt like I was just existing, an insignificant background to the more important things happening around me.

By the time I actually checked the calendar, two weeks had passed since he left.

My mind still strays to that last day together from time to time, although I try not to think about it. It hurts to think about it. About Kaito. About how right and oh-so-good it felt to have his body pressed against me, his lips on mine...

Ah, there it goes. The painful pang in my heart.

I have got to stop thinking about it.

...Or else I'm going to end up going to ridiculous lengths just to the guy again, regardless of where he may be.

[ Kaito POV ]

After the whole thing with Shinichi, my life returned to its usual pace. It was just as it was: fun, enjoyable.

But that's just it.

With Shinichi, I had a heck of a lot more fun, and I didn't need to do things like pranking people to enjoy the day. Heck, I don't even tell my usual jokes to the guy.

But it's too late. I ran out of his home without thinking; I left him.

If, by any twisted chance, we meet again, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll pretend I'm not there. Actually, I'm actually expecting it.

I'm sure he hates me. He does. I just know it. I know it because I hate myself right now.

It's too late to try to fix this. It's my mess, my fault, my recklessness that caused all this. I jumped at the chance of being able to have him by my side, conscious or not. I let my guard down, and I ended up feeling and doing things I've never even thought about. Even worse, I kissed him, then left him like that.

I could still see it: his brows furrowed, his deep blue eyes confused, his soft lips quivering, his face deep red, his breath shallow and quick... How he looked when I left. There was so much pain and fear in those features; I despise myself for doing something that made him make that face.

Maybe I should apologize. Yeah. Maybe. It's probably the right thing to do. Clear things out. Ask him to just pretend we never met. Then his life would go back to normal.

What the heck. I don't really need to, do I? His life is probably back to normal now, as perfect as it was before I forced myself into it. If I show up again, it would only mess things up.

So I'll stay put. Yeah. It's for the best.

[ Shinichi POV ]

This is wrong. So freaking wrong.

But I want to know. I'm sure there's a big risk of being thrown out, or worse, being ignored, but if there's even the slightest chance, I'll grab it with both hands.

I'm sure he's here; It's Sunday after all. Late in the afternoon at that.

I pressed the doorbell, hearing the shrill ringing sound through the rapid beating of my heart.

The door opens a bit, and I instinctively hide behind one of the posts that support the gate.

"Who's there?"

His voice makes my heart beat even faster, something which I didn't think was possible. I wouldn't be surprised if I dropped dead on the spot right now from a heart attack. That would be rich.

His footsteps on the cement path.

When he sounds near enough, I take a peek at him.

He looks genuinely shocked. "Sh-Shinichi."

I nod, not trusting my voice. I look at him straight in the eye, hoping he can tell that I can't be moved from the spot unless it's to go back into his place with him.

He got my point.

He opens the gate and steps aside. "Come in."

I nod again, heart racing, my breath held, gathering my courage.

It's now or never.

[ Kaito's POV ]

The only sounds I could hear in the house was the ticking of the wall clock and the beating of my own heart in my ears.

Though I can't deny how happy I was to see Shinichi at my gate, I can't actually say that I'm comfortable with how awkward it is between us now.

But God, how I missed him. To see him now, it was like a breath of fresh air, even if I can practically feel the weight of the discomfort that's radiating from both of us.

"What did you come here for, Shin-chan?" I ask, my voice in its usual teasing tone, though there was no way that I could possibly be in the mood for teasing him.

His answer came immediately, his sapphire eyes piercing me. "To clear things out."

Well, that certainly wasn't what I had been expecting, although it did make sense. I did leave him in the dark after the whole secret thing. "Ask away then."

"There's only one thing I want to ask," Shinichi said, his gaze faltering slightly, then going back to meet my amethyst stare with much more determination. "Why did you leave me like that? And don't spew crap at me like you were just kidding and you meant nothing by it. I *saw* your face when you pulled away, Kaito. You can't just tell me that you were just teasing and expect me to believe it, not with the face you made before you left."

Oh, shit. He had noticed. Now it was my turn to falter. I struggled to find the right words, looking anywhere but at him, choking out, "I'm sorry, Shinichi, I didn't mean it, it's just that something came over me, and then I was saying stuff and then I was kissing you, and I *liked* it, for Pete's sake, but I'm not supposed to, we're both guys after all, and-"

"Kaito, shut up for a bit," he bit out. I closed my mouth immediately, shocked. "I'm going to tell you this before I say anything else." He closed his eyes, breathed in. "I liked it, too. The kiss. Which is why it hurt when you left before I could even kiss back."

Well, that was certainly... unexpected. I just knew that my mouth was hanging open again.

"I understand what you meant with all the babbling you just did. But what I want you to do now is to say it. In one sentence. Three words. I know you know what I mean, and I know that I'm right," he said. There was no trace for sarcasm or taunting in his voice. The guy was dead serious.

I'm pretty sure my face was red as a freaking tomato, but I nodded anyway, albeit hesitantly. "Shin-chan, I..." That's not it. Argh. "Shinichi, I... L-love you..." An improvement. Not the perfect confession I had in mind, but at least it's out.

Shinichi actually chuckled. Another unexpected response. This guy is just filled to the brim with surprises. "Could've been better. But at least you finally said it."

He grinned. I grinned back. And then in just a few seconds, he was in front of me, his face so close that I could feel his breath on my face. The look in those eyes... They spent shivers down my spine. But they were the good kind. Definitely the good kind.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, his face getting closer, his eyes growing darker, pushing me back into the couch... "I love you, too, Kaito," he breathed out.

I was about to say something, but then he was kissing me, kissing me like there was no tomorrow, taking advantage of my mouth being open.

Oh God, I never knew that a kiss could feel so freaking good.

[ Shinichi POV ]

I hadn't planned to do any of this; pushing him back, initiating a kiss, taking off both our clothes, pleasuring and being pleasured...

...But it felt good. Heck, it felt absolutely amazing.

Kaito quickly got over the initial shock and began at my neck, my collarbone - every part he could get that skilled mouth of his on. He teased at my nipples, down my stomach, to that aching need between my legs that was jutting out at him (embarrassingly, needless to say).

Nothing had ever felt so right in my life.

Soon he was fingering me, and then inside me, pausing for a minute, then thrusting, thrusting, and then I'm screaming. He's saying things to soothe me, but I'm not hurt at all, just that he was hitting a spot inside me with every thrust that made me see stars. We're both moving against each other, everything felt so good, so amazing...

And then we came, him inside me, me splattering both our chests. My first orgasm. Absolutely mindblowing.

We lay there, silent, a mass of entwined bodies, basking in the afterglow, before he loomed over me again, leaning in to kiss me chastely on the lips and asking, "You okay?"

"No, I'm not," I say, and he's pouting. It was a rather adorable look on him. I smile. "I'm better than just okay, Kaito. I feel great."

He grinned. "Well, that's good. Same here."

I reached up to stroke his cheek. He nuzzled into my hand.

"I hope you're fine with doing stuff like this though," he says, his eyes closed, still leaning into my hand. "Now that I have you, and we've done this, I don't plan on ever letting you go."

I smirked. "Good. I don't plan on letting you go, either."


[ Shinichi POV ]

Kaito transferred to my school during the next term. Although we weren't classmates, we spent a lot of time together, and with him around, I actually gained a lot more friends than I ever dreamed of.

Because of this, of course, he gets jealousy attacks a lot, but it's easily remedied by a little squeeze of the hand, or a reassuring glance, and sometimes, a quick kiss.

A lot of our schoolmates even thought us as twins, since we are pretty similar physically... Except maybe for the hair and eyes, and Kaito's goofy grin. But I have to agree though.

Oh. Rumors of us being an item were there, of course. Kaito proudly admits to this, but everyone thinks he's just joking. I, on the other hand, never really admit to it. Not because I'm ashamed. No. If they want to know for sure, they have to find that out for themselves.

My secret remained a secret. No one ever found out about my fandom. But honestly, I couldn't care less about that now; I have Kaito with me after all. Besides, if he, someone I never really thought of before, could accept me like we had known each other forever, then my parents really wouldn't mind, would they?

Although the ordeal brought about a lot of embarrassment and confusion and pain and whatnot, it was worth it. I got Kaito. That makes up for everything.

And I never felt alone again.


That's it, guyz~

And yeah, I'm sorry for the sucky ending again. :D

ah, the lemon scene. it's not LEMON. i somehow felt like it wouldn't fit into the flow much if i made it detailed. ehehehe. :9

the Epilogue. i hope it's good enough to be called that. /

Of course, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who stuck with me 'til now, especially those who reviewed and faved and pushed me on! \(^w^)

Oh yeah, you guys know the drill. It'd be great if I got reviews for this last installment.

Again, a big THANK YOU. I'll be working on another story now. Keep your eyes peeled! ;9